The JHQ Editorial Content Recommendations

Notes to Authors
  • JHQ uses a modified version of the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRAD) guidelines to provide a framework for reporting new knowledge.
  • The modified IMRAD guidelines are a commonly used structure used to report research in scientific disciplines and include distinct categories of information: Introduction, Methods, Results, And Discussion plus Conclusions and Implications
  • Authors should consider every IMRAD item, but it may be inappropriate or unnecessary to include every IMRAD element in a particular manuscript. Use of subheadings under the IMRAD (especially in the Methods and Discussion) headings is encouraged.

Title and Abstract
  1. Title
/ The manuscript title should:
  1. Have a maximum of 15 words.
  2. Describe clearly and precisely the contents of the manuscript.
  3. Provide key words for indexing.
  4. Not include abbreviations or jargon.

  1. Abstract
/ The abstract should:
  1. Include a 200-word brief comprehensive summary addressing the following categories is recommended: background, purpose, methods, results, conclusions, implications.
  2. Identify 3-5 key words to index the manuscript.
  3. Not include references, figures, or tables.
  4. Not include information that is not in the manuscript.

Introduction: Why did you start?
  1. Problem
/ Describe the problem investigated and its related significance.
  1. Background
/ The background section should:
  1. Describe what is currently known about the problem and what gap in knowledge is being addressed in the manuscript.
  2. Incorporate startling statistics and pertinent literature presenting logical compelling argument for why current study is needed.

  1. Purpose
/ The purpose statement should:
  1. Describe the intent of the current study.
  2. Describe the purpose of the manuscript.

Methods: What did you do?
  1. Design
/ The specific research design used for this study should be identified and must be appropriate for the research questions.
  1. Questions
/ The research questions used in this study are clearly articulated.
  1. Ethical approvals
/ The approval of an institutional review board (IRB) to conduct the study is required and must be addressed in the manuscript narrative. Additionally, the IRB number for the study must be specified.
  1. Sample
/ The sample used in the study must be specified along with the sampling methods used to procure participants in the study.
  1. Setting
/ The setting from which participants in the study were selected is provided. A brief overview of the setting is included.
  1. Procedures
/ The steps used in the protocol for the study should be itemized in such a way that others could replicate the study.
  1. Data collection
/ All measures used to collect data in the study are introduced along with a statement of what they measure as well as their validity and reliability. When using experimental research designs, it is helpful for authors to explicitly identify the independent and dependent variables and the correlating measures/instruments used.
  1. Data analysis
/ A brief yet specific data analysis procedure used to draw inferences from the data in the study is specified. Analysis with enough detail is provided so that others could replicate the study. In this section, it does not suffice to state that a certain statistical analysis package was used.
Results: What did you find?
  1. Findings
/ The results section of the manuscript does not provide an interpretation of the findings from the study rather it presents a complete report of the findings.
Findings from the study are reported in a sequential manner:
  1. Demographics- Results of the demographic data from the study are presented in the narrative with a potential table also used for this purpose.
  2. Findings- The results for each of the research questions are reported.
Tables and figures may be used to supplement the findings narrative section. When used, tables and figures must follow AMA Manual of Style guidelines.
  1. Limitations
/ Specific limitations associated with this study are specified. Factors that might have limited internal validity such as confounding variables, bias, research design, sample size, measurement or analysis are presented.
Discussion: What do the findings mean?
  1. Discussion
/ The discussion section:
  1. Incorporates an interpretation of findings.
  2. Addresses what the most important findings of the study mean.
  3. Relates findings of the study to others in the literature i.e., do they agree or contradict previous findings.
  4. Discusses possible reasons for both expected and unexpected findings.
  5. Avoids overgeneralizations.

Conclusions: What can you conclude based on the findings?
  1. Conclusions
/ The conclusions section:
  1. Provides synthesis of key points described in the manuscript including evidence for all conclusions.
  2. Provides emphasis for why findings of the study matter.

Implications: How could the study findings be translated into practice or policy?
  1. Implications
/ The implications section:
  1. Identifies ways the study findings can be used to improve the quality of care delivery in a variety of settings.
  2. Identifies ways the study findings could be used to develop policies that will improve the quality of care delivery.
  3. Explores future research needed on the problem of study to further develop our understanding of the topic inclusive of next steps.
  4. Presents a compelling closure to the manuscript.

Other Information
  1. References
/ All references cited within the manuscript are:
  1. Included at the end of the manuscript using AMA format.
  2. Current (preferably within the last 5 years) with historical references used as needed.
  3. Scholarly references are preferred with other references used when appropriate.

  1. Funding
/ The sources of funding that supported the study are reported. These funding sources are included in the separate manuscript title page (please review journal author guidelines and also reported in the separate copyright transfer agreement.

Last Updated: July 28, 2016