Handover pack

UCSU Club NameClick here to enter text.



1.Useful Information

1.1 Check list

1.2 UCSU Sports Clubs Resources

1.3 Publicising your UCSU Sports Club

1.3.1 UCSU.org Mini-Site

1.3.2 Facebook

1.3.3 Twitter

2.Code of Conduct

2.1 The Sports Club Committee will

2.2 The UCSU Sports Federation will

33 Year Club Development plan

3.1 Sports Club Goals

3.2 Proposed Competition and Teams

3.2.1 BUCS Team Entries

3.2.2 BUCS Travel

3.2.3 External Competition (inc. BUCS Individual Championships)

3.3.1 Proposed Training Sessions

3.3.2 Projected cost of External Venue

3.4 Proposed Coaching

3.5 Proposed Budget

4.Equipment Inventory

1.Useful Information

1.1 Check list

To ensure your Club continues to be affiliated to the University of Chichester Students’ Union (hereafter called UCSU or the Students’ Union) you must have:

1)Ahandover meeting with the Sports Co-ordinator and the Vice-President/Sports Federation President

2)A Student-led committee of at least three students elected in your Sports Club AGM to run your Club(minimum essential roles are President, Treasurer, and Secretary)

3)Completed the 2015-16 feedback questionnaire

4)A signed code of conduct which outlines what is expected of your club and also what you can expect from the Students’ Union in supporting your Club

5)Completed the Training Session Request form

6)Completed the Budget Proposal (assistance can be given with this)

7)Completed the Equipment Inventory Form (section 5.5 )

8)Committed to the Sports Charter (this will be signed at your training in September 2016)

1.2UCSU Sports Clubs Resources

Additional information and resourcesaimed at supportingthe running of your Sports Club from sponsorship guidance to activity proposal forms can be found on our UCSU website (

1.3Publicising your UCSU Sports Club

There are many ways you can promoteyour Sports Club including our UCSU.org website and social media such as Facebook or TwitterInstagram, SnapChat, etc. It is a great was to publicise upcoming events or to advertise achievements to new members or the local community. However, please be aware of what you are posting as you are representing the Students’ Union, the University and most importantly yourselves!

1.3.1UCSU.org Mini-Site

To update your information on your UCSU.org mini-site please forward the information on a word document to the Sports Co-ordinator () and it will be updated as soon as possible.


Facebook is a quick an easy way for you to communicate with your members. Please make sure thatAdam Sewell Sports Co-ordinatoris a member of your group and that all pages / groups are named as UCSU <insert sports club name>as this will make accounts easierfor students to find and creates a uniform identity amongst clubs’ pages.


Twitter is a great tool to publicise BUCS scores or post pictures of events. Make sure you follow SU Sports @SU_Sportsand that any account is named UCSU <insert sports club name>.Please also use the hastag #WSIHE to keep us updated with events / news

2.Code of Conduct

This code of conduct is to be adhered to in conjunction with the UCSU Constitution, By-Laws and Equality and Diversity Policy.

All committee members must read, agree to and abide by this code of conduct and be aware of the repercussions of any breaches prior to the club president, secretary and treasurer signing the document on behalf of the club.

2.1 The Sports Club Committee will

  • Make a commitment to provide a quality service to all club members
  • Fulfil committee rolesto the best of their ability(role and responsibility descriptions can be found at
  • Attend all training sessions held by SU Sports
  • Act professionally and responsibly in all matters regarding their Club and the Students’ Union and treat members, fellow committee members, Students’ Union officers and staff with respect at all times
  • Promote and facilitate the activities and interests of the Club above their own especially where these are inconsistent with the constitution of the Club.
  • Ensure their duty of care to their members within all activities undertaken by the Club whilst working within the Health and Safety guidelines of the Students’ Union and the University
  • Support and abide by to the Sports Charter (aimed at tackling homophobia, bi-phobia and trans-phobia in sport)
  • Abide by the Students Union’s Equalityand Diversity Policy and not discriminate against any members or potential members on the base of their age, disability, care responsibilities, cultural origin, employment status, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, political beliefs, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, , social class, trade union activity, unrelated criminal convictions, or any other relevant distinction
  • Shall abide by the University and the Students’ Union’s Social media policies and act responsibly in the presentation of their-selves and the Club thereon.

2.2 The UCSU Sports Federation will

  • Provide support and aid in the development of the club
  • Provide training in committee roles and relevant changes in policies
  • Advise and assist the club on matters relating to the club and its members
  • Work with the University of Chichester and Chichester Institute of Sport to ensure adequate training and match facilities as well as the opportunity for all students to participate in sport.
  • Liaise with National Governing Bodies and Sport Bodies as required
  • Provide support in the organisation of BUCS fixtures and external competitions as required

I declare that I have read and understood the above Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it and the directives outlined in the other documents to which it refers.

Club President Club Secretary

Print Name:Print Name:



Club TreasurerSports Federation President

Print Name:Print Name:




33 Year Club Development plan

3.1Sports Club Goals

In setting you goals for your Sports Club for the upcoming academic year make sure they are balanced and that there is a goal that relates to each of the following four areas: Participation, Diversity, Quality and Resources. This year we are getting you to think about a more long term plan and were you ultimately want your club to be in 3 years’ time.

Year 3 | 2018/19
<Insert Ultimate Goal>
Year 2 | 2017/18
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Year 1 | 2016/17
Year 1 Goals / Who is taking the lead? / How are you going to measure your success? / When are you planning to complete the goal?
Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
Goal 4


3.2Proposed Competition and Teams

If your club competes in BUCS please complete sections 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3.

If your club does not compete in weekly BUCS competition please skip to section 5.2.3.

BUCS Individual Championships 2016/17 in Sheffield should be included in section 5.2.3.

3.2.1 BUCS Team Entries

Do you wish to compete in BUCS next year? Is so please complete the following table:

Team Name / Description
(e.gMen’s 1st Team) / Are they a new team for 2016/17?

#Please note any new team needs to be approved by the Sports Federation prior to entry into BUCS.

3.2.2 BUCS Travel

How are your teams planning to travel to your weekly BUCS matches?(Please note in the table if you are able to drive).

Team Name / Description
(e.g Men’s 1st Team) / Type of travel (coach / cars / train)

3.2.3 External Competition (inc. BUCS Individual Championships)

If you are planning to compete in any competitions outside of the weekly BUCS competitions please provide details below:

Name of Competition / Date of competition / Location of competition / Approx. number of members attending / Approx. entry cost / Travel cost

3.3.1 ProposedTraining Sessions

Due to a high volume of Sports Clubs each club is allocated a minimum of 1.5 hours of training time in an appropriate venue.

As we have now reached a maximum number of teams we may not be able to accommodate any changes to the 2015/16 timetable for the 2016/17 academic year.

Facilities required for training (delete or add were needed):

Team / Venue Name
(inc external) / Day / Time / BUCS Team?
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3

3.3.2Projected cost of External Venue

If you are proposing to use an external venue please complete the table below:

Number of weeks / Does this include reading week? / Cost per session / Total cost of session for year
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3

3.4 Proposed Coaching

Please provide details below of your proposed coach/trainer/instructor:

3.5Proposed Budget

Balance brought forward from 2015/16 (TBC by Sports Federation): £……….

Income / Amount / Notes
Club Membership Fees / <Please provide breakdown>
Club Session Fees
(Contribution to coaching costs / Non BUCS Match Fees) / <Please provide breakdown>
Unrestricted grants/sponsorship
Fundraising direct to club
Individual Repayments
(NGB Affiliation / Competition entries / Fines)
Any Other Income
UCSU or UoC Funding
Income Total
Club Expenditure / Amount / Notes
Club Equipment/Kit
Club Affiliations/Entry Fees
(BUCS / Club NGB Affiliations)
Coaching / Instruction
External Facility Hire
Non BUCS Travel cost
(inc. any friendlies)
Match Officials
(inc. any friendlies)
Individual Repayments
(NGB Affiliation / Competition entries / Fines)
Other Expenditure
Other Expenditure (Awards)
Expenditure Total
Club Balance

4.Equipment Inventory

Inventory undertaken & completed by: <Insert Name>

Position Held in Club:Insert Committee Role>

Equipment Held As At (Date): <Insert date>

Please Outline where the equipment is currently held, and by which responsible person, providing contact details etc as appropriate:

Expendable Equipment Items:

(these include for example: balls, shuttlecocks etc which have a shorter life expectancy and are likely to require regular replacement)

Description of Item / Quantity / Estimated Value (£)

Capital Equipment Items:

(these are items that should remain in the Club indefinitely and they form part of the Students’ Union’s assets and are on loan to the Club. Any such items that become damaged, unusable/unsafe due to wear & tear, etc. should be reported and returned to the Sports Administrator to allow correct disposal and relevant adjustment to be made to the Club Inventory)

Description of Item / Quantity / Estimated Value (£) / When is the item likely to be required to be replaced?

To enable Sports Federation to review the kit and equipment, all kit must be handed into the Students Union before the end of term.