North Area Neighborhood Development CouncilPublic Safety CommitteeFinal Report for January 2005
Approved by the full Councilat its February 3, 2005, Meeting
Resident and stakeholder complaints about problem locations and other public safety issues in the North Area Neighborhood Development Council area for the month of January 2005.
The list below is the final priority chronic public safety and nuisance problem locations reported by residents within the boundaries of the North Area Development Neighborhood Council through the end of January, 2005.
The boundaries of the council are: 10 Freeway to Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, and Figueroa to Western from the 10 Freeway to Jefferson and Figueroa to Arlington from Jefferson to Martin Luther King. The council refers to city agencies the determination of the extent or validity of stakeholder complaints, although it has made a reasonable effort to eliminate frivolous ones.
Photographs are included in separate PDF files of locations on private property, and some city property, reported for City Council Districts 1 and 8.
Homeless issues.At the December 2 council meeting under the public safety point there was discussion of the need to bring city resources into the council area to aid the homeless. Various speakers pointed to both the need to provide housing, mental health, and medical services for the homeless, as well as the dangers for the broader community of having untreated persons with serious mental disorders living on neighborhood streets, especially next to elementary schools and children's parks. It was proposed to invite a presentation to the council at a future meeting by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.
Next Public Safety Committee Meeting: Thursday, February 17, at 7:00 pm at the St. Marks Lutheran Church, 3651 S. Vermont Avenue at the corner of 36th Place. Parking is available in the lot behind the church. Enter from the parking lot.
City Council District 1 (Ed Reyes)
- Homeless next to SalvinElementary School, in walkway just north of Budlong Tunnel (between Washington Blvd. and the 10 Freeway on Budlong. See photo). One or more homeless people have been living in the walkway next to the school for at least five months. Councilman Ed Reyes' office succeeded in having this walkway cleared on Friday January 7.
In a routine check on January 16 the homeless were back. Still there in observation of February 6 (see photo).This is our current highest priority because the encampment is against the fence of an elementary school for developmentally disabled children. - 1744 W. 22nd Street (see photos). This house has been on our list since October 2003 because of packrat storage of large amounts of industrial junk on the property. Despite removal of large amounts the remaining junk is unacceptable. The owner has moved out and rents the property. After a September 13, 2004, hearing the owner was ordered to put on a new roof, which he has done, but the front and side yard remain filled with junk. Unchanged in observation of February 6, 2005.
- 2301 S. Vermont Avenue: storage yard on south side of 23rd Street west of Vermont Avenue (see photo).Placed on our list in July 2004: A storage yard filled with junk carsand scrap materials. This yard is due west of a small unmarked building with no entrance from 23rd Street. Our information is that the locked yardis part of the property of the Salvadoran restaurant,El Migueleños,at 2301 S. Vermont. Photo taken February 6, 2005.
Problem has been reported to Building and Safety – Jan De Andrade will report back.Some of the junk was removed in December 2004. - Gated alley between 23rd and 24th Streets just west of Vermont Avenue (see photo). Placed on our list in December 2004, this alley is filled with trash and abandoned vehicles. Photo taken February 6, 2005.
- Mr. X Bar & Restaurant, at1427 W. 24th Street (see photo). The bar had a permit to sell alcohol, but police and neighbors say it is a gathering spot for the Harpys gang. A zoning revocation hearing was held January 12, 2004, where residents, police officers, staff of Councilmember Ed Reyes, and Public Safety Committee members testified.
Zoning Administrator Nicholas Brown has ordered the building returned to noncommercial residential use. The owner is appealing. It is now one year since the zoning hearing and no resolution appears to have been made of this problem. - 1481 W. 25th Street (see photos). Second backyard of this property, on Catalina Street facing 2413 Catalina, has decayed willow mat shielding the chain link that permits view of shabby storage materials in yard. Could be rectified by replacing willow matting. Photos taken July 4, 2004. Observation of January 16, 2005, showed no change.
Has been reported to Building and Safety by Jan De Andrade. - 1655 W Adams Blvd (see photo). Partially burned house left unrepaired for more than 10 years. The Neighborhood Prosecutor program informs us that the owner has been in court several times over many years with this property but that the courts have in each case offered lengthy extensions for making repairs.
This property is under abatement orders from the Citywide Nuisance and Abatement Program (CNAP). It changed hands in December, 2003, but the orders remain in force. The new owner has appeared before the Historic Preservation Overlay Zone Design Review Board that has jurisdiction for this area on external appearance and refused to agree to implement the reconstruction plan negotiated with the previous owner, saying he would appeal, but has failed to schedule any further meeting with the HPOZ board. Both CNAP and the HPOZ board have substantial jurisdiction here. The City Attorney in charge is Amy Brothers (310-575-8421). Current photos are as of June 19 and Sept 12, 2004. The owner has been prosecuted and sentenced to do community service and fined $3000, but has not undertaken any repairs on the property. No change in observation of January 16, 2005.
City Council District 8 (Bernard Parks)
- 2615 S Raymond Avenue (see photo). This property was on our list from September 2003 through March 2004 because it was used as a haven for drug dealers affiliated with the Rolling 20s Bloods street gang. It consists of five buildings each containing 2 units. Only the southmost apartment has been the problem.One gang member was murdered in front of this apartment in December 2003. On Saturday, November 13, 2004, gang members and supporters were holding a baby shower at this apartment when members of a rival gang fired assault weapons into the apartment, killing alleged gang member Jimmy Davis, and wounding one or more of the women and possibly a toddler attending the shower. In the aftermath, the Rolling 20stook control of the 2600 Block of Raymond Avenue for four days. The owner has filed eviction papers against the gang-involved tenant and the Neighborhood Prosecutor program has agreed to monitor this eviction until it is successfully concluded.
NOTE: The owner has provided the name and phone number of his eviction attorney to nearby residents and is asking for witnesses of nuisance behavior by the tenant.
- RV parking at southwest corner of Adams Blvd and Van Buren Place, and sometimes on 27th Street just east of Normandie Avenue (see photos). Two residents assert that person living in RV is selling drugs from this vehicle, California license 035GAO (plates are current through March 2005). Residents are asking that police check out the vehicle. Photos as of January 30, 2005.
- 1886 W. Adams Blvd. (see photos). Derelict building, attached to a house behind, through which gang members and transients have been able to gain entrance. Property now owned by HUD. Secured from Adams Blvd, but accessible through alley to west between La Salle and Harvard. Photo of July 13 shows gang graffitiinside the fence line at the alley with easy access to the HUD property. This is part of transient and crime problems associated with recycling center at 1885 W. Adams Blvd., including many armed robberies of pedestrians on Adams Blvd. in August, September, and early October (these are now halted due to intense police intervention).Alley access not secure as of observation of January 16, 2005, and gang graffiti still on buildings in alley.
Jan De Andradehas refered to Problem Property section, to special city attorney who deals with HUD properties. - 1517 W. 28th Street (just east of Budlong) (see photos). Apartment house with boarded up broken windows, discarded furniture and trash in the driveway, and the building splotched with patchy paints of different colors. Photos as of June 19 and December 27, 2004. Conditions unchanged in observation of January 16, 2005.
Neighborhood Prosecutor Jan De Andradeis referring to the Housing Department. - 3017 S. Kenwood Avenue. This property was on our list for a large part of 2003 and 2004. It is the north half of a duplex on a residential street being used as a business with extremely prominent signage -- Sanabria's Insurance Broker. After complaints to Building and Safety the signs came down in the fall of 2004, but now are back, bigger than before, and with the addition of a large neon sign in the front window that is turned on at night. Photo as of January 30, 2005.
- 3104 S.Western Avenue recycling center (see photo). There has been an ongoing problem with homeless encampments on nearby empty lots and sidewalks, trash spilled on the street by patrons of this center, and general shabbiness. This is the worst looking of the recycling centers in the north end of our neighborhood council area. Photos as of November 13, 2004, including homeless person sleeping on sidewalk across the street from the site.
- Empty lot, Budlong and 35th Street (see photo).Placed on our list in December 2004 in response to telephone complaint from neighbor: Trash dumped at back of empty lot used for parking on west side of Budlong Ave., 1 house south of 35th Street. Not clear if lot is used by apartment units at 3503-05 S. Budlong or single family home at 3511 S. Budlong. Photo as of January 16, 2005 shows no change.
- 1711 W. 38th Street. Extreme physical deterioration of house. Inappropriate steel doors wired into front fence and between trees. Put on list in November 2004. Photos as of December 27, 2004. Observation of January 16, 2005, show no change.
Jan De Andrade will ask Building and Safety to make an inspection. - 1723 W. 38th Street. Empty house properly boarded but no front fence to secure the propery, and property fence on left side is collapsing. Added to our list in November 2004. Heavy dumping has begun on the property including desertion of shopping carts. Photos as of November 13 and December 27, 2004. Observation of January 16, 2005, showed some of the trash in the photos has been removed but different trash has been dumped on unsecured front lawn.
Jan De Andrade will ask Building and Safety to make an inspection. At minimum a vacant boarded property is required to be fenced.
Jan De Andrade will ask Building and Safety to make an inspection.- 3890 S. La Salle (see photos). Private home parking one and sometimes two 18 wheeler cabs in the backyard. Complaint from neighbors. Has been on our list since November 2003, although problem cleared up for a while at start of 2004 and returned in March 2004. Photo of January 16, 2005.
- 3954 S. Halldale (see photos). Two neighbors from different families report that this house has been boarded and deserted for more than 20 years. The house is frequently graffitied and the graffiti is left unpainted for long periods of time. Photos as of November 27, 2004, and January 16, 2005.
A closed hearing with the owner, city attorney, Building and Safety, and a Senior Lead Officer was held September 16. Being handled by Citywide Nuisance Abatement Program (CNAP) attorney Helen Yun (310-445-1715). Building and Safety proposed a staged program to rehabilitate this property, which the owner signed as having been received. She agreed to first post no tresspassing and emergency contact signs, which was done. She agreed to erect a taller fence by Friday October 22. She also agreed to secure an estimate for repairs and bringing the house up to code. In observation and photos of November 27, 2004, and January 16, 2005, new fence on right side leaves large opening and fails to secure property. Rear of property is falling down and has many unsecured openings into the house. Neighbors complain of heavy rat infestation. House heavily graffitied and new graffiti added in second week of January.
- 3975 S. Halldale (see photo). Entire front yard concreted over and used for parking. Turned over to Department of Transportation at Neighborhood Council meeting, February 5, 2004.
This property has been on our list for more than one year. Building and Safety have concentrated on illegal parking, but are not on duty in evenings and weekends when this happens. Public Safety Committee is asking B&S to shift their focus to the code requirement that 50% of a concreted front of a single family home must be physically inaccessible to parking by way of a barrier. Also to investigate the broad driveway and sliding gate at the front of this house as possibly having been installed without permits and in violation of code. This can be done during regular working hours.NOTE: In observation and photo of January 16, 2005, vans usually parked in this yard have been replaced by an illegally parked 18 wheeler cab.
Problems Resolved Since Last Report or while this report was in process of being finalized.
Resolved in January 2005
- The Public Safety committee has complained to the County Health Department numerous times that the Ralphs market at the corner of Adams Blvd and Vermont Avenue has been putting dirty shopping carts directly back into service after being picked up on nearby streets. The market has now purchased a full set of locking-wheel shopping carts to replace its entire stock.
- 2619 S. Raymond Avenue. This is a single family house with two separate units in the back. Illegally occupied by gang members in November after a shooting next door. Problem has not resurfaced since then.
- 1460 W. Jefferson Blvd.Duplex commercial building occupied by a notary and car stereo business on the east side and by a restaurant on the west. Complaint at September 16, 2004, public safety committee meeting by local residents that Harpys gang members were active at this location and the restaurant was applying for a liquor permit that the community opposed. Senior Lead Officer Gary Cantu has gotten the owner of the notary shop to evict the Harpys, who were using his shop to sell equipment. The restaurant has changed owner and does not intend to apply for a liquor permit.
- 3842 S. Van Ness Avenue. Complaint by neighbor of excessive junk stored on porch and in front yard. Added to our list in November 2004. Observation of January 16, 2005, indicated most junk had been removed.
Dropped in January 2005 as Intractable
- Vendors at WeemsElementary School (Budlong and 36th Place – see photo). Complaints from stakeholders that illegal vendors set up across the street from the school in the morning and afternoon and endanger elementary school children who run across the street to buy things and risk being hit by cars on the street. This was reported to LAPD, but the Public Safety Committee does not have the personnel to monitor the situation at the hours when vendors are present.
Resolved in December 2004
- Homeless next to SalvinElementary School, in walkway just north of Budlong Tunnel (between Washington Blvd. and the 10 Freeway on Budlong. See photo). One or more homeless people have been living in the walkway next to the school for at least four months. Photo was taken December 27, 2004.Councilman Ed Reyes' office succeeded in having this walkway cleared on Friday January 7.
- 1455 W. 24th Street-23rd Street end of lot. Commercial lot on a residential street running through from 24th to 23rd. 23rd St end of the lot is being used by a family in the apartment house immediately to the west as an outdoor barbecue, patio, and storage area. Order to comply was issued on March 9, 2004. Some of the storage was then removed. Remaining material visible from the street was still unsightly. Better tarps hiding storage were put in place in December 2004. Still pretty substandard by we are removing it from our complaint list as improved.
- 1573 W. Adams Blvd., El Molino delicatessen. Inoperable vehicle and scrap metal storage behind store, on Budlong Avenue visible from residential street, shed in bad condition. Put on our list in July 2004. Observation of December 27, 2004, showed disabled vehicle and junk storage removed. Shed still shabby, but we are removing this property from our list.
- 1443 W. Jefferson Blvd.Complaint at September 16, 2004, public safety committee meeting by a group of local small business owners that this recently opened machine repair business is dumping oils and solvents into the street and is the source of a bad chemical smell that reaches the whole block. Property was visited by Attorney Jan De Andrade and has been relatively okay. Public Safety representative spoke to one complainant and situation has improved.
Resolved in November
- 1523-25 W 23rd Street (see photos). Roofing company on residential street with entrances on both 22nd Street and 23rd Street. Property is shabby, graffitied, with visible trash and apparent junk storage. Jan De Andrade reported to Nov. 18 public safety meeting that graffiti has been cleaned and there are no citable violations at this location.
Resolved in October
- City Cleanup of the Elegant Manor.On Thursday, October 28, City Councilman Martin Ludlow, joined by FirstAMEChurch pastor Cecil Murray and Deputy City Attorney Jan De Andrade conducted a press conference on the steps of the Elegant Manor at 3115 W. Adams Blvd. while 15 city tow trucks completed the towing of 33 inoperable vehicles from this blighted property. In the days before, more than 20 tons of trash and debris had been removed from the site by city workers.The Elegant Manor has been a major public safety and nuisance property in this part of the city for several decades. It was the site of a double murder of two Latino teenagers by gang members holding a party on the property on January 31, 2004.
- Dumping in Budlong Tunnel. This is a chronic problem, which flared up again in August 2004, but has been much improved in September and the first half of October.
- Homless encampment in alley between LaSalle and Harvard from Adams Blvd south to 27th Street. This is a chronic problem related to the proximity of the recycling center at 1885 W. Adams. There were many robberies of pedestrians on Adams Blvd. near this location at knife and gun point through much of the summer. The robberies came under control in early October with the arrest of several perpetrators and the homeless encampment has been dispersed for the moment.
Problems dropped in October for lack of possible current action
- Dangerous toys being sold by ice cream trucks. Complaint by 35th Street Block Club at May 6 Neighborhood Council meeting. Resident displayed items sold to an 8-year-old by an ice cream truck driver: included a realistic metal replica of an automatic pistol and "toy" paper cigarettes. Reason dropped: There is no law against selling otherwise legal objects from an ice cream truck. The recent city ordinance against selling replica guns is a civil law and there can be a lawsuit but not an effective prosecution.
- 2800 S. Vermont, Leonardo's Club. Complaint from several members of the Budlong-Jefferson Block Club of excessive noise, drunkenness, public urination, excessive parking on nearby streets. Neighborhood prosecutor says local residents need to call police when problems are taking place to establish a record. Until the record exists no action can be taken by the city.
- 1034 W. Leighton. Los Angeles Transition Center, Inc. This group home in a single family house is a center of opposition by neighbors because of loud noise by residents, alleged hanging out on the sidewalk, and excessive parking. Seven observations by public safety committee members have shown no improper activity, but during calls to the public safety by neighbors complaining about the group home, extremely loud singing could be heard in the background. Neighbors have been informed that they must call the police and build up a record of nuisance problems before action can be taken by Building and Safety or the City Attorney. We will reconsider this property if that happens in the future.
- Liquor Stores. In response to a complaint from a board member of the Neighborhood Council we have had three liquor stores on our list for a number of months. These are: Lucky Liquor Store, 2109 W. Martin Luther King Blvd.; Century Liquor, 3894 S. Western Avenue at 38th Street.; and Right On Market, 3798 Arlington at Rodeo. The deputy city attorney and the police inform us that there are not sufficient reports of crimes that can be linked to these stores to validate any city action at this time. Local residents should maintain vigilance and report problems immediately to the police when they occur.
- Recycling Centers: There have been many complaints about four recycling centers, at 3762 S. Normandie (resolved at the end of 2003), 1329 W. Jefferson Blvd., 1885 W. Adams Blvd., and 3104 S. Western Ave.These businesses are by their nature dirty and noisy, more so than any other businesses permitted continguous to residential blocks. Drug dealing and street crime are almost perpetual problems in their immediate vicinity. After extensive consultations with the police and the Neighborhood Prosecutor it appears that unless the city changes its laws to prohibit these businesses they will remain a center of crime and blight while not themselves breaking any enforceable law. We are leaving one on our list, at 3104 S. Western, because it is the most unsightly of the group and there may be citeable conditions at the location itself.
North Area Neighborhood Development Council - Public Safety Committee Final Report for January 2005