Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 1st June 2015 in the Parish Council Meeting Room
1. To Elect a Chairman for the ensuing year: Mr Price asked members for nominations for a Chairman for the ensuing year. Mr Narborough proposed that Mr Alan Evans continue in his role as Chairman of the Planning Committee, this was seconded by Mr Clapham, there being no other nominations this was unanimously agreed.
2. Present: Mr A Evans, Mr B Clapham, Mr D Price, Mr K Reynolds, Mr M Narborough and Mrs M Kirby (Assistant Clerk).
Apologies: Mrs D Gotts, Mr D Steward-Brown and Mrs T Cornwell (Clerk)
3. To confirm the Minutes of the last Meeting held on 27th April 2015: These were proposed as a correct record by Mr Price, seconded by Mr Clapham, with one abstention all other members were in favour and they were signed by the Chairman.
4. To record declarations of any interests: None
5. To receive questions from the public: None present
6. To discuss Planning Applications received and notifications of the Borough Council Applications for Grant or Refusal:
& 15/00721/LB
Warren Farm, Sandy Lane, South Wootton.
Conversion of former agricultural use barn to a residential dwelling
Decision: Support the application – as long as all conditions are met regarding a satisfactory report on Wildlife.
The Landings, 53 Castle Rising Road, South Wootton
Removal of existing sun room and construction of single storey extension and alterations to roof structure to provide additional accommodation
Decision: Support the application
The Borough Council has GRANTED Planning Permission for the following Applications:
No 15/00302/F
36 Avon Road, South Wootton
Single storey extension to form sun room and games room
No 15/00369/F
Farmend, 89 Nursery Lane, South Wootton
Garage extension to form study office area.
No 15/00524/F
Tall Trees, 51 Sandy Lane, South Wootton
Side, porch and roof infill extensions
No 15/00024/TPO
Sylvan House, 116 Nursery Lane South Wootton
T1 Sycamore Tree and T2 Ash Tree – Remove to reduce wind throw hazard
The Borough Council has REFUSED Planning Permission for the following Applications:
No 15/00018/TPO
88 Nursery Lane, South Wootton
Remove declining tree (consent refused to remove tree, but approval has been given to the reduction by 1.5m and remove dead wood and sever ivy.
Application by Palm Paper Limited for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Palm Paper 3 CCGT Power Station, Kings Lynn: Mrs Kirby informed members that following the submission of the applicant’s responses to the Rule 17 letter of 2nd April 2015, the Examining Authority considers that additional submissions are required from the applicant.
The Planning Inspectorate has requested the information by Deadline 5 (18th May 2015).
Public Examination of the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Pre-Submission Document (January 2015): Mr Price informed members that correspondence had been received from the Borough Council informing the Parish Council of the Notice of Examination Hearings.
He said that the document has been submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The Secretary of State has appointed Mr David Hoggar of the Planning Inspectorate to conduct the Examination.
Mr Price stated that the Examination hearings will commence at 10am on Tuesday 7th July 2015, at the Wembley Room, Lynnsport, Greenpark Avenue, Kings Lynn.
It is anticipated that the Hearing sessions will run for a total of 10 days, between 7th to 29th July 2015.
Mr Price stated that anyone interested can attend, and should contact Ms Clare Cobley, the Programme Officer, who has been appointed to assist the inspector.
Mrs Kirby said that she would endeavour to find out when matters relating particularly to South Wootton would be heard.
(Clerks Note: Clare Cobley, the Programme Officer at the Borough Council has advised that a full timetable will be published on Monday 8th June 2015).
7. Neighbourhood Plan – Choice of Examiner: Mr Price explained that NPIERS via the Borough Council has provided three suggestions of potential examiners, together with their CV’s.
All members confirmed that they had read through each of the candidates CV’s and discussed each individually.
Comment was made that one of the three, Mr Andrew Ashcroft, had recently carried out the “health check” informal review of the West Winch and North Runcton Draft Neighbourhood Plan. It was noted that the Borough Council had been impressed with Mr Ashcroft as he had a good understanding of Neighbourhood Planning.
After discussion, Mr Price proposed that Mr Andrew Ashcroft is selected as the Examiner; this was seconded by Mr Clapham with all members in favour.
Mr Price stated that whilst the Planning Committee has recommended Mr Ashcroft, he would like the CV’s of each examiner circulated to the full Parish Council so that the full Parish Council can be in agreement with the choice.
Mrs Kirby stated that she would contact Michele the Clerk to West Winch Parish Council for their view of Mr Ashcroft.
(Clerks Note: Michele has stated that Mr Ashcroft was very approachable, he visited the area and listened well. She said that Mr Ashcroft is from an area where they encourage Neighbourhood Plans.
Mr Ashcroft offered helpful advice, however he did ask them to completely change the order of the plan into different policies. (This is something that SWPC has already done).
8. Street Lighting Maintenance Contract: Mr Evans spoke regarding the renewal of the Street Lighting Maintenance Contract and the circulated quotes provided by TT Jones Electrical Ltd and K&M Lighting Services Ltd.
It was confirmed that a third quote had been requested from Rollins Electrical however they were unable to provide a quote.
Members discussed the quotes provided and whilst it was acknowledged that the quote from TT Jones Electrical Ltd looked to be slightly cheaper, there were additional costs for emergency call outs.
Members felt that the Parish Council has received a good reliable service from K&M Lighting Services Ltd for many years. It was said that the engineer lives locally and faulty lights are often repaired within a day or two. Mr Narborough proposed that the Parish Council should renew its Street Lighting Maintenance Contract with K&M Lighting Services Ltd at a cost of £4088.04 +VAT per annum; this was seconded by Mr Reynolds with all members in favour.
Request for Additional Lighting Column in Meadow Road: Mr Narborough spoke regarding the request which had been received for a new lighting column to be sited at the end of Meadow Road.
Mr Narborough said that he had visited Meadow Road on a few occasions to assess the situation. He explained the locations of the current lighting columns close by.
Members discussed the matter and generally felt that to spend money to erect a new lighting column would be unjustified. Mr Narborough proposed that the Parish Council should not spend money on a new lighting column at Meadow Road; this was seconded by Mr Evans with all members in favour.
9. To discuss Highways Issues: Mr Narborough spoke regarding the temporary traffic lights on Low Road and was disappointed that the Parish Council had not been informed of the work.
It was said that for two or three weeks there had been disruption to traffic and many signage boards have been left untidily along the road and footpaths.
Mrs Kirby said that she would contact Norfolk County Councils Highways Department to get an update regarding the works.
(Clerks Note: The work carried out by National Grid was completed on 2nd June 2015 and all signage has been removed from the site)
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40pm.
10. NEXT MEETING: Monday, 15th June 2015, in the Parish Council Meeting Room, South Wootton
15th June 2015 Chairman