Forward from Paterson’s First City Directory

According to the census taken by the Rev. Sam’l FISHER in July, 1825, the whole number of inhabitants were 5,081. There were 6 Churches and 9 Officiating Clergymen, 6 Male and 4 Female Schools containing 413 Scholars, also 3 Sabbath Schools, containing 520 children. At that time, there was in Paterson 12 Cotton Mills in full operation containing 21,992 Spindles. The annual consumption of cotton was 1,840,000 lbs.

First No. of Paterson Intelligencer published Sept. 14th, 1825. DAYBURNETT, Editors & Proprietors.

Paterson Gas Light Company chartered December 1825. A PARSONS, Esq., Pres’t.

St. Paul’s Church Paterson, consecrated Sep’t.14th, 1826. Services by the Rt. Rev. John CROES, D.D., Bishop of Protestant Episcopal Church of New Jersey.

From the Paterson Intelligencer of Aug. 30th, 1826:

Paterson price Current - corrected Weekly

Wheat Flour, per cwt. / $2.50
Rye Flour, per cwt. / 2.50
Indian Mash / 1.25
Hay / .50
Corn, per Bushel / .92-1/2
Oats, per Bushel / .31-1/2
Potatoes, per bushel / .80
Butter, per lb. / .14
Lard, per lb. / .07
Pork Salt, per lb. / .04
Cider Spirits, good, gal. / .24
Eggs, 14 for / .12-1/2

Paterson Bank closed January 9th, 1822

Morris Canal first opened for Navigation November, 1829

Clinton Bridge across the Passaic Falls was launched on 30th September, 1827. Timothy B. CRANE, Superintendent.

Sam PATCH, made his first wonderful jump off Passaic Falls on September 30th, 1827, in presence of upwards of four thousand spectators.

First Temperance Society Organized April 14th, 1930.

First ground broke for the Paterson and Hudson River R.R. by Gen. A. GODWIN, Sen., July 4th, 1831.

Rail Road completed to Acquackanonk-first cars drawn by Horses, June 6th, 1832.

First fatal case of Asiatic Cholera in Paterson, August 12, 1832. The number of Deaths from Cholera in Paterson from its first appearance to September 22nd, 1832, being its final disappearance, 139.

The corner stone of the Mechanics Institute of Paterson was laid August 8th, 1833. An appropriate address was delivered by J.S. NOBLE, Esq.

Paterson and Hudson River R.R. opened to Bergen Hill. Locomotives used November 28th, 1833.

Paterson Museum opened to the public, 21st December 1932. P. ARCHDEACON, Esq., Proprietor.

Charter of old Paterson Bank extended by act of the Legislature February 19th, 1834.

Paterson Bank recommenced business May 7th, 1834. John TRAVERS, Pres’t., Jas. M. REDMOND, Cash.

Mechanics Institute publicly opened on December 3rd, 1834. An interesting and appropriate address was delivered by Park GODWIN, Esq.

Passaic County formed from part of Bergen and Essex, February 8th, 1837.

Daniel WEBSTER visited Paterson October 24th, 1837.

The steamboat Forerunner arrived at Acquackanonk, May 20th, 1838, being the first Steamboat that ever attempted to navigate the Passaic higher than Newark.

Great freshet in Passaic River April 12th, 1830 - Water raised 10 feet above low water mark.

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