Meeting called to order.
February meeting minutes approved.
President’s Report: Judi Catherwood
- Tool boxes are on sale now through March 15. Simply log onto the PTO website to place your order.
- We are still in need of volunteers to Chair two committees - The Child Protection Program and the Ice Cream Social. Please let Judi know if you or anyone you know may be interested.
- Hot Food ordering was reopened until Midnight this week – please know there can be no exceptions after this week.
- Ladies Night Out – Save the date for this fun night out for us ladies! On May 6th come join your friends for some shopping, socializing, good food, DJ, dancing and fun. More information to come but mark your calendars now.
- We are also searching for our next PTO President to replace Judi. Please let Judi know if you or anyone you know may be interested in this position.
- Yankee Candle Fundraiser – please watch for information being sent home in the backpacks next week.
- Judi also thanked the teachers for reminding the parents to order their hot food!
Treasurer’s Report: Corrine Butler
- Memorial Book Fair earned $3,400 + $1,000 in school $$ which was given to Mrs. Falk to make selections.
- Campgaw Tubing event earned $620.
V.P.’s Report – Memorial: Brenda Esposito
- The Ice Cream Social was cancelled due to the snow and will be rescheduled for some time in April. The new date will be posted once it’s determined.
- We are still in need of Presenters for International Day. Please contact Anne Moran or Sapna Sood if you are interested.
- Our Smencils fundraiser for the 4th graders is going very well. Friday will be the last day to purchase your smencils and then we may have some available at the Ice Cream Social.
- Our kick off meeting for the 4th Grade Picnic will be held on March 15, at 7 p.m. A notice will be sent home with further details.
V.P.’s Report – Fieldstone: Rachele Campana
- The last Fieldstone Friday for our 5th and 6th graders will be held this Friday. Volunteers are needed. The event runs from 7:30-9:30 and the children need to be picked up inside the building for safety reasons.
- 8th Grade Mixer – This event is for Montvale and WoodcliffLake 8th grade students to meet and socialize, prior to entering High School in September. It will be held on April 30th at PHHS.
- 8th Grade Dance – This event will be held on June 21st. The DJ is booked, the theme has been selected and plans are underway.
- French Café – On March 26th the 5th grade will be participating in a multi disciplinary cultural experience for the French students which will give them the opportunity to share with the Spanish students what they are learning. They will be sampling French food, learning about a French cooking technique Flambé and gain business and math experience as café owners.
Corresponding Secretary – Vicki Hickey
- Vicki read a note thanking the PTO for the visiting author who was amazing, inspiring and the kids loved him! Vicki also thanked the PTO for the Book Fair!
Superintendent’s Report: Bill Belluzzi
- The MEF Challenge will be held a week from Saturday. Come out and enjoy the fun!
- The Board Meetings have been filled with public comment which is good and the input is helpful.
- The budget recommendations will be discussed publicly on Monday night. The Board will review the recommendations from the Finance Committee. We are committed to small class sizes, technology and programs.
- The High School Taxes may go down. Come out and learn more.
- On March 22nd, the Board will vote on the budget to submit to the county. Watch for Bill’s email at the end of this week.
- We count on our school community to come out and vote. The more we lose, the harder it is to recover!
- Custodial Staff – we’ve heard your concerns, and this will be reviewed Monday night as well.
- Calendar – will not be adopted for next year until April. Come to our Board Meetings and express any concerns.
Principal’s Report - Memorial: Nancy Drabik
- The March calendar from Nancy has been sent out.
- There are two early dismissals: This Thursday, and Tuesday March 16th.
- Then we’ll have Spring Recess at the end of March.
- Kindergarten Registration – please continue to spread the word to friends, neighbors, etc., that may have an incoming Kindergartener.
- Thanks to Johanna and the committee for all they do on the box tops. Mrs. Farara will be Chairing this committee next year. Thanks to all. The kids enjoy the movie!
Principal’s Report – Fieldstone: Dave Collier
- Thanks to the PTO for all that we do.
- March is an exciting month. We have:
- Career Day for the 7th and 8th Graders
- March 8th/9th – Visiting Author
- March 10th – 5th Graders go to the Lion King
- March 12th – 7th/8th Graders Snow Ball Dance
- March 16th – Conferences
- March 18th – Student Council Basketball event (students vs. faculty)
- March 18th/19th – Visiting Author Bruce Van Patter for the 5th/6th graders
- March 26th – end of 2nd Trimester
- April – Administration planning to celebrate MVP card holders (currently working on the event).
- Form Spring is a new website parents should be aware of. It’s a bulletin board (like Facebook) in which posts can be made anonymously.
- Sports Physicals – the due date was extended an additional week
Board of Education – Joan Gifas
- Joan reiterated how important it is to come out and learn about the budget. Class Moms should also pass information onto parents.
- There are two open Board seats which are 3 year positions.
- MEF Challenge is on March 13th. Sign up now and come join the fun.
PFA – Christine Bianco
- The Fashion Show will be held this year on April 29th at the Marriott. They are in need of wicker baskets.