7 May 2010 – 23 Iyyar 5770
Summoned by The Most High in the normal order of His Will, and observing all the Protocols of The Great Presence, the Horsemen were bivouacked at Ulahmon in the 316th level above Mashaturna. It is not uncommon for The Supreme Lord of Hosts to communicate with Commanders in the Field, and we maintain status for immediate adherence. When summoned in accordance with the proper order I presented myself, saluted, and The Most High greeted:
""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, Beloved Son of My Infinite Righteousness, vile things have come before me concerning the whole of the House of Joseph and the Damnations of Socialism that shall destroy the whole of humankind.
""First, an abomination of years standing and of which I shall tolerate no longer, even on your behalf, I will tolerate it no longer.
""There are those, of their own self-righteousness, of the whole of Israel and of Ishmael and of the Gentiles who suppose themselves to be of My Authority above you. Thus do they venture an hour in your Presence and assume they are free to think for you, ignore your directives because they see not the whole of them, nor the sure and certain destruction of their ignorance and set themselves above you in their own minds.
""Were they qualified to sit in your saddle, I would have given each of them a Pegasus! Were they qualified to wear your Stars of Rank, I would have sent them through the hells and horrors of destruction, that they know and understand loss, agony, death, Victory and Aftermath! Were they worthy of My Consideration in the Times of My Decisions, I would have chosen them: to carry My Battle Ensign; to assume Command of and train My Fierce Hosts of My Great Horsemen; to Teach My Righteousness to all who have ears and will hear and will obey; and to be counted among My Beloved Anointeds in their Generations. Yea! Were they qualified to dress in your armor and to fully obey My Orders without addition or deletion, I would have given each of them a Great Sword and Power and Authority and My Constant Attention.
""But they have none of these things, even those who retain My Holy Seal in their forehead, have none of these things. Those who suppose themselves to possess greater Intelligence of the Times and greater Wisdom of the Ages than you, are fools before Me, living damnations upon the Earth and counted among those who will burn forever with the Demons.
""Thus, for now and forever, any who shall so set themselves in such abomination I shall forever seek to destroy: and none shall escape My Hand of Wrath and of Indestructible Iron.""
"Sir, I ignore them except for potential harm to my Akurians. They are not worth any consideration except for the damage they may cause. I lock them in a shield of their own superiority and let their fate be determined by their own stupidity.
"Even so, Sir, I understand their Blaspheme is against Your Name and not me, although their full intent is to defame me as much as possible. Even infinite atheists want to be Your Chosen, and all real and fake christians claim to be exactly that. In their delusions, they 'have' Christ, and that 'having' gives them something to talk down their nose from towards everybody else who doesn't 'have Christ' at all, or some other doctrinal version.
"Their useless attempts a superiority are plain and simple to anyone who will look, to see. That said, nothing of such mentality excuses the Blaspheme Against You and The Holy Spirit of Truth."
""Beloved Son of My Infinite Righteousness, to be My Chosen is as simple as obeying My Holy Law – and not any religious doctrine – and is open to all who will obey My Holy Law. But such is not in the hearts of those who learn at your feet and then attempt to set themselves above your Holy Office of My Anointing. Lo! They are vile glory-seekers, walking in the ways of the lost as they walked before learning at your feet, thinking they have secured My Approval upon themselves and their vile and evil ways.
Beloved Son of My Infinite Righteousness, Righteous Teacher of My Teachers of Righteousness, who has earned the Divine Right to Rule in My Name and with My Authority in all the far reaches and Realms of all the Earths?
""Who are they in all the Earth that have borne the Ages to Wisdom that they might Rule on My Behalf? Only you, of direct consequence and experience, and those who have learned at your feet and presented themselves in array at your hand. Lo! There are none other, and among those are many still possessed of their own demons. Claiming My Approval of their Damnations, they spew, and defame, and mock and Blaspheme, knowing not that the Swords of El Aku and the Daughters of Elisha are a Living and Eternal Testimony against them and all such of their vile ilk and their evil kind.
""Who are they who speak of the Great Fall, and was present in that beginning of calamities? Only you, Beloved Son of My Infinite Righteousness. Those who have learned at your feet speak of that Great Rift of Great Destruction, and all others speak knowing lies because they were neither present nor of association with any who was present. Neither Levites, Judeans, Muslims, Catholics or Christians have any True Knowledge of that Great Separation, for their nonexistent 'lords' and 'holy ones' were not present; Yea!, of all My Anointeds in Their Generations, only Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh of Mecca was not present. Lord Horseman Immanuel, whom the Blasphemers of Semiramis, That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople, call 'Jesus' was there; but He answers not to that name of vile. You were there; your Fathers Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph were there; Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Samuel the High Priest were there; Lord Horseman Horus and Lord Horseman Hammerlin were there; and did you not slay the Demon Hakarrayman on the Landing before My Very Throne at that Great Fall of the Damned? Yea! Then who are these who speak of the Great Fall and know not anything of it? The same are Blasphemers in My Sight.
""Yea! These are those, of their own self-righteousness, of the whole of Israel and of Ishmael and of the Gentiles who suppose themselves to be of My Authority above you. Thus do they venture an hour in your Presence and assume they are free to think for you, ignore your directives because they see not the whole of them, nor the sure and certain destruction of their ignorance, and set themselves above you in their own minds. And they have not your Divine Commission, Righteous Power nor Holy Authority, no, nor shall they ever have such.""
"Sir, they are of no concern to me, nor to the True and Righteous Akurians. I know their end, and all True and Righteous Akurians know their end. We bubble (encapsulate) them together with their demons and delusions and let them continue in the miseries of their own damnations."
""Beloved Son of My Infinite Righteousness, it is well that you do this, for Your Hand is much more merciful than Mine, And I now Direct that you be of no more mercy to the Blasphemers; neither Levi nor Judah; those who support and defend That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome and Constantinople nor any of her Harlot Daughters (Christians); the Sons of Abraham, Ishmael (Muslims), Isaac, Jacob and Joseph; the Gentiles nor any of the lost and damned who will neither hear nor see.
""Speak, and speak once. Those who obey without hesitation or comment are those who know that which you have taught them and are faithful. Those who hesitate with question are ignorant, and if ignorant of that which you have taught them, they are as those who hesitate without comment and are seditionists. Yea! They seek not your counsel to know and understand of themselves, but to be a party in your company that they may subsist on the efforts of others. Such is socialism and a damnation in My Sight!
""Speak, and speak once. Those who heed not have shown themselves. Spare them not a second effort, for they are of demons of themselves, possessed of their own invitation. Remove all such from the Heart of My Beloved Akurians. Teach them not: For they are of those who will beg a knife to slaughter the lender, even of their own flesh and of their own blood and of their own bone. Lo! There is no good value in them; therefore, cast them out of Akuria and I will cast them out of Ishmael and out of Israel and out of all the Children of Abraham, even the Generations of My Unalterable Promises.""
""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, Beloved Son of My Infinite Righteousness, vile things have come before me concerning the whole of the House of Joseph and the Damnations of Socialism that shall destroy the whole of Earth and the surrounding Heavens for many Generations should they live.
""Beloved Son of My Infinite Righteousness, I have heard the cry of the people, but the people hear not My Living Voice among them; neither do they consider any True and Righteous thing, for they are buried in the Hell of their own making, deserving all that has befallen them, and I will not consider any other process or procedure than that which I promised ages ago: that unto all who will hear My True and Righteous Holy Men among them, I will send relief; but only increase the damnations upon those who refuse Me and Mine Own Chosen Ones.
""While you yet continue upon the Earth, and that not long, again prepare yourself to present My Holy Law and My Promised Relief unto all the world. I will have you in Divine Robes of Your Holy Office, but I know you will not, directing the expense thereof to other priorities of My Holy Order. So, I consent that you be merely uniformed. It is required of prudent minds and of fools alike that leaders show the trappings of their office, although those trappings avail nothing of truth, integrity, honor, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom or experience, save the dress of warriors.
""Speak to the Socialists, speak to the Damned, speak to the Accurseds, and let the whole world know My Truth and My Holy Law. Speak My Curses upon the possessed, speak My Righteousness that the very ears of the Damned and the Doomed are a Testimony against themselves.
""And you shall be brought before the vile and corrupt, ignored and defamed by the media, and your every word shall be a testimony against them, even against all the Levites, Judeans, Ishmaelites, Israelites and the Gentiles for their Socialisms and knowing Damnations. Whosoever, shall not hear you, cast them out from Akuria and Curse them from Abraham as a testimony against them; and it shall be more tolerable for the child-rapists, Sodomites and Lesbians in That Day than for those you have cast out of Akurian and cursed out of Abraham. Warn My Beloved Akurians to take heed to themselves: for the Socialists shall not spare to deliver you up to councils and to courts; nor to mock you in the synagogues; but you shall not be beaten in this Battle for the Souls of Man: though you shall be brought before corrupt rulers and murderous kings as a testimony against them. And whosoever will not receive you or Your Holy Office of My Own Authority, when you speak a damnation upon them, spare them not as a testimony against them.
""Speak to all who have ears to hear, against the corruptors and the corruptions of the day that in the Days of Holocaust and Years of Tribulations there shall be unalterable Testimony against the whole world, and none shall escape.
""Yea! You, Beloved Son of Fire, and My Beloved Akurians are living Testimonies of all these things now upon this Generation of Fire and shall be My Living Testimonies until Shiloh.""
""Therefore I put you in remembrance, how that I, the Lord, saved the people out of the land of Egypt, and afterward destroyed them that believed not. And of the Angels which kept not their First Estate, and left their own habitation, I have reserved everlasting chains in darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day; Lo, I teach them no more. Even as Sodom, Gomorrah and the cities of the plain in like manner, gave themselves over to filth and fornication, man lying with man and woman lying with woman, and going after evil flesh, are set forth for an example of those who will suffer My Vengeance of Eternal Fire. Likewise also these filthy utopians who defile the flesh and despise My Dominion, and speak evil of dignities and speak good of knowing evil.
""Speak in My Name against them even as Michael the Archangel, when disputing with the Devil about the body of Moses, did not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, "The Lord rebuke you." But spare not those who speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, for in those things they corrupt themselves. Yea! They speak of grand utopia of Socialism, knowing the damned lies of it, but hoping to be the Kings and Queens over all the others and knowing not their own continuance. Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain and Canaan and Cush, who in their greed run after the error of Balaam for reward, and shall perish in your gainsaying against them. These are those for whom are reserved the blackness of darkness and the burning agonies forever.""
""Beloved Son of My Great Vengeance, I set before you a greater task for now is the time appointed. Call forth and reestablish your own Spirits of Time who exist in the future and have held their peace until this hour. Lo! The legends of Time Lords are all in grave error, therefore, protect My Beloved Akurians against all such knowing lies and deliberate misinformation. Send forth your own Spirits of Time and let them access to their assigned stations. Bless your own Spirits of Time that they be filled with My Righteousness which cannot abide error and can only abide accuracy. Send forth your own Spirits of Time: and all they shall reveal unto you shall you bind up in a book until the Day and Hour of My appointment. Then shall the whole world see their inescapable suffering is because they slew not the socialist; nor the priests and advocates of false religion; nor the vile and profane among them, even those of their own house; to put those evils out of Ishmael, out of Israel, and out of the Children of Abraham that even out among the Gentiles and Canaan and Cush, and their suffering shall not diminish from the Great Burden of their own Enslavement.""
"Sir! I have not revealed the existence of my Spirits of Time to any, living or dead. Shall I now teach the Teachers of Righteousness these Divine Secrets?"
""Beloved Son of My Great Understanding, Yes, that those of My Holy Seal should be more prepared against the Days of Holocaust and Years of Tribulation the Demons of Socialism shall inflict upon the whole world.""
"Sir! And shall those Spirits of Time commune with the True and Righteous Akurians, giving them advance warning against the treasons, treacheries and impending murders of the Socialists, That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the demonic psychopaths of Ishmael, the intrigues and deceptions of Levi and Judah, the Masonic and Knights of Columbus lodges and the whole of communist-infested government and government agencies from the Highest Offices to the lowest employee?"
""Beloved Son of My Great Consideration, yes, and to the True and Observant, in time sufficient to pronounce Eternal Damnations, Everlasting Horrors and Never-Ending Destructions upon those same Socialists, That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the demonic psychopaths of Ishmael, the intrigues and deceptions of Levi and Judah, the Masonic and Knights of Columbus lodges and the whole of communist-infested government and government agencies from the Highest Offices to the lowest employee and all their families and fellows and all their generations unto Shiloh!
""And I Direct to that Righteous Company now, even in this hour, and to all the Generations of Akurian unto Shiloh, when the vile and corrupt seek to conspire against you and you shall be informed of the Spirits of time: "Spare them not!" Spare nothing of harm and hurt and evil in your Eternal Damnations, Everlasting Horrors and Never-Ending Destructions upon those same Socialists, That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome, the demonic psychopaths of Ishmael, the intrigues and deceptions of Levi and Judah, the Masonic and Knights of Columbus lodges and the whole of communist-infested government and government agencies from the Highest Offices to the lowest employee and all their families and fellows and all their generations unto Shiloh!