Curriculum Vitae of
Contact Details,
Department of Physics
Shivaji University,
E mail:
Mobile No.: 919822954845.
Residence : 91-231-2523249.
Resume Contents:
Professional Experience
Research Projects
List of Publications
List of Conferences / Symposia presented
List of Conferences / Symposia / Workshop / Seminar attended
List of Worked as an Examiner / Moderator.
Association with professional bodies
Administrative / Extension work carried out
Birth Date: Sept. 1st 1965.
Place of Birth : Pandharpur
Caste: Hindu -Mali
Category: OBC
Examination / Subject / University / Year of PassingPh.D. / Physics / Shivaji / 1999
M. Sc. / Physics / Shivaji / 1987
B.Sc. / Physics / Shivaji / 1985
Professional Experience:
I. Assistant Professor :14th August 1987.
II. Associate Professor : 14th August 2000.
III. Professor : 14th August 2008.
Orientation / Refresher Course:
Name of the Course/Summer School / Place / Duration / Sponsoring Agency
1. Orientation Course / Goa / 19 Nov.- 15 Dec. 1990 / Goa University
2. Refresher Course / Goa / 18 Oct.- 7 Nov. 1995 / Goa University
3. Refresher / Kolhapur / 24 Feb.-17 March 1997 / Shivaji University
Title of the Doctoral Thesis:
“Double exposure Holographic interferometry and its applications”.
Research Work guided:
A) M. Phil: 01 student is working.
B) Ph. D. : Awarded - 07students
: Submitted - 01 student
: Working - 08students
No. of Research Publications:71 in National/International journals
InternationalJournals / National
Journals / Uni./State level Journals / Total
68 / 03 / ------/ 71
Research Projects completed
Submitted the work done report of minor research project
“Double exposure Holographic interferometry and its applications”,
Funded by U.G.C. WRO Pune Total Cost Rs. 15000
Research Projects :
A] International Research Project.
Sr.No. / Title of the Project / Funding Agency / Date of starting / Date of Completion / PI/Co / Total amount
1 / Indo-Korean joint Project.
Chonnam National University, Korea. / DST / May 2009 / May 2012 / Co-Pi / 4.65 lakh
B]National Research Projects
1 / Fabrication of demonstrative supercapacitive models ( C> 500F/g ) using polyaniline multielectrodes / D.R.D.O / May-2009 / May-2011 / PI / 24.93 lakh2 / Studies on Electro-deposited Silver Chalcogenide Thin films By Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry / U.G.C. / May-2009 / May-2012 / PI / 6.10 lakh
3 / Development and performance evolution of supercacitors based on hydrous manganese oxide layers by electrochemical deposition / AICTE / April 2010 / March 2012 / Co-PI / 8.00 lakh
4 / Simultaneous studies on electrochemical supercapacitive and elecrtochromic properties of chemically synthesized Cobalt oxide and Nickel oxide thin films / CSIR / May 2010 / March 2013 / CO-PI / 10.00 lakh
5 / Chemical synthesis of iron oxide thin films for supercapacitor application / BRNS / Result awaited
April-2013 / ----- / PI / 24.30 lakh
6 / Studies on CdSe0.6Te0.4 Thin Films by Holographic Interferometry and Electron Irradiation for Photoelectrochemical properties / UGC / Submitted
25, June 2013 / ------/ PI / 22.1078lakh
Indian Patentsfiled:
1. Studies on surface deformation of BaSrTiO3 materials by Double exposure
holographic interferometrytechnique. V. J. Fulari, S. A. Gangawane, S. D.
Kamat (2011)
2. Electrodeposited CdS nanorods and its holographic study, V. J. Fulari, S. A.
Gangawane (2011)
3. Structural Electrical and Dielectric properties of Zn Substituted PbTiO3
ceramics, V. J. Fulari, S. D. Kamat,S. A. Gangawane (2011)
Book Published:
Name of the Book -“Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Multifunctional
Materials” NOVA Publishers, S. B. Rai, Y. Dwivedi, 2011.
Chapter 7.- “Preparation and Characterization of Thin Films by Holographic
Interferometry Technique” ,V. J. Fulari, S. H. Han,
ISBN: 978-1-6147- 618-2.
List of Journals with impact factor:
Sr. No. / Name of Journal / No. of papers published / ISSN /ISBN NO. / Impact factor1 / Optics communications / 5 / 1867-3007 / 1.486
2 / Applied surface science / 5 / 0169-4332 / 1.616
3 / Journal of optics / 5 / 1741-3567 / 1.727
4 / Thin solid films / 2 / 00406090. / 1.942
5 / Communication in instrumentation / 1 / 0144-3577 / -
6 / Asian chemistry letter / 4 / 0970-7077 / 1.554
7 / Material science and engineering-B / 1 / 0965-0393 / 1.761
8 / Journal of holography and speckle / 1 / 546-9018 / 1.75
9 / Journal of modern optics / 1 / 0950-0340, / 1.170
10 / Journal of power sources / 1 / 0378-7753 / 4.951
11 / Journal of alloys and compound / 2 / 0925-8388 / 2.289
12 / Sensor and actuator- B / 1 / 0925-4005 / 3.339
13 / Optics laser and engineering / 4 / 0143-8166 / 1.660
14 / Journal of optics and laser Technology / 1 / 0030-3992 / 1.277
15 / Journal of PIER- C / 1 / 1937-8718 / 4.735
16 / Journal of optik / 2 / 0030-4026 / 0.526
17 / Bionano frontier / 11 / 974-0678 / 0.2334
18 / Excel publishers / 6 / ISBN 978-93-80043-61-6 / -
19 / Asian journal of research in chemistry / 1 / 0974-4169 / 0.627
20 / Material chemistry and physics / 2 / 0254-0584 / 2.015
21 / Journal of semiconductors / 1 / ISBN 978-81-920783-2-8 / 0.34
22 / Materials letters / 3 / 0167-577X / 2.307
23 / Material physics and Mechanics / 1 / 16052730 / 0.148
24 / Journal of Material Science / 1 / 1573-4803 / 2.235
25 / Chalcogenide Letters / 1 / 1584-8663 / 0.834
26 / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. / 1 / 1387-1811 / 3.285
27 / Archives of Applied Science Research / 1 / 0975-508X / --
28 / Soft Nanoscience Letters / 1 / 2160-0740 / ---
29 / Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics / 1 / 1432-0649 / 2.189
30 / Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Multifunctional
Materials. / 1 / ISBN: 978-1-61470-618-2, / NOVA Publishers, 2011.
List of publications in National/ International Journals:
1.“Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry used for Mg deposited thin films”, V.J.Fulari, H.R.Kulkarni, M.B.Dongare, Journal of Optics, 25(4) (1996) 249.(I.F.-1.727 )
2.“Monitoring the deposited of Cu thin film using DEHI technique”, M. B. Dongare,
V. J. Fulari, H.R. Kulkarni, Thin Solid Films, 30 (1997) 62. .(I.F.-1.942 )
3.“Determination of Young’s Modulus for Gold, Silver & their alloys by DEHI Technique”, V.J.Fulari, H.R.Kulkarni, M.B.Dongare, Communication in Instrumentation, 6(2) (1997)12. .(I.F.- )
4.“Determination of stress in super conducting Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu thin film by DEHI technique”, M.B.Dongare, V.J.Fulari, H.R.Kulkarni, Asian Chemistry Letters, 3(1&2), (1999) 52. .(I.F.- 1.554 )
5.“Holographic Interferometric Studies on surface deformation of certain materials”, P.P.Chikode, S.J. Pawar, R.N. Thokale, V.J. Fulari, M.B. Dongare, Journal of holography and Speckle, 4 (2006)6. .(I.F.-1.75 )
6.“Studies on Electrodeposited Silver Selenide thin film by Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry”, S. J. Pawar, P. P. Chikode, V. J. Fulari, M.B.Dongare, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B, 137 (2007) 232. .(I.F.- 1.761 )
7.“Analytical study of HChG-Laser Beam Propagation in Collisional and Collisionaless Plasma”, S. D. Patil M. V. Takale, S. T. Navare,V. J. Fulari, M.B.Dongare, Journal of Optics, 36 (2007)136. .(I.F.- 1.727 )
8.“Determination of Diffusion Coefficients in Sucrose solution using Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry”, P.P.Chikode, S.J. Pawar, V.J. Fulari, M.B.Dongare. Journal of Optics, 36 (2007)157. .(I.F.- 1.727 )
9.“Determination of Diffusion Coefficient of Lactose Solution”, P. P. Chikode, S. J. Pawar, V. J. Fulari, M.B.Dongare, Journal of Holography and Speckle, 4(2007) 6. .(I.F.- 1.75 )
10.“Studies on electrodeposited Silver sulphide thin films by double exposure holographic interferometry”, V. B. Prabhune, N. S. Shinde, V. J. Fulari, Applied Surface Science vol. 255 (2008)1819-1823. .(I.F.- 1.616 )
11.“Propagation of Hermite-cosh-Gaussian laser beams in n- InSb”, S. D. Patil M. V. Takale, S. T. Navare, V. J. Fulari, M. B. Dongare, Optics Communications 281 (2008) 4776- 4779. .(I.F.-1.486 )
12.“Propagation of Hermite-cosh-Gaussian laser beams in non-degenerate germanium having space charge neutrality”, S. Patil, M. Takale, V. J. Fulari, M. Dongare, Journal of Modern Optics, 55 (2008) 3529. .(I.F.- 1.170 )
13.“Characterization of honeycomb- like”β-Ni (OH)2”thin film synthesized by chemical bath deposition method and their supercapacitors application”, U. M Patil, K. V. Gurav, V. J. Fulari, C. D. Lokhande, Oh. Shim Joo, Journal of power sources.188, (2009) 338. .(I.F.-4.951 )
14.“Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) sensing performance of electron beam irradiated chemically deposited TiO2 thin films”, D. S. Dhawale, R. R. salunkhe, M.C.Rath, V. J. Fulari, C.D.Lokhande, Sensors and Actuators’ B, 144 (2009) 58. .(I.F.- 3.39 )
15.“A novel chemical synthesis of interlocked cubes of hausmannite Mn3O4 thin films for supercapacitor application ”, D. P. Dubal, D. S. Dhawale, R.R. Salunkhe, S. M. Pawar, V. J. Fulari, C. D. Lokhande, Journal of alloys and compounds, 484 (2009) 218. .(I.F.- 2.289 )
16.“Self-focusing and defocusing of TEMpl Hermite-Gaussian laser beams in Collisionless plasma”, M. V. Takale, S. T. Navare, S. D. Patil, V. J. Fulari, M. B. Dongare, Optics Communications 282 (2009) 3157-3162. .(I.F.-1.486 )
17.“Measurement of properties of silver telluride thin film using holography”, V. B. Prabhune, V. J. Fulari, Optics Communication Vol.282, (2009) 2118. .(I.F.- 1.486 )
18.“Self-focusing and defocusing of TEM0p Hermite–Gaussian laser beams in collisionless plasma”, M.V. Takale, S.T. Navare, S.D. Patil, V.J. Fulari, M.B. Dongare, Optics Communications 282 (2009) 3157–3162.(I.F.-1.486 )
19“Characterization of electrodeposited Bi2S3 thin films by holographic Interferometry”, N. S. Shinde, M.C. Rath, H.D. Dhaigude, C.D. Lokhande, V. J. Fulari, Optics Communications 282 (2009) 3127–3131.(I.F.- 1.486 )
20“Measurement of properties of copper telluride thin films using holography”, V. J. Fulari, V. P. Malekar, and S. A. Gangawane , Progress in electromagnetic research C, Vol. 12, (2010) 53-64.(I.F.- 3.763 )
21“Studies on electrodeposited As2S3 thin films by double exposure holographic interferometry technique”, N. S. Shinde, V. B. Prabhune, H. D. Dhaigude, C. D. Lokhande, V. J. Fulari, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 8688-8694. .(I.F.- 1.616 )
22“Holographic Interferometry Technique Used for Characterization of electrodeposited Copper sulphide Thin Films”, V. P. Malekar, V. J. Fulari, Journal of Holography and Speckle (accepted) 2009. .(I.F.- 1.75 )
23“Room temperature soft chemical route for nanofibrous wurtzite ZnO thin film Synthesis”, K.V. Gurav, V.J. Fulari, U.M. Patil, C.D. Lokhande and Oh-Shim Joo, Applied Surface Science 256 (2010) 2680-268 .(I.F.- 1.576 )
24“Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry technique used for characterization of electrodeposited copper telluride thin films”, V. P. Malekar, V. B. Prabhune, B. P. Relekar, V. J. Fulari, National Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Dec. 21-23 (2009) University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, ISBN 978-93-80043-61-6. .(I.F.- )
25“Modification of structural, optical, surface wettability and FT-Raman spectroscopy of nanostructure silver sulphide thin film using electron beam irradiation”, V. J. Fulari, P. M. Kulal, V. B. Prabhune, M. C. Rath, National Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Dec. 21-23 (2009), University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. ISBN 978-93-80043-61-6. .(I.F.- )
26“Electrochemical synthesis of polycrystalline Bi2Se3 cabbages”, P. M. Kulal, H. D. Dhaygude, S.S.Dhasade, J.S.Patil, M.B.Dongare, V. J. Fulari, Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Dec. 21-23 (2009) University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. ISBN 978-93-80043-61-6. .(I.F.- )
27“Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry Technique for Electrodeposited Cadmium Telluride Thin films”, S. A. Gangawane, H. D. Dhaygude, V. J. Fulari, Conference on Nanomaterials and nanotechnology Dec. 21-23 (2009) University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. ISBN 978-93-80043-61-6. .(I.F.- )
28“Modification of structural, optical and surface wettability of Bismuth Sulphide thin films using electron beam irradiation”,N. S. Shinde, S. S. Dhasade, B. P. Relekar, V. J. Fulari, Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Dec. 21-23 (2009) ,University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. ISBN 978-93-80043-61-6. .(I.F.- )
29“Studies on electrical, and dielectric properties of nano sized PbZr0.9 Ti0.1O3 ceramics”, Shirish D. Kamat, S.A.Gangavane, H.D. Dhaygude, V. J. Fulari, Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Dec. 21-23 (2009), University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. ISBN 978-93-80043-61-6. .(I.F.- )
30“Chemical synthesis and characterization of Mn3O4 thin films for supercapacitor application”, D.P. Dubal, D.S. Dhawale, R.R. Salunkhe, V.J. Fulari, C.D. Lokhande, Journal of alloys and compounds 218241–5 (2010) .(I.F.-2.289 )
31“Measurement of Properties of Electrodeposited CuSe Thin Films by Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry”, V. P. Malekar, P. M. Kulal, S. S. Dhasade, J. S. Patil and V. J. Fulari, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974 – 0678(2010) 9. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
32“Electochemical synthesis of Sb2Se3 thin films and itsholographic study using he-ne laser”, P. M. Kulal, V.P. Malekar, V. B. Prabhune, S. J. Pawar, V. J. Fulari ,Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974 – 0678 (2010)184. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
33“Studies on Surface Deformation of CdS, CdSe and CdTe Thin Films by Double-Exposure Holographic Interferometry Technique”,S. A. Gangawane, Mrs. V. P. Malekar, P. M. Kulal, S. D. Kamat, V. J. Fulari, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974 – 0678 (2010)145. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
34“Modification of structural, optical and surface wettability of antimony sulphide thin films by using electron beam irradiation”,N.S. Shinde, V. P. Malekar, B. P. Relekar, V. J. Fulari, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 974 – 0678 (2010)136. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
35“Effect of electron beam irradiation on the properties of silver telluride thin films”, V. J. Fulari, P. M. Kulal, V. B. Prabhune, V. P. Malekar, M. C. Rath, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974 – 0678 (2010) 138. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
36“Synthesis of porous, nanograined titanium oxide thin film by SILAR method at room temperature” ,K. R. Gayakvad, S. K. Shinde, D. P. Dubal, C. D.Lokhande, V. J. Fulari, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974 – 0678 (2010) 174.(I.F.- )
37“Chemical synthesis of nanosheet structured copper oxide thin films for supercapacitor application”, S. K. Shinde, K. R. Gayakvad, D. P. Dubal, C. D.Lokhande, V. J. Fulari, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology,ISSN 0974 – 0678 (2010) 172. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
38“Spectroscopic, microscopic and structural studies of leucoemeraldine, emeraldine and pernigraniline from polyaniline thin films”, V. S. Jamadade, S. V. Patil, S.N. Pusavale, V, J, Fulari, C. D. Lokhande, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974 – 0678 (2010)38. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
39 “Electrosynthesized hydrophobic iron oxide thin films from aqueous sulphate bath and their supercapacitive performance”, A. V. Yadav, A. R. Patil, V. S. Jamadade, C. D.Lokhande, V. J. Fulari, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN0974 – 0678 (2010) 47. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
40“Electrochemical synthesis of CdZnS thin films and its holographic study”, P.S. Harijan, P.P.Raut, S.P.Patil, P.M.Kulal, C. D.Lokhande, V. J. Fulari, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974 – 0678 (2010) 19. .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
41“Studies on structural and dielectric properties of zinc substituted PbTiO3 ceramics”, S. D. Kamat, S. A.Gangavane, H. D. Dhayagude, V. J. Fulari, Bionano Frontier, International Society of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974 – 0678 (2010) 152 .(I.F.- 0.2334 )
42“Monitoring the electrodeposited Copper Telluride thin films by double exposure holographic interferometry”, V. P. Malekar, V. J. Fulari, Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry 3(3)(2010)566-570. .(I.F.- 0.627 )
43“Monitoring Intrinsic Stress Induced in the CdSe Thin Films During Deposition by Double Exposure Holographic Interferometric Technique”, C. S. Pawar, V. J. Fulari, M. B. Dongare, Chalcogenide Letters, Vol. 7, No. 7, July 2010, p. 455-463. .(I.F.- 0.834 )
44“Electric and Dielectric Bahaviour of PbZr0.6 Ti0.4O3 and PbSr0.6Ti0.4O3 Ceramics”, Shirish D. Kamat, Satish A. Gangawane, V.J. Fulari, Asian J. Research Chem. 3(2010)611. .(I.F.- 0.627 )
45“Monitoring the Deposition of Copper Selenide Thin Films by Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry”, V.P. Malekar, V.J. Fulari, Asian J. Research Chem. 3(2010)566. .(I.F.- 0.627 )
46“Monitoring the Cadmium Sulfide thin films by double-exposure holographic interferometry technique”, S. A. Gangawane, S. D. Kamat, V. J. Fulari, Asian J. Research Chem.3 (2010). .(I.F.-0.627 )
47“Studies on surface deformation of Copper sulphide Thin Films by Holographic Interferometry Technique”,V. P. Malekar, V. J. Fulari, Optik 122(2011)1069-1072. .(I.F.- 0.526 )
48 “Characterization of Cadmium Selenide Thin Films by Electrodeposition and its Holographic Study”, S. A. Gangawane, Shirish D. Kamat, V. P. Malekar, V. J. Fulari, M. B. Dongare, Journal of Optics 39 (2011)167. .(I.F.- 1.727 )
49“Single step electrochemical synthesis of Sb2Se3 thin films: Effect of molarities of precursor solution”, P. M. Kulal, D. P. Dubal, V. J. Fulari, Journal of material science, 46(2011) 2789. .(I.F.- 2.32 )
50“Chemical synthesis of Fe2O3 thin films for supercapacitor application”, P. M. Kulal, D. P. Dubal, C. D. Lokhande, V. J. Fulari, Journal of alloys and compound 509(2011)2567. .(I.F.- 2.289 )
51“Supercapacitive behavior of electrosynthesized marygold-like structured nickel doped iron hydroxide thin film”, V.S. Jamadade, V.J. Fulari, C.D. Lokhande, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,509(2011) 6257. .(I.F.-2.289 )
52“Fluorescence quenching using plasmonic gold nano particles”, U. S. Raikar, V. B. Tangod, B. M. Mastiholi, V. J. Fulari, Optics Communication 284(2011)4761-4765. .(I.F.- 1.486 )
53“Effect of morphology on supercapacitive properties of chemically grown β-Ni(OH)2 thin films”, D.P. Dubal, V.J. Fulari, C.D. Lokhande, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, in press(2011). .(I.F.- 3.385 )
54“Surface deformation of cadmium telluride thin films by DEHI technique”, S. A. Gangawane, H. D. Dhaygude, S. D. Patil, V. J. Fulari, Scholars Research Library, Archives of Applied Science Research, 3(2011)186-191. .(I.F.- )
55Relativistic self-focusing of cosh-Gaussian laser beams in a plasma”, S.D. Patil , , M.V. Takale, S.T. Navare, V.J. Fulari, M.B. Dongare, Optics & Laser Technology, 44(2012)314-317. .(I.F.- 1.277 )
56“Potentiodynamically Deposited Polypyrrole (PPy) Thin Films for Supercapacitor Application”, J.V.Thombare, S. K. Shinde, G. M. Lohar, U. M. Chougale, S. H. Han, M. C. Rath, V.J.Fulari, Soft Nanoscience Letters, (Accepted)2012. .(I.F.- )
57“Impact of linear absorption on self-focusing of Gaussian laser beam in collisional plasma”, S.T. Navare, M.V.Takale, S.D.Patil, V.J.Fulari, M.B.Dongare., Optics and Lasers Engineering 50(2012)1316–1320. .(I.F.-1.660 )
58“Self-focusing of Gaussian laser beam in relativistic cold quantum plasma”, S.D. Patil, M.V. Takale, S.T. Navare, M.B. Dongare, V.J. Fulari, Optik (accepted) (2012) .(I.F.-0.526 )
59“A nanostructured copper telluride thin film grown at room temperature by an electrodeposition method”, S.S. Dhasade, S. H.Han, V. J. Fulari, Journal of Semiconductors, 33 (9) , (2012) art. no. 093002.(I.F.- 0.34 )
60“ Synthesis of CuS nanorods grown at room temperature by electrodeposition method”, S. S. Dhasade, J.S. Patil, J.H. Kim, S.H. Han, M. C. Rath, V. J. Fulari Materials Chemistry and Physics, 37 (2012) 353.(I.F.-2.015 )
61“Optical absorption study of electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole(Ppy) thin films”, J. V. Thombare, V. J. Fulari, M. C. Rath, S. H. Han 2012 International Conference on Optical Engineering, ICOE 2012 , art. no. 6409569.(I.F.- )
62“On The 7MeV Electron Irradiation of Electrodeposited Silver Chalcogenide Thin Films”, U.M. Chougale, P.M. Kulal, J.V. Thombare, M. C. Rath, V. J. Fulari, Material Science: An Indian Journal (accepted2013). . (I.F. - )
63“Copper sulfide nanorods grown at room temperature for photovoltaic application”, S. S. Dhasade, J.S. Patil, S.H. Han, M. C. Rath, V. J. Fulari, Materials Letters, 90(2013)138.(I.F.- 2.307 )
64“ Synthesis of hollow spheres of copper sulfide by electron irradiation”, S.S. Dhasade, S. Patil, B.B. Kale, S.H. Han, M.C. Rath, V.J. Fulari, Materials Letters, 93(2013)316.(I.F.- 2.307 )
65“Irradiated MnS nanostructures: Surface wettability and photoluminescence properties”, S.S. Dhasade, S. Patil, M.C. Rath, V.J. Fulari ,Materials Letters, 98(2013)250.(I.F.- 2.307 )
66“ Combined effect of ponderomotive and relativistic self-focusing on laser beam propagation in a plasma”, S.D. Patil, M.V. Takale, V.J. Fulari, D.N. Gupta, H. Suk, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 111 (2013)1. .(I.F.-2.189 )
67“ Synthesis of hydrophilic polypyrrole thin films by SILAR method”, J.V. Thombare, M.C. Rath, S.H. Han, V.J. Fulari, Material physics and mechanics, 16(2013)118.(I.F.-0.148
68)“Effects of electron irradiation on optical properties of organic semiconductor polypyrrole”, J.V. Thombare, M.C. Rath, S.H. Han, V.J. Fulari, Journal of semiconductor, Accepted (2013) .(I.F.- 0.34 )
69“Influence of monomer concentration on optical properties of electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole thin films”, J.V. Thombare, M.C. Rath, S.H. Han, V.J. Fulari, Journal of semiconductor, Accepted (2013). .(I.F.- 0.34 )
70. “Electrochemical synthesis of photosensitive nano-nest like CdSe0.6Te0.4 thin films”
Surendra K. Shinde, Jagannath V. Thombare, Deepak P. Dubal, Vijay J. Fulari Applied Surface Science(2013 accepted)
71.Irradiated MnS nanostructures: Surface wettability and photoluminescence properties
S.S. Dhasade, Swati Patil, M.C. Rath, V.J. Fulari.Material letters ( 2013 Accepted).
72. “Chemical oxidative polymerization and characterization of polypyrrole thin films for supercapacitor application”, V. J. Fulari, J. V. Thombare, A. B. Kadam, IEEE Digital Library, ICEETS-2013.
73.“Studies on electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole (Ppy) Thin Films for supercapacitor application”, J. V. Thombare, G. M. Lohar, S. K. Shinde, U. M. Chougale, V. J. Fulari, A. B. Kadam, S. S. Dhasade, M. C. Rath, S. H. Han, IEEE Digital Library, ICEETS-2013.
74. “Photoelectrochemical cell performance of electrodeposited Iron doped Zinc Selenide thin film”, G. M. Lohar , J. V. Thombare, S. K. Shinde, V. J. Fulari, S.S.More , IEEE Digital Library, ICEETS-2013.
75. “Galvanostatically deposited Cd0.7Fe0.3Se electrode for solar cell application”, S. K. Shinde, S. K. Shinde, J. V. Thombare, G. M. Lohar, D. J. Barad, V. J. Fulari, S.S Shinde, IEEE Digital Library, ICEETS-2013.
76. “Effect of electron beam irradiation on electrodeposited nanostructured copper selenide thin films”, S. S. Dhasade, A.B. Kadam, J.V. Thombare, V. J. Fulari, IEEE Digital Library, ICEETS-2013.
77.Synthesis of polyaniline nanofibres by SILAR method for supercapacitor application, U. M. Chougale, J.V. Thombare, V. J. Fulari, A. B. Kadam, IEEE Digital Library, ICEETS-2013.
Papers presented in conferences/seminars and symposia:
1 / “Determination of Young’s Modulus for Gold, Silver & their alloys by DEHI technique”, V.J.Fulari, H.R.Kulkarni, M.B.Dongare, 24th National symposium, Optical Society of India,Dept. of Applied Physics, CalcuttaUniversity,1997.2 / “Determination of Young’s Modulus for Zinc, Stenious & their alloys by DEHI technique”, V.J.Fulari, H.R.Kulkarni, M.B.Dongare, National seminar on Laser & Laser Spectroscopy,Cochin University, Kochi,1998.
3 / “Monitoring stress to substrate using Cd films by DEHI technique”, V.J.Fulari, C.S.Pawar, M.B.Dongare, DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium,2001.
4 / “DEHI used for Ba thin films”, V.J.Fulari, C.S.Pawar, M.B.Dongare, DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, 2001.
5 / “Monitoring stress to substrate using Ca films by DEHI technique”, V.J.Fulari, C.S.Pawar M.B.Dongare, National Seminar on Electromagnet ceramics, Device and Systems,Department of Physics, S. M. Mahavdyalaya, Akluj, 2002 .
6 / “Study of Diffusion Process in Propanol solution by Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry Technique”, S.J. Pawar, V.J.Fulari, M.B. Dongare, Indian Association of Laser and Laser Spectroscopy BHU, Varanasi 2006.
7 / “Intracavity inspection of a Human Stomach by using Endoscopic Electronic Speckle PatternInterferometry”,S. J. Pawar, V. J. Fulari and M. B. Dongare, National conference on Photonics for advanced Technology, (NASMAT 2007)
8 / “Study of Diffusion Process in Propanol solution by Double Exposure HolographicInterferometry Technique”, S.J. Pawar, V.J.Fulari, M.B.Dongare, Indian Association of Laser and Laser Spectroscopy 2007
9 / “Study of Electrodeposited PbS thin films using Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry (DEHI) Technique”, R.D. Mane, C. S. Pawar, V.J.Fulari, M.B. Dongare, National conference on Photonics for advanced Technology, (ICAMA 2007), Research &Devp. Wing, PR Institute of Technology, Tanjwar.
10 / “Determination of Diffusion Coefficients in Sucrose solution using Double ExposureHolographic Interferometry”, P.P.Chikode, S.J.Pawar, V.J.Fulari, M.B.Dongare, National conference on Photonics for advanced Technology, (NAPAT 2007)Research & Devp. Wing, PR Institute of Technology, Tanjwar.
11 / “The study of Electrodeposited PbSe thin films using DEHI”, R.D. Mane, S.J. Pawar, V.J.Fulari, M.B. Dongare,Optical Society of India, 2007.
12 / “The study of Electrodeposited SrSe thin films using DEHI technique”, S.V.Gaikwad,V.B.Prabhune, V.P.Malekar, V.J.Fulari, M.B.Dongare, Laser Association, M.S. University, Vadodra, Gujarat 2007.
13 / “Monitoring stress to substrate using Ag2S thin film by Double Exposure HolographicInterferometry”, V.B. Prabhune, V. P. Malekar S. A. Gangawane, V. J. Fulari, M. B. Dongare, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Applications (ICAMA-2007) Nov. 15-17 (2007) Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
14 / “Monitoring stress to substrate using Ag2S thin films by Double Exposure Holographic Interferometry”, V. B. Prabhune, V. J. Fulari, S. J. Pawar, C. S. Pawar, M. B. Dongare,DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Dec. 27-31, (2007) University of Mysore, Mysore.