Reading Guide 30-3 Amphibians Name ______

  1. With over ______species, amphibians are the only modern descendants of an ancient group that gave rise to all other ______.
  2. Amphibian means ______.
  3. An amphibian is a ______that, with some exceptions, lives in water as a ______and on land as an adult, breathes with ______as an adult, has ______skin that contains mucus glands, and lacks ______and ______.
  4. The first amphibians to climb onto land probably resembled ______fishes similar to the modern coelacanth.
  5. Terrestrial vertebrates have to breathe ______, protect themselves and their ______from drying out, and support themselves against the pull of ______.
  6. In many adult amphibians, the internal surfaces of the lungs are richly supplied with ______and ______that increase surface area.
  7. Using figure 30-22 list the three adaptations that helped amphibians live at least part of their lives out of water. a. ______
  8. ______
  9. ______
  1. One early amphibian, Eogyrinus, is thought to have been about ______meters long.
  2. The ______period is sometimes called the ______.
  3. Most amphibian groups became extinct by the end of the ______.
  4. ______are typically filter feeders or ______that graze on algae.
  5. When tadpoles change into adults, their feeding apparatus and ______tract are transformed to strictly ______structures.
  6. Many ______and frogs have long, sticky tongues specialized to capture ______.
  7. Trace the path of food in a frog’s digestive system:

Mouth, ______, stomach, ______, colon, and ______.

  1. In most larval amphibians, ______exchange occurs through the ______as well as through the ______.
  2. Many terrestrial salamanders have no ______at all.
  3. The circulatory system forms what is known as a ______.
  4. Label the diagram of the frog heart. See figure 30-24 on page 785

  1. The amphibian heart has ______chambers.
  2. Amphibians have ______that filter waste from the blood.
  3. What is liquid waste called? ______
  4. Do amphibian eggs have shells? [ yes] or [no]
  5. Where do female frogs lay their eggs? ______Where do male frogs deposit their sperm? ______
  6. What provides the nourishment for the developing embryo? ______
  7. What is the name of the process shown in figure 30-25? ______
  8. List another organism that goes through metamorphosis. ______(not in your book, just think about this)
  9. What is the function of the nictitating membrane? ______
  10. What is the function of the tympanic membrane? ______
  11. List the three orders of amphibians. Give an example of each.
  1. Order ______EX: ______
  2. Order ______EX: ______
  3. Order ______EX: ______
  1. Some amphibians that release toxins have brightly colored bodies and ______patterns.
  2. List the seven possible environmental threats to amphibians:
  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______

Thinking Visually (See page 792)

Using the information from this chapter, complete the following concept map: