WISCPHR- BOD Meeting 9/27/16

Attendees: Jill Kahler, Jennifer Stalsberg, Terresa Bubbers, Shannon Riley, Eddie Stenger, Heidi Grafft, Samantha Sweeney, Julie Lee, Dawn Hoff, Lance Maerz, Diana Roloff, Beth Salko, Thorne Wittstruck, Lisa Michaels-Bilgrien, Colleen Voll, Tammy Riebe, Carolyn Verhage, Pamela Feucht, Becky Blake, Megan Cohen, Adam DeJong

On the Phone:Stephanie Jackson, Tammy Smith, Sue Kindschi, Nicole Fischer

Lance Maerz’ first meeting as president!!!

1. AACVPR Joint Affiliation review with AACVPR- Megan-Adam attended the meeting.

Page 7- Satisfaction survey was reviewed.

AACVPR would have loved to have attended our conference, but didn’t get any invitation to go. They apologized and want to be available and make this a smooth transition for us.


We discussed having a quarterly conf. call with AACVPR.

David Oconner is the IT director of the website. We were interested in possibly having a single sign on in which the members put in 1 login and have access to both websites.

Single sign on will help with membership. The timing of the meeting is the same as other states- they do charge member and non member fees. We will get MI members on the phone to discuss this. AACVPR may be willing to foot some of the cost for the fee to make the single sign on for the website.

They will be setting up a meeting with Lisa Michaels-Bilgrien and Tammy Riebe.

We all felt the meeting with AACVPR went well. Things we liked: having meeting with membership, having single sign on for the website.

Kelly Shields will be stepping down from WISCPHR due to taking a different role at her organization.

2. Review Reports:

Secretary’s Report- Rebecca Blake

Motion to accept the minutes Approve Minutes from 5/17/16 Dawn Hoff

2nd Jill Kaeler


- All committees were reviewed to make sure we had the correct chair and co-chair listed. - All regional reps were reviewed.

- Cindy Ostrem- reviewed the email on page 9 in packet, that was given from Lance Maerz regarding the Medicare bundled plan and cardiac rehab incentive payment model.

Compiling all of our records

Contact Kelly Shields to see if she has flash drives. 2 flash drives- we need one for the secretary and one for the treasurer.

$425 quote to scan- Jill Kaeler has a quote to scan all of our past documents onto a flashdrive, and save it onto an i-clou account.

Motion was made to be spend the money to compile and reconcile all of our records. – Sue Kindshi

2nd Colleen Voll


Becky Blake and Jill Kahler will keep in touch about this.

**Question on the floor about member at large, if these are voted in or appointed.**

According to the bylaws these members are appointed by the president, and voted on by the board. It is an annual term, and they need to show up at all meetings. The board already voted in Thorne Wittstruck, and we needed to vote in Sue Kindschi.

Motion was made to accept Thorne Wittstruck and Sue Kindschi as member at large to board- Diana Roloff

2nd Colleen Voll


Old business:

The annual meeting went well in April.

Amazon gift cards: each region got 4 cards for $20. Lance sent these out. Tammi will talk with Kelly Shields about her new position.

Amazon- we get a deposit, so far we almost have $100 for the year.

Newsletter-Chad S. stepped down from being in charge and a new person, from Kelly’s program, is taking over. Her name is Caitlin Benbow.

Treasurer report- Jill Kahler.

Our CD is due. The following are our choices:

19 month is .50%

37 month is .75%

50 months is 1.5%

The CD was at 2.23%

We currently have $90,000 in money market savings.

Jill’s recommendation is the 19 month at .5%.

Motion to renew CD at 19 months at .5% by Jill Kaeler

2nd Thorne Wittstruck


Also, we did get $220 for digi walker sales from UW-they sent a check to Jill.

New business

How do we define a member? How do we want to proceed as an organization?

Page 8 in packet- Member Definition.

We need to set a framework on what is the generic definition.

Is the societies name WISCPHR? Or, joint affiliate?

A member is a due paying member and joint affiliate.

We should have a choice between public website vs. private.

Bylaws and Policies

Tammy Riebe and Lisa Michaels-Bilgrien are looking at the bylaws and will come up with a description.


page 11 in packet- describes both option 1 and option 2

Option 1- more expensive $21,000-29,000

Option 2- more modeled after Michigan. Public website. Meeting minutes, etc. $3200

We think that at this point we need to get answers from AACVPR and talk with Michigan on what they can do, and what the process is. How MI pays on their site- no one knows.

Do we want to restrict our information on our website to members only, or do we want it to be public? We offer 2 webinars per year with joint affiliate.

We will see if we can reach out to MI, and ask questions. What can AACVPR help us with and will discuss this at the next meeting. Between now and November we will have membership and IT people meet with each other, we can then vote on this and move forward.

We took a poll on what everyone would prefer, and most of us would choose option #2.

Teleconference needs

Please request Shana Steele if you have any teleconference needs at this time, not Chad.

Bylaws and Policies

There was a request for a change.

Motion made to not occupying these positions.

Motion made to approve each member of the board should maintain only one voting position.

2nd Jen Stalsberg


Bylaws- verify talking about the term of treasurer

Jill took on a 2nd year.

Treasurer, treasurer elect- 3 year term

Secretary, secretary elect 2 year term with 6 months mentoring

We are interested in adding secretary elect position.

We will hold these thoughts until the next meeting.

The next annual conference meeting is at the Olympia April 7-8 2017 in Oconomowoc.


Stress management Cela Janzitch- workshop 3.5 hours. She is very engaging and funny. She is very willing to personalize her talk.

Reviewed the agenda for ACPC meeting. – see ACPC notes.


$145 last year, $185 for non member?

$140 for member, then $200 for non-member?

We will vote in November on this.

Historian- Carol Boe stepped down from organization. Is anyone willing to do this? Tammy Riebe would consider doing this.

Meeting Dates for 2017

November 15th 2016

January 24th 2017

May 16th 2017

September 12th 2017

November 14th 2017

Motion made to adjourn meeting by Jill Kahler

2ndColleen Voll


Minutes submitted by: Becky Blake, WISCPHR Secretary.