Operation: Military Kids
Event Request Form
PLEASE NOTE: This form does not guarantee OMK support for any events. An available OMK representative must be located before confirmation can be given. This form must be filled out in its entirety and returned no later than two weeks prior to the event requested. Only children and youth in grades K-13 are eligible for OMK programming and must be supervised by non-OMK adult volunteers. Direct questions and completed forms to:
Kelly Elam
OMK Project Coordinator
973-285-8300 x234
P.O. Box 900
Morristown, NJ 07963
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Town: ____________________________________________________
Location: ______________________________________________________________________________
Point of Contact
Name: _______________________________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone: (_____)_________________________Day of event phone number: (____)____________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________________
Event time frame (example: 10:00am-12:00pm):_______________________________________________
OMK support time frame (example: 11:00am-12:00pm): ________________________________________
Estimated number of youth grades K-13: ____________ Estimated number of adults: _________________
Service Requested (please check all that apply and answer questions):
q Display table (Includes display board, informational handouts, and dog tags.)
o Duration (example: 1 hour): _____________________________________________
o Location (Indoors/Outdoors): ____________________________________________
o Will a table be provided? _______________________________________________
q OMK speaker (Presentation of OMK programs and opportunities.)
o Length of presentation: _________________________________________________
o What AV equipment will be available? ____________________________________
o Is there a particular audience interest? _____________________________________
q Programming (Educational workshops for children ages K-13.)
o Length of workshop: ___________________________________________________
o Location (Indoors/Outdoors): ____________________________________________
o Room size: __________________________________________________________
o Room set-up:_________________________________________________________
o Electrical outlets: _____________________________________________________
o Ages of anticipated attendees (example: K-3): _______________________________
o Number of non-OMK adult volunteers provided:_____________________________