Elementary Solutions | Online Professional Learning Services



Professional Development & Specialized Support Services



Complement or Supplant Your Face-to-Face Professional Development

High-quality online services delivered in self-paced, live online, and fused online modalities

· Schedule friendly

· Lower cost

· Totally effective


Flipped Learning 6

English Language Learners 10

Literacy 20

Mathematics 25

RtI 29

Science 31


Special Populations 33

Save Money and Time with Pearson’s Online Professional Learning Services

Online Professional Learning

Looking for an easy and cost-effective way to implement quality professional development? Try one of Pearson’s online professional learning services. The online route is schedule-friendly and allows teachers, administrators, and specialists to build their capacity through interactive learning modules that provide videos of classroom implementation, teaching tips, and insight from Pearson’s authors and education experts.

What’s your school’s or district’s learning style? Choose self-paced, fused, or live online modalities, or combine them with face-to-face training for a great blended solution.

Online Professional Learning Services Models*

* Short and long course durations up to 18 hours seat time are available. Examples show 6-hour seat time.

Self-Paced Course (Completely independent)

SESSION 1: Self-Paced

SESSION 2: Self-Paced

SESSION 3: Self-Paced

SESSION 4: Self-Paced

SESSION 5: Self-Paced

Self-Paced Course: Course modules are completed at the user’s convenience.

Fused Online Course (live online and self-paced)

SESSION 1: Live Online Classroom (Instruction, Discussion, Activities)

SESSION 2: Self-Paced

SESSION 3: Self-Paced

SESSION 4: Self-Paced

SESSION 5: Live Online Classroom (Instruction, Discussion, Activities)

Fused Online Course: Combines Self-Paced modules plus scheduled Live Online sessions into one course.

Live Online Course (Completely guided)

SESSION 1: Live Online Classroom (Instruction, Discussion, Activities)

SESSION 2: Live Online Classroom (Instruction, Discussion, Activities)

Live Online Course: Online, real-time, instructor-led training and virtual coaching.

Whether you choose shorter or longer duration courses, get more results with our relevant, cost-effective, schedule-friendly, and easy-to-implement evidence-based online professional learning services.

Schedule Friendly

· Courses are convenient and easy to implement

· Live online services can be scheduled before or after school

· Self-paced modules for any time, any where learning

Lower Cost

· No need for release time for teachers

· No need for substitutes

Relevant and Effective

· Evidence-based and interactive

· Video examples, hands-on multimedia, and participant reflection activities

· Virtual mentors provide personalized feedback

· Final projects are assessed

About Fused Online Courses

SELF-PACED: Individual Online

LIVE ONLINE: Cohort in Same Room OR Cohort in Different Places


English Language Learners

Response to Intervention

Common Core State Standards

Online Services

What is Flipped Learning?

Flipped learning happens when the teacher’s lecture is delivered outside of the traditional class time, via a video students view on their own. Class time is used for active problem solving by students and one-to-one or small group tutoring with the teacher. Students can watch the short lectures as many times as they wish to grasp the content and then come to class ready to jump into the lesson, answer questions, work on collaborative projects, and explore the content further. Teachers are embracing Flipped Learning in elementary and secondary schools for all disciplines.

This new blended learning class offers hands-on professional development to learn how to flip your class and reach every student every day. The flipped classroom uses modern technology to create a sustainable, reproducible, and manageable environment for student-centered learning. With the transfer of foundational knowledge outside of class time, students are asked to take ownership of their own learning. Educators are able to personalize each class and increase time spent with each student.


Following the Flipped Learning model, participants review a number of self-paced modules and complete some activities on their own. They come prepared to the face to face session with a solid understanding of the instructional model.

Topics addressed:

· What is Flipped Learning?

· The four pillars of Flipped Learning:

- Flexible environment

- Learning culture

- Intentional content

- Professional educator

2. ON-SITE (1 DAY)

During the on-site day, participants collaborate with their peers and review case studies to learn how to restructure their instructional time now that students are reviewing content prior to class. At the end of the day, participants identify a lesson that they want to “Flip” and create an activity organizational guide that they can use with their students.

Topics addressed:

· What to do in class the next day

· Video creation

· Transform an existing lesson to the Flipped Learning model


Upon returning to the classroom to try out a “Flipped” lesson, participants have an opportunity to debrief with our experts on their experience. They participate in two webinars to receive feedback from our facilitator and share their thoughts with their peers.

Topics addressed:

· Debrief on your initial flip

· Adaptations for various disciplines/grade level

· Review personal workplan


Impact on Teachers







“I will never go back to traditional teaching methods.

It’s differentiation on steroids”

99% would use it again next year

Impact on Students





“I have taught math for 10 years and have never seen my student work this hard or learn this much.”

“Flipping my classroom has dramatically improved the number and quality of interactions with individual students.”

Teachers reported benefits for all students, and in particular AP and Special Needs students.

Who’s Flipping? The more I flip, the more I want to flip!

7+ years of teaching : 85%

Have used the flipped model less than 2 years: 91%



MATH: 32%

ELA: 12%

95% of respondents are secondary school teachers

50% from suburban schools

25% urban

25% rural

Source: A TeacherView™ Survey by ClassroomWindow and the Flipped Learning Network™, conducted June 2012

Meet Our Flipped Learning Experts

Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams are considered the pioneers of Flipped Learning, coauthors of the bestselling book Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day (ISTE/ASCD, 2012), and sought-after speakers and trainers. Eight years ago, as science teachers in a rural high school in Colorado, they recorded their lectures for students who were missing class due to sports, illness or other absences so they could keep up with their class; little did they know they would become the “go-to guys” for Flipped Instruction. They are also the founding board members of the Flipped Learning Network™, with the mission to provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully implement Flipped Learning.

Jonathan Bergmann

Flipped Learning Expert

· Lead Technology Facilitator for the Joseph Sears School in Kenilworth, IL

· Presidential Award for Excellence for Math and Science Teaching in 2002 and was named semi-finalist for the Colorado Teacher of the Year in 2010

· Bachelor’s degree is in Science Education from Oregon State University and he holds a Master’s degree from the University of Colorado at Denver in Instructional Technology

Aaron Sams

Flipped Learning Expert

· Director of Digital Learning and Director of Admissions at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA

· Awarded the 2009 Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching

· B.S. in Biochemistry and an M.A.Ed., both from Biola University

“Three years ago we decided to flip our entire high school. Flipped learning allows my teachers to better connect with their students in small groups instead of one large anonymous class. The teacher collaboration has been incredible, with all of our teachers working towards common goals. With more time on task in the classroom our students’ test scores have increased. We have fewer kids failing, more kids succeeding with better teacher/student relationships.”

—Greg Green, Principal

Clintondale High School

Clinton Township, Michigan

The first Flipped High School in the US

Flipped Learning

Foundations of Flipped Learning: Blended Model

Length: 1 day on-site and 6–8 hours online

The flipped classroom uses modern technology to create a sustainable, reproducible, and manageable environment for student-centered learning. With the transfer of foundational knowledge occurring outside of class time, students are asked to take ownership of their own learning. Educators are able to personalize each class and increase time spent with each student. This flipped-mode workshop is based on the pioneering work of Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams and built in partnership with the Flipped Learning Network. Learn what flipped learning is, why it works, and how to flip a classroom.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

· Determine what to flip in a classroom.

· Decide where in the learning cycle to incorporate a video lesson.

· Develop intentional content.

· Flip a classroom in a mastery or inquiry-based learning environment.


K–12 Educators, District Facilitators, Coaches, Instructional Technology Specialists, Coordinators


ISBN: K–12 focus: 119351

English Language Learners

SIOP® Training for Teachers: Fused Online Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Educators gain an in-depth understanding of the components of the SIOP® Model and strategies to implement it in their classrooms in this multiday course. Using the best-selling research-based book Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model, participants gain practical skills to collaborate, share, and implement lesson plans that incorporate all eight components and thirty features of SIOP® in order to teach content while developing students’ academic and social language. In addition to the SIOP® Model text, participants receive a workbook and A+RISE sampler cards to support their implementation of the model upon returning to their schools.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

· Explain eight factors that affect second-language acquisition.

· Identify the components and features of the SIOP® Model.

· Observe and practice each of the eight components.

· Incorporate the SIOP® Model into lesson planning.

· Build a sample lesson using SIOP®.


K–12 Educators, School and District Administrators, Coaches, Specialists, Staff Development Specialists


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 114021

ISBN: Up to 15 (+ Text): 117010

ISBN: Up to 30: 114009

ISBN: Up to 30 (+ Text): 116991

ISBN: Up to 50: 114007

ISBN: Up to 50 (+ Text): 116993

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at www.PearsonPD.com/Institutes.

SIOP® Training for Teachers: Blended Model

Length: 2 days on-site, 10–12 hours online

Based on the face-to-face Training for Teachers, this blended training provides educators with an in-depth understanding of the components of the SIOP® Model and strategies to implement it in their schools and classrooms. Educators gain practical skills to collaborate, share, and implement lesson plans that incorporate all eight components and thirty features of SIOP® in order to teach content while developing students’ academic and social language.


By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

· Identify eight factors that affect second-language acquisition.

· Explain how the components and features of the SIOP® Model are a part of good instruction for English learners.

· Observe and practice each of the eight components.

· Incorporate the SIOP® Model into lesson planning.

· Build and deliver a sample lesson using SIOP®.

· Receive coaching and feedback on SIOP® implementation


K–12 Educators, School and District Administrators, Coaches, Specialists, Staff Development Specialists


ISBN: 119060

SIOP® Training for Administrators: Fused Online Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

School and district administrators use the best-selling, research-based book The SIOP® Model for Administrators to learn about the SIOP® Model and understand how it can improve instruction for all students, including English learners. Participants consider the roles that coaches and administrators can play in supporting teachers using the SIOP® Model and are provided with The SIOP® Model for Administrators to support implementation upon returning to their schools.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

· Explain the general needs of English learners and how the SIOP® Model can meet these needs.

· Identify how implementing the SIOP® Model in their schools and districts can have a positive impact on teaching all students.

· Discuss the roles that coaches and administrators can play in supporting teachers implementing the SIOP® Model.


District Administrators, School Administrators


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 117002

ISBN: Up to 15 (+ Text): 116994

ISBN: Up to 30: 117013

ISBN: Up to 30 (+ Text): 117003

ISBN: Up to 50: 116983

ISBN: Up to 50 (+ Text): 117014

National Virtual Institute: Individual Registrations: See the schedule of national virtual events and register at www.PearsonPD.com/Institutes.

SIOP® Component Enrichment: Self-Paced Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours

Based on the face-to-face Component Enrichment days, these self-paced courses help educators sharpen their understanding of a feature of the SIOP® Model.


By the end of each course, participants will be able to:

· Deepen their understanding of the features of each component of the SIOP® Model.

· Learn how to create effective lessons that incorporate those features.


K–12 Educators, District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches


SIOP® Training for Teachers

Per Seat pricing

ISBN: Lesson Preparation: 116734

ISBN: Building Background: 116861

ISBN: Comprehensible Input: 116735

ISBN: Strategies: 116772

ISBN: Interaction: 116754

ISBN: Practice and Application: 116846

ISBN: Lesson Delivery: 116855

ISBN: Review and Assessment: 116872

SIOP® Component Enrichment: Fused Online Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Based on the face-to-face Component Enrichments days, these online courses help educators sharpen their understanding of a component and corresponding features of the SIOP® Model in a virtual setting.


· By the end of each course, participants will be able to:

· Deepen their understanding of the features of each of the components of the SIOP® Model.

· Learn how to create effective lessons that incorporate those features.

Target audience:

District Administrators, School Leaders, Coaches, K–12 Educators


SIOP® Training for Teachers

Number of participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Lesson Preparation: Up to 15: 119464

ISBN: Lesson Preparation: Up to 30: 119455

ISBN: Lesson Preparation: Up to 50: 119445

ISBN: Building Background: Up to 15: 119475

ISBN: Building Background: Up to 30: 119465

ISBN: Building Background: Up to 50: 119456

ISBN: Comprehensible Input: Up to 15: 119446

ISBN: Comprehensible Input: Up to 30: 119476