Textbook: World Geography

Class Rules and Expectations:

  1. Be on time to class. This is defined as being in your assigned seat when the bell rings. See agenda book for consequences.
  2. Be prepared for class. Students are required to bring a notebook, blank paper, two black or blue ink pens, two No. 2 pencils, a manual pencil sharpener, and their textbooks to class everyday. A 15 minute detention may be assigned for being unprepared.
  3. Never disrupt class in any way, shape, or form. All conversations must end when the bell rings so the instructor can begin instructing. Students are to remain in their seats throughout the class period. Students should never ask to leave class unless it is an absolute emergency. Locker passes will never be given. Students are expected to use the restroom during the 7 minute break between classes. A student may be required to make up missed class time for excessive restroom trips during class. You must have yourown agenda book to receive a pass. If a student brings me someone else’s agenda book, I will assign detention to both students. Detention will be assigned if a student requests a pass and he/she does not have their own agenda book with them.
  4. Respect the instructor, all classmates and their properties at all times.
  5. No food or drinks allowed in the room. Students may bring water to class.
  6. IPODS and other listening devices are strictly prohibited. Students may not have these devices out during class. Students are not allowed to have headphones or ear pieces around their necks during class. If a student uses one of these devices during class, they will receive an hour of detention and the device may be confiscated. Students are not to ask the instructor for permission to use listening devices. The answer will always be NO!!! A 30 minute detention will be assessed if a student makes such a request.
  7. Follow all school rules and regulations.See agenda.
  8. All tests and quizzes must be made up on the first WEB day following an absence or a grade of 0 will be given. It is the students’ responsibility to know that a test or map quiz has been missed. The instructor will not remind students.


  1. Tests 25 % See schedule below.
  2. Map Quizzes 10 % Schedule TBA
  3. Reading Quizzes 5% Schedule TBA
  4. Class Participation 25 % Students will be evaluated on a daily basis regarding their effort and engagement.
  5. Daily Work/Homework 25 % All other assignments
  6. Final Exam 10 %
  • Grades will be updated on Focus at least every 3 weeks (it will usuallybe updated more often that that).
  • Late work- Ten percent will be deducted for each day that an assignment is late. After 5 days, a student may only receive half-credit.

Initial Schedule: Subject to change.

Thursday 1/17/13 Syllabus- This form signed by the student and a parent/guardian.

Thursday 1/31/13 Unit 7 Test and Notebook Due(Europe)

Monday 2/11/13 Unit 8 Test and Notebook Due(Russia and the Former Soviet Republics)

Monday 3/18/13 Unit 9 Test and Notebook Due(United States and Canada)

Thursday 4/18/13 Unit 10 Test and Notebook Due(Latin America)

Thursday 5/09/13 Unit 11 Test and Notebook Due (Oceana)

Monday 5/20/13 @ 3:00 PM- Absolute deadline for turning in any late work.

Extra help: I will be available most weeks on Monday and Wednesday from 7:50-8:20. I will substitute days if I am scheduled for a meeting.

Schedules and other class information can be found @

Making contact: The best way to reach me is by emailing

I can also be reached by calling 770-578-3225 ext. 434

I have read and understand all classroom rules, policies and expectations. I have my own copy of this sheet. I know that I can monitor the student’s progress in this class through Focus.

Student______date______print name______

Parent______date______print name______

Parent email address______