Date: June 18, 2015
Place: Conference call
Attendees: C.Bridgham, C.Peaslee, , S. Fiore, C.Sinon, T.O'Sullivan, S.Boisvert, S.Boisvert
Excused: S.Montiel, E.Grayden Baker, L.McLeod
Topic / Discussion / Recommendation/ActionReview of Minutes / No comments / Accepted as written
Tatum / There are just a few word changes to the draft which is on Bill's 'to do' list which he hopes to have by July. Tatum will then see it is loaded up onto the website. Tatum will let the committee know if there are any changes that need to be reviewed by the membership.
Sue Boisvert / The Electronics Communication Policy was reviewed by Lou Ann and was updated with details on the use of Star Chapter and the use of 'Flashmail' was discussed. Membership Email was proposed as a substitute for Flashmail..
The password requirement was modified to reflect that members now create their own password.
Section C will be reviewed by Sue Boisvert and she will bring the wording back to the committee to be reviewed next month. / Change was accepted.
Thanks Sue. She will get Star Chapter's assistance to get this policy archived onto the site.
Record Management and Retention Policy / Discussion focused around the use of an internet based program that allows multiple users to access and update their documents, policies and committee minutes. It is called 'BOX'.
There are questions imbedded into the draft of the policy that will be further discussed at the time of the board retreat where there will be a chance to try out 'BOX'.
Lou Ann is still trying to get the users group for Star Chapter set up. / Sue will do some set up work first to show this to the board at the next meeting.
The policy will be discussed and approved at the November annual meeting.
Sue B. / Great evaluations were received !! The interactive Stump The Risk Manager was very well liked.
Suggestions for topics for November include, Medical Marijuana and Enterprise Risk Management.
Expenses were well anticipated and the $18.00 excess was given to the banquet help. / Well done Committee!!
Finance Report / One deposit of $82.45 needs to be confirmed. Sue Boisvert will identify that expense.
Susan met with her committee and the details are in the June Repot
Colleen / 100 active members reported. The prospect list is progressing well, 44 members will be contacted to determine their interest in rejoining.
There are some members whose original membership dates are incorrect. Those can be reset to the oldest date that we have on record. / Nice job Colleen.
Nominating / The dates are posted on the annual calendar.
Tatum asked to consider a change in the plaque recognition process. Should there be an individual award given to the recipients. / The idea was well accepted and approved by the committee.
Subsidization Policy / There were minimal changes made to the policy to help clarify a few components.
2 members were awarded subsidies: Thom Goodwin and Paula Vallemaire. / Approved
Next Meeting / The July meeting will be scheduled by a Doddle Poll. Be on the look out!
Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Bridgham