Attachment C

SPA/CSS Exit Interview Questionnaire

For Employees transferring departments within ECU

As an employer, EastCarolinaUniversity is committed to providing a positive work environment for its employees. The Exit Interview Program provides a valuable source of information to measure our success in reaching this goal. We will use the data from these interviews to enhance our recruitment and retention efforts. This information will also help us assess the overall quality of work life at East Carolina. The Department of Human Resources will treat your responses as confidential.

Please complete this form, print it out, and bring it with you when you meet with either your benefits counselor or your Employee Relations specialist. Thank you.

Thank you for your assistance and good luck in your future endeavors.

Part I: General Background Information (Please check one box for each of the following categories).


Most Recent Position:

1. Office/Clerical 2.Medical 3.Professional 4.Technical and Trade

5.Service 6.Information Technology

Total Length of Service:

1.Less than one year 2.One but less than two years 3.Two but less than five years

4.Five but less than ten years 5.Ten or more years

Affirmative Action Status:

  1. Racial or Ethnic Group:

1.White, not of Hispanic Origin 2.Black, not of Hispanic Origin

3.American Indian or Alaskan Native 4.Asian or Pacific Islander 5.Hispanic

  1. Age Group:

1.Under 30 2.30-39 3.40-49 4.50-59 5.60 and over

  1. Disabled or Veteran:

1.Disabled 2.Veteran Disabled 3.Vietnam Era Veteran 4.NA

  1. Sex:

1.Female 2.Male

Other Information:

Education:1. Less than high school 2.High School Diploma or equivalent

3. Associate’s Degree 4.Bachelor’s Degree 5.Master’s Degree

6.Ph.D. 7.Other

Current Division: ______

Current and Prior Positions at East Carolina:

Current Position / Current Department / Length of Time
Prior Position / Prior Department / Length of Time
Prior Position / Prior Department / Length of Time

Part II: Evaluation

  1. How would you rate your overall work experience?

Very Good Good Unsatisfactory

  1. Were your duties explained from the beginning by your supervisor? Yes No

If so, how?

  1. What suggestions can you offer for overall improvements in both the department and the position?
  1. What was your perception of the department’s communication with employees?

Very Good Good Unsatisfactory

  1. How much participation did you have in making decisions that affected your job?

Full Minimal None

  1. What suggestions or priorities would you offer your replacement?
  1. Were you given the opportunity to enroll in staff development courses and workshops?

Yes No

  1. What recommendations do you have that could further support organizational and personal development in this department?
  1. Please describe anything your supervisor/manager may have done to help or hinder your success in this position?
  1. What is your perception of the department’s ability to deal fairly with staff?

Very Good Good Unsatisfactory

  1. Would you consider returning to the same department? Yes No


  1. In deciding to leave your most recent position in this department, which of the following influenced your decision? Please check all that apply.

Work Load Relations with Co-workers

Job Security Quality of Supervision Received

Flexibility of Work Hours Salary

Family Concerns Non Work-related personal life

Better Job OpportunityJob Experience

The Department’s Ability to Deal Fairly with Staff

Please Explain all that were checked:

  1. Were the following components of the Employee Performance Management Program administered?


I had a work plan.

I received a 6-month performance appraisal

at the end of my probationary period.

I had an interim appraisal at mid-year

(Sep 1-Nov 30)

I had a final appraisal at year-end

(Apr 1-May 15)

I received a transfer appraisal (if transferring to

another department/agency)

Revised 7/09