Updated January 2, 2014
Jan. 11/12/13 – AKC Obedience/Rally, Western Washington Fairgrounds, Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers/Tacoma KC/Sammamish Kennel Club, Puyallup, WA. Closes Dec. 23 & 26. BaRay Event Services, 360-683-1828, .
Mar. 7/8 – Nose Work Judging Seminar (7th) & Nose Work Seminar (8th) with Karen Shivers, Red Lodge United Nosework, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Elaine Osmun, .
Mar. 8/9 – AKC Obedience/Rally (w/Conformation), Seattle KC, Seattle, WA. Closes Feb. 19. BaRay Event Services, 360-683-1828, .
Mar. 8/9 – Suzanne Clothier Seminar: “Fear/Anxiety, Understanding & Modulating Arousal. Physical Roots of Training, Behavior, and Performance.” Bozeman, MT. Registration: Nancy Tanner, Paws & People, .
Mar. 9 – Nose Work Trial, 2 single element container trials, judge Karen Shivers, Red Lodge United Nosework, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Judy Strom, .
Mar. 21/22/23 – AKC Obedience/Rally, Gallatin Dog Club, Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Bozeman, MT. Closes Mar. 5. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, .
Mar. 22/23 – AKC Obedience/Rally, Legacy Event Center, Farmington, UT. Sheryl Harames, 801-985-5263, .
Apr. 5/6 – Nose Work Trials, 2 trials each day, 4 total, single containers and interior or vehicle. Judge Karyn Eby. Missoula United Nosework, Missoula, MT. Judy Strom, .
Apr. 5/6 – AKC Pre-Obedience Classes, Greater Spokane Shetland Sheepdog Club, Spokane DTC Property, Spokane, WA. Closes Mar. 19. Carolyn Ritacco, 503-579-1676, .
Apr. 11/12/13 – AKC Obed/Rally, Inland Empire Collie Club, Ephrata-Moses Lake KC, Grant County Fairgrounds, Moses Lake, WA. MB-F Inc., 336-379-9352, .
Apr. 13 – AKC Tracking – TD/TDX, Great Salt Lake Dot Training Club, Higgins Ranch, Vernon, UT. Linda Benton, 801-571-5250, .
Apr. 18/19 – AKC Obed/Rally, Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers, Lewiston, ID. Closes Apr. 2. MB-F Inc, 336-379-9352, .
Apr. 20/21 – AKC Obed/Rally, Lewis-Clark Kennel Club, Lewiston, ID. Closes Apr. 2. MB-F Inc, 336-379-9352, .
Apr. 25 – AKC Tracking Test, all breed TD test, Irish Water Spaniel Club of America, Pleasant Valley Ranch, Ogden, UT. Suzanne Belger, 208-542-6552, .
Apr. 26/27 – AKC Obed/Rally, Walla Walla Kennel Club, Walla Walla, WA. Closes Apr. 9. Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC, 405-427-8181, .
May 10/11 – AKC Obed/Rally, Yellowstone Valley Kennel Club, White Aspen Ranch, Billings, MT. Closes Apr. 23. Sheila Brown, 406-698-4663, .
May 10/11 – AKC Obed/Rally, Idaho Capital City Kennel Club, Boise, ID. Closes Apr. 23. Sarah Nott, 208-891-1863,
May 17/18 – Dr. Roger Abrantes Seminar, Bozeman, MT. “Dog Language & Behavior”. Details to be announced. Nancy Tanner, Paws & People, . Info on Abrantes: http://rogerabrantes.wordpress.com/2013/02/04/the-20-principles-all-animal-trainers-must-know/
May 17/18 – AKC Obed/Rally, Spokane Dog Training Club, Spokane, WA. Closes Apr. 30. Dorothea Barrett, 208-755-8433, .
May 23/24/25 – AKC Obed/Rally (w/Conf), Spokane Kennel Club, Spokane, WA. Closes May 7. Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., 405-427-8181, .
May 26/27 – AKC Obedience/Rally (w/Conf), Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur D’Alene, ID. Closes May 7. Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC, 405-427-8181, .
May 29 (a Thursday) – AKC Obedience/Rally for Belgian Malinois only, American Belgian Malinois Club, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge (Roberts), MT. Opens Mar. 3, closes May 9. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, .
May 31/June 1 – AKC Obedience/Rally, Yakima Valley KC, Yakima, WA. Closes May 14. Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC, 405-427-8181, .
June 7/8 – Andrew Ramsey Nosework Seminar, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
June 7/8 – AKC Obed/Rally (w/Conf), Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers, Puyallup, WA. Closes May 21. BaRay Event Services, Inc., 360-683-1828, .
June 8 – AKC Tracking Test, Big Sky Tracking Dog Club of Montana. Closes May 29. Blackfoot-Clearwater Nature Preserve, Missoula County, MT. FMI: Teressa Keenan,
June 9 – Odor Recognition Test and/or UKC Nosework Trial, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
June 12/13/14/15 – AKC Obedience/Rally, Eagle Rock KC, Blackfoot, ID. Closes May 28. Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC, 405-427-8181, .
Dec. 27/28/29 – NADAC Agility, Rocky Mountain Dog Stars, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Confirmed. Kristie Hayes, or www.rockymountaindogstars.com .
Dec. 27/28/29 – AKC Agility, Inland Empire Kennel Association, Post Falls/Spokane area. Opens Oct. 30, closes Dec. 11. Christine Armstrong, 509-951-0768, email: .
Jan. 17/18/19 - NADAC Agility, Galloping Dog Agility Club, Belgrade, MT. Confirmed. Jeannie Biggers, or www.gallopingdog.com .
Jan. 24/25/26 – AKC Agility, Golden Spike Dog Obedience Club, Davis County Legacy Events Center, Farmington, UT. Opens Nov. 13, closes Jan. 8. Sheryl Harames, 801-985-5263, .
Jan. 26 – Fifth Annual Winter Fun Match, Huckleberry Hounds Agility Club, Trout Creek, MT. Indoors, three courses with prizes. Non-judged, training allowed, first run at 11am. FMI: Jan Manning, or www.huckleberryhoundsagility.com .
Feb. 9 – NADAC Agility, GotDog?, Beginners Agility Levels 1,2,3. Confirmed. Location TBA. Jeannie Biggers, .
Feb. 14/15/16/17 – AKC Agility, Lizard Butte Kennel Club, Caldwell, ID. Opens Dec. 1, 2013, closes Jan. 31. Marilyn Edwards, 208-571-3809, .
Feb. 21/22/23 – AKC Agility, Inland Empire Kennel Association, Liberty Lake (Spokane area), WA. Opens Jan. 13, closes Feb. 6. Heather Thompson, .
Feb. 22/23 – AKC Agility, Salty Dogz Agility Club of Utah, Farmington, UT. Opens Nov. 20, closes Feb. 5. Sheryl Harames, 801-985-5263, .
Mar. 14/15/16 – AKC Agility, Idaho Capital City Kennel Club, Heritage Park Equine Center, Caldwell, ID. Opens Jan. 1, closes Feb. 26. Dino Candelaria, 208-672-1638, .
Mar. 14/15/16 - NADAC Agility, Galloping Dog Agility Club, Belgrade, MT. Confirmed. Jeannie Biggers, or www.gallopingdog.com .
Mar. 28/29/30 – NADAC Agility, ARF & Running Agility Club, Helena, MT. Confirmed. Lori Idland, or website: www.arfandrunning.com .
Mar. 28/29/30 – AKC Agility, Great Falls Dog Training Club, King Equestrian Center, Great Falls, MT. Opens January 13, closes March 12. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
Mar. 28/29/30 – AKC Agility, Upper Snake River Valley DTC, Wind River Arena & Stables, Rigby, ID. Opens Jan. 1, closes March 14. Suzanne Belger, 208-521-8872, .
Apr. 5/6 – NADAC Agility, Riverbend Agility Dogs, Stevensville, MT. Confirmed. Jackie Loeser, or www.blackdog.cc .
Apr. 11/12/13 – AKC Agility, Five Valley KC, Missoula (Lolo), MT. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
Apr. 18/19/20 - NADAC Agility, GotDog? LLC, Belgrade, MT. Confirmed. Jeannie Biggers, or www.gotdogagility.com .
Apr. 25/26/27 – AKC Agility, Helena Montana Kennel Club, Lewis & Clark CO Fairgrounds, Helena, MT. Opens Feb. 24, closes Apr. 11. Barb Delaney, 406-458-5388, .
Apr. 25/26/27 - NADAC Agility, Boise Agility Runners & Climbers (BARC), Caldwell, ID. Pending. or www.boiseagility.org .
Apr. 27 – AKC Agility (all breeds), Irish Water Spaniel Club of America, Farmington, UT. Opens Jan. 13, closes Feb. 13. Sheryl Harames, 801-985-5263, .
Apr. 28/29/30 – AKC/USDAA Agility Seminar with Ann Braue and Desiree Snellman, Denver, CO. FMI: Shar, .
May 1/2/3/4 – AKC Agility, Intermountain Kennel Club, Salt Lake Co. Equestrian Park, South Jordan, UT. Opens Feb. 12, closes Apr. 16. Suzanne Belger, 208-521-8872, .
May 3/4 -- NADAC Agility, A Rover Runs Through It, Stevensville, MT. Confirmed. Bett Thompson, or www.arrti.net .
May 9/10/11 – NADAC Agility, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Pending. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
May 17/18 – NADAC Agility, Glacier Chasers, Columbia Falls, MT. Pending. Carol Scranton, or www.glacierchasers.com .
May 23/24/25 - NADAC Agility, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Pending. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
May 24/25/26 – NADAC Agility, Riverbend Agility Dogs, Stevensville, MT. Pending. Jackie Loeser, or www.blackdog.cc .
May 24/25/26 – AKC Agility, Salty Dogz Agility Club of Utah, Farmington, UT. Suzanne Belger, 208-542-6552, .
May 30/31/June 1 – AKC Agility, Lizard Butte Kennel Club, Caldwell, ID. Opens Apr. 1, closes May 16. Marilyn Edwards, 208-571-3809, .
May 31/June1 – AKC Agility (all breeds), American Belgian Malinois Club, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Pending. Closes May 14. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
June 6/7/8 – AKC Agility, Gallatin Dog Club, Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Bozeman, MT. Closes May 14. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
June 7/8 – NADAC Agility, Happy Hounds Dog Training, Dillon, MT. Confirmed. Linda Lyon, or www.happy-hound.com .
June 13/14/15 – NADAC Agility, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Pending. Barb Berry, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
June 14/15 – NADAC Agility, Flint Creek Flyers, Hall, MT. Pending. Chelle Schumann, or www.flintcreekflyers.com .
June 16/17/18/19 – Agility Seminar w/ Paula Goss, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Intermediate on June 16/17; Advanced on June 18/19. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
June 20/21/22 – NADAC Agility, Rocky Mountain Dog Stars, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Confirmed. Lark Pollari, or www.rockymountaindogstars.com .
June 28/29 – Agility Seminar w/ Susan Anderson, Distance Handling for all levels, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
July 4/5/6 – NADAC Agility, Riverbend Agility Dogs and Flint Creek Flyers, Hall, MT. Pending. Jackie Loeser, .
July 11/12/13 - NADAC Agility, GotDog? LLC, Belgrade, MT. Pending. Jeannie Biggers, or www.gotdogagility.com .
July 11/12/13 – AKC Agility, Golden Spike Dog Obedience Club, Davis County Legacy Events Center, Farmington, UT. Opens April 23, closes June 25. Sheryl Harames, 801-985-5263, .
July 18/19/20 – AKC Agility, Yellowstone Valley Kennel Club, White Aspen Ranch, Billings, MT. Closes July 3. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
July 22/23/24 – Sharon Nelson NADAC Agility Camp plus Fun-Raiser Evening Trials, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. to register. NADAC Fun-Raiser Evening Trials. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
July 25/26/27 – NADAC Agility, Arf & Running Agility Club, Helena, MT. Pending. Lori Idland, or www.arfandrunning.com .
Aug. 1/2/3 – AKC Agility, Five Valley KC, Missoula (Lolo), MT Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
Aug. 1/2/3 - NADAC FUN-Raiser, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Confirmed. Sharon Nelson, or www.nadac.com . Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
Aug. 4/5 – NADAC Agility Workshop with Amanda Nelson. Registration opens September 16. Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
Aug. 6/7 – NADAC Agility Workshop with Susan Anderson. Registration opens September 16. Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
Aug. 8/9/10 - NADAC Agility, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Pending. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
Aug. 9/10 – HuckFest Agility Slumber Party, BBQ, Agility Games, and Morning-After Fun Match, Trout Creek, MT. Non-judged, training allowed, first run at 11am. FMI: Jan Manning, or www.huckleberryhoundsagility.com .
Aug. 15/16/17 - NADAC Agility, GotDog? LLC, Belgrade, MT. Pending. Jeannie Biggers, or www.gotdogagility.com .
Aug. 23/24 - NADAC Agility, Boise Agility Runners & Climbers (BARC), Caldwell, ID. Pending. or www.boiseagility.org .
Aug. 26, 27, 28 – Agility Seminars w/ Barb Davis. Registration opens Nov. 1. Tues 8/26: Open/Intermediate, $150. Wed –Thurs 8/27-28: Excellent/Masters/Elite: $275. Auditing available. Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Elaine Osmun, or www.yellowstonedogsports.com .
Aug. 29/30/31/Sept. 1 – AKC Agility, Labor Day Weekend Trials, Yellowstone Dog Sports, Red Lodge, MT. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
Aug. 30/31/Sept. 1 – NADAC Agility, Riverbend Agility Dogs, Hall, MT. Pending. Jackie Loeser, or www.blackdog.cc .
Sept. 5/6/7 - NADAC Agility, Galloping Dog Agility Club, Belgrade, MT. Pending. Crystal Young, or www.gallopingdog.com .
Sept. 5/6/7 – AKC Agility, Great Falls Dog Training Club, King Equestrian Center, Great Falls, MT. Closes Aug. 20. Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
Oct. 11/12 – NADAC Agility, Glacier Chasers, Columbia Falls, MT. Pending. Carol Scranton, or www.glacierchasers.com .
Oct. 17/18/19 – AKC Agility, Five Valley KC, Missoula (Lolo), MT Ellen Calnan, 406-544-2418, . Sign up for the mailing list at www.RedTileAgility.com to receive this premium as soon as it is released.
Oct. 24/25/26 – AKC Agility, Upper Snake River Valley Dog Training Club, Wind River Arena and Stables, Rigby, ID. Opens Aug. 15, closes Oct. 10. Suzanne Belger, 208-521-8872, .
Oct. 31/Nov. 1/2 – NADAC Agility, ARF & Running Agility Club, Helena, MT. Pending. Lori Idland, or www.arfandrunning.com .
Nov. 7/8/9 - NADAC Agility, Boise Agility Runners & Climbers (BARC), Caldwell, ID. Pending. or www.boiseagility.org .
Nov. 28/29/30 – NADAC Agility, GotDog? LLC, Belgrade, MT. Pending. Jeannie Biggers, or www.gotdogagility.com .
July 3/4/5 – NADAC Agility, GotDog? LLC, Belgrade, MT. Pending. Jeannie Biggers, or www.gotdogagility.com .