The University of Kansas
This is a list of selected KU funding opportunities. Several of these opportunities are intended to provide seed funding for faculty research teams to develop their collaborative research projects to the point where they can compete for external institutional grant funding. Others do not require a collaborator, and some are aimed at advancing individual research agendas with no stipulation that the award winner subsequently apply externally.
The Humanities Grant Development Office does not assist with applications for internal KU funding, except in certain defined cases. In the case of collaborative research projects, Bobbi Rahder, Research Development Specialist in the Humanities Grant Development Office, will assist with internal, as well as external humanities-focused projects, if the researchers start working with her early enough. Keep in mind, however, that her main focus is on external grant applications and her efforts on those take priority over assisting with internal applications. This makes it even more critical for you to begin working with her very early in the application process, when you first start thinking about applying. Applicants must make a firm commitment of their time in order to develop competitive funding proposals, whether for internal or external awards.
As you plan, please keep in mind that the internal deadline to submit all final materialsdeveloped for internal applications to the HGDO is ten (10) working days prior to the agency's deadline.We cannot guarantee that we will have time to review your materials if you send them to us later, given the heavy load of external applications we work with throughout the year and the priority we must place on them.
To navigate, keep this document, in layout view, scroll to the table of contents, then click on the page number of the agency or program in which you’re interested. This will take you directly to that entry. If you then wish to learn more, click on the agency’s website address (URL). If clicking doesn’t work, copy the URL, paste it into the address line of your web browser, and type return. Some agencies had not updated their websites at the time this document was compiled, so do check the agency websites and read application instructions carefully.
If you know of other KU sources we should add to this list, please let us know.
Humanities Grant Development Office
Hall Center for the Humanities
Kathy Porsch, Research Development Officer: • 785/864-7834
Ashley Carlson, Research Development Specialist: • 785/864-7833
Igor Ristić, Graduate Research Development Specialist: • 785/864-7887
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Research Excellence Fund (REF)
General Research Fund (GRF)
Faculty Travel Fund
Hall Center for the Humanities
Vice Chancellor for Research Book Publication Award & Friends of the Hall Center Book Publication Award
Fall Faculty Colloquium Faculty Participant
Sharon & Jeffrey Vitter Award for Engaged Scholarship
Byron Caldwell Smith Book Award
Scholars on Site Grant
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend Nomination
Mid-Career Research Fellowship
Humanities Research Fellowship
Faculty Travel Grant
Fall Faculty Colloquium Directorship
International Programs, University of Kansas
International Programs Travel Funds
International Travel Fund for Humanities Research
Office of Research; University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. (KUCR)
Faculty/Staff Research Development Travel Fund
General Research Fund (GRF)
Major Project Planning Grant (MPPG)
New Faculty General Research Fund (NFGRF)
Proof of Concept Fund
Proposal Evaluation and External Review (PEER)
Proposal Preparation Fund
Provost’s Office
Big XII Faculty Fellowship Program
Sabbatical Leave
Supplemental Salary Funding Policy
The Commons
Starter Grants
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
The College offers several funding opportunities and each program is briefly described below. An overview is provided at
Research Excellence Fund (REF)
The REF provides internal funding to support the research and creative works of College faculty, research staff, and postdoctoral fellows, along with their undergraduate and graduate students. Proposals must be based on the articulation of research objectives, and emphasize how this work will impact student engagement, learning, and/or networking. The College also offers supplemental funding in cases where active involvement of undergraduate students in research generates the need for additional resources. Funds can be requested for:(a) seed grants for transdisciplinary and discipline-specific research, (b) time-sensitive and urgent funding for targeted research, (c) summer salary and course buy-out funds to facilitate applications for external funding, (d) honoraria for expert reviewers to increase the success of proposals and manuscripts in the review process, (e) incentive funds for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, or research staff to write external funding applications, or for (f) conference sponsorship funds is also available. An honorary award for exceptional student mentoring in research by a faculty member, and a variety of designated funds that were contributed for specific research purposes are also offered. The contacts are Tamara Falicov(Arts and Humanities: ) andJoy Ward (Sciences: ), associate deans for research.
A. Collaborative Research
B. Discipline-Specific Research
C. Time-Sensitive and Urgency Fund
D. Fill-in the Gap Fund
E. Course Release Fund
F. Faculty Writing Incentive Fund
G. Grant or Manuscript Pre-Review Fund
H. Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Writing Incentive Fund
I. Research Staff Writing Incentive Fund
J. Conference / Meeting / Exhibit Sponsorship Fund
K. Dean’s Award for Exceptional Student Mentoring
L. Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Travel Fund
M. WP4KU (Women Philanthropists for KU) Fund
N. Child Language Doctoral Program Fund (Sponsored by Mabel L. Rice)
O. Humanities Tech Think-Tank Fund
Deadline: November
General Research Fund (GRF)
While the GRF is funded by the KU Center for Research, Inc., (KUCR), the program is managed through each individual academic unit. Each entity determines proposal criteria and has its own review committee, guidelines, application forms, application process, and submission deadlines, although the competitions are typically late in the fall semester or very early in the spring semester for awards to be at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1), and they have until the end of the fiscal year (June 30) in which to carry out their research and fully expend the funds awarded. All tenured and tenure-track faculty members on the Lawrence campus are eligible and cannot submit more than one GRF application per fiscal year. Funds may be used for summer salary, student research assistants' salaries, research supplies, and travel. The State of Kansas does not allow payment of tuition with these funds. In the case of the KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the call for applications typically goes out late in the fall semester with an early spring semester deadline. When checking the website for details, note that updated instructions will be for the next fiscal year, since the funding cannot be used until after July 1. If the form and instructions posted are for the current fiscal year you are still waiting for the new competition instructions and form.
Deadline: February 9
Faculty Travel Fund
These funds may be used for travel associated with faculty professional development related to one’s employment responsibilities: to conduct research or to present a paper or poster at a professional conference. Individuals are eligible for one award per year. Priority is given to untenured faculty members. Decisions are made on a rolling basis until all funds are committed. Travel awards of $700 will be awarded for travel within the US, including Hawaii and Alaska; Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Travel awards of $1,200 will be awarded for other international travel.
Deadline: Rolling
Hall Center for the Humanities
Vice Chancellor for Research Book Publication Award & Friends of the Hall Center Book Publication Award
This award is sponsored by the University of Kansas Office of Research and intended to assist in the publication of meritorious book manuscripts resulting from humanities research by KU faculty members. Additional publication awards are made possible by the Friends of the Hall Center. The author of the manuscript selected for the award receives $1,500 for use towards publication of the book. The award can be used to reimburse the author’s expenses related to illustration or indexing costs, or to provide a subvention to the press publishing the book. Should the committee decide that other applications merit funding, the Friends of the Hall Center have made possible additional publication awards, the total of which will not exceed $1,500.
Deadline: January 8
Fall Faculty Colloquium Faculty Participant
Six or seven KU faculty members and one KU graduate student from any social sciences, arts, or humanities discipline will be selected. Faculty participants receive $1,000 (via payroll, minus taxes) and the graduate student participant receives $500. Award winners are required to attend all colloquium sessions, having read and being prepared to discuss all papers submitted by the participants, contribute a paper for discussion at one colloquium session, act as a discussant for one paper presented by another colloquium member, and provide a weritten version of tehir paper for possible inclusion in a published volume.
Deadline: February 19
Sharon & Jeffrey Vitter Award for Engaged Scholarship
This award recognizes outstanding examples of engaged scholarship. By engaged scholarship, we mean academic scholarship that has been taken off-campus and into the community, contributing to the public good. While student-centered pedagogical elements such as service learning or volunteering, may be elements of an engaged project, the driving force of the project should be innovative, faculty-led research. This award seeks to recognize KU faculty members whose work exemplifies how academic research can have a positive impact on our communities. The amount of the award is $1,200. The award is administered by the Hall Center, however, the award is open to any researcher (and collaborators) whose primary appointment falls within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by others.
Deadline: March 26
Byron Caldwell Smith Book Award
This award was established at the bequest of Kate Stephens, a former University of Kansas student and one of the University’s first women professors. It is available every two years. In the name of Stephens’ professor Byron Caldwell Smith, this award is given biennially to an individual who lives or is employed in Kansas, and who has authored an outstanding book published in the two calendar years preceding the year of the nomination deadline. Authors can choose to be considered in either the Fiction or Non-Fiction categories. One award per category is given each competition cycle, for a total of two awards. One Fiction award of $1,000 and one Non-Fiction award of $1,000 will be presented in Lawrence, KS, following a public presentation delivered by the recipients in the Fall semester following the award announcement.
Deadline: April 2019
Scholars on Site Grant
The Scholars on Site program supports collaborative research projects that engage community partners and KU humanities scholars. Both the community partner and the humanities scholar should make intellectual contributions to the project, with a community partner playing an integral role in the project. Grants are made to KU faculty members who wish to establish or sustain research-oriented collaborations with members of community organizations. Community partners may be located anywhere in the world, as long as the research component is within the humanities, humanities-oriented social sciences, or arts. The final product should be a project that contributes both to humanities scholarship and meets a community need. An award of $10,000 for one year may be used to cover a course release, summer salary for KU faculty members, consultant fees, travel expenses, supplies and materials, and other research expenses.
Deadline: April 9
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend Nomination
Each National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend provides $6,000 for two consecutive, uninterrupted months of full-time independent study and research. To apply, applicants must submit through the Hall Center Competitions Portal. See NEH program description for details: Home institutions may nominate two faculty members who normally teach full time for the national NEH Summer Stipend competition. A proposal panel appointed by the Hall Center Director selects the KU nominees. The two KU nominees will receive feedback from the proposal review panel. Nominees are encouraged to discuss this feedback with the Hall Center Director and the Humanities Grant Development Officer and to make any necessary revisions prior to presenting their final documents electronically to the HGDO, which will work with the nominees to complete and submit the online application to the NEH via by the NEH’s posted deadline. (September 29, last known)
Deadline to Hall Center: Last Monday in August, 5 p.m.
Mid-Career Research Fellowship
This fellowship is intended to supplement the intellectual ambience of the Hall Center and contribute to the individual Fellow’s scholarly growth and rejuvenation by providing a full academic year of release time from teaching and regular service obligations. This fellowship will provide mid-career faculty members at the Associate Professor level an opportunity to stay engaged in research and writing by undertaking a post-tenure research project of the kind required for promotion to Full Professor. Applicants need to demonstrate that their teaching, research, and service as an Associate professor are on track for promotion to Full Professor.
Deadline: October 9
Humanities Research Fellowship
This fellowship is intended to provide one semester of release time from teaching and regular service obligations to focus entirely on research or creative work and scholarly engagement. Fellows receive reimbursement for projected-related expenses they incur during the fellowship year, up to a maximum of $1,000, and an office at the Hall center. The awards also make funding available to the Fellow’s department to assist in the cost of replacement teaching appointment for the research semester.
Deadline: November 6
Faculty Travel Grant
This grant provides financial support for domestic or international travel undertaken as a necessary component of a humanities research or creative project. This grant does not support travel to conferences, travel to undertake performances, or costs associated with mounting exhibitions. Award amounts vary. Funds can be used for transportation, lodging, meals reimbursement, and project-related expenses (e.g., photocopying, access fees). Only one application per faculty member is permitted each year.
Deadline: November 13
Fall Faculty Colloquium Directorship
The Hall Center sponsors a colloquium each year that is designed to enliven the intellectual atmosphere of the University and contribute to the scholarly growth of KU humanities researchers. The Director determines the theme, provides intellectual leadership and guidance, acts as coordinator and facilitates feedback to colloquium six or seven KU faculty members and one KU graduate student in the social sciences, arts, and humanities will be selected in a separate competition. TheDirector may request up to $1,000 to bring in a visiting speaker to present at the colloquium. Applications from two or more faculty members who wish to serve as co-directors are encouraged. Qualified applicants hold a tenure track faculty appointment at KU. Tenured faculty in phased retirement are eligible.
Deadline: December 8
International Programs, University of Kansas
International Programs Travel Funds
International Programs sponsors faculty travel for research abroad and for presenting a paper at an international conference. The grants are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis to tenured and tenure-track faculty. Faculty are eligible to receive one travel grant in a three-year period. Travel grants are contingent upon funding from the KU Center for Research. Up to $1,000 is available.
Deadline: Rolling
International Travel Fund for Humanities Research
The International Travel Fund for Humanities Research supports KU faculty pursuing international humanities research abroad. The fund provides awards for summer research projects. Travel grants are contingent upon funding from the Endowment Association; however, past recipients have been awarded up to $3,000 with funds covering airfare and related travel expenses.
Deadline: March 20
Office of Research; University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. (KUCR)
Faculty/Staff Research Development Travel Fund
Off-campus travel for face-to-face meetings with potential funding agency officials can lead to future success in obtaining grants. KUCR supports these meetings by providing up to $750 for an annual research development trip by any eligible faculty or staff member. The chief requirement is that the researcher must have a scheduled focused meeting with one or more program officers to discuss the possibility of funding for a future sponsored project. These funds can also be used to meet with foundation officials wherever they are located.
Deadline: Rolling
General Research Fund (GRF)
This competitive award programoffers funding for the advancement of KU research. KUCR provides funds to each academic unit and assists in the administration of awards. Each entity determines proposal criteria and has its own review committee, guidelines, application forms, application process, and submission deadlines. The faculty Senate Research Committee reviews reports submitted by the schoolsand college outlining the progress they have made in meeting their research goals. The allocation of funds for the following three-year period is determined by this review. Each faculty member on the Lawrence campus may submit one GRF proposal per fiscal year. Funds are awarded for a one-year period (July 1-June 30) and may be used for summer salary, student or GRA salary, supplies, and travel. The State of Kansas does not allow tuition payment out of GRF funds.