COWQ2N1 – HangMan

Level 1

Create a BankLetter Class with the following attributes


char letter – the letter

boolean guessed – whether or not the letter has been guessed

boolean correctlyGuessed – whether the letter has been guessed and is in the word


Name: BankLetter

Input: char letter

Output: nothing

Action:a constructor that takes in the letter to store and calls reset

Name: reset

Input: nothing

Output: nothing

Action:sets guessed and correctlyGuessed to false

Name: getLetter

Input: nothing

Output: char letter

Action:returns the letter

Name: isGuessed

Input: nothing

Output: boolean

Action:returns whether or not the letter has been guessed

Name: isCorrectlyGuessed

Input: nothing

Output: boolean

Action:returns whether or not the letter has been correctly guessed

Name: markAsGuessed

Input: boolean isCorrect

Output: nothing

Action:sets guessed to true and correctlyGuess to isCorrect

Name: paint

Input: Graphics g, int x, int y

Output: nothing

Action:draws the letter to the screen at the indicated x, y position. If the letter has not been guessed, then it should be painted gray. If the has been guessed, then it should be either green or red depending on whether it was a correct guess. Use the following line of code to set the font before you draw it to the screen using drawString:

g.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.BOLD, 60));

Level 2

Create a HangMan class with the following attributes:


intnumParts – the total number of body parts that have been added to the hangman

intmaxParts – the maximum number of body parts that can be added to the hangman

Color theColor – the color of the hangman


Name: HangMan

Input: Color aColor

Output: nothing

Action:a constructor that takes in the color of the hangman, sets maxParts to 6, and calls the reset method

Name: reset

Input: nothing

Output: nothing

Action:sets numParts to 0

Name: isComplete

Input: nothing

Output: boolean

Action:returns whether or not the hangman is completely drawn. The hangman is complete once the numPartsequalsmaxParts

Name: addPart

Input: nothing

Output: nothing

Action:increments numParts by one

Name: paint

Input: Graphics g

Output: nothing

Action:draws the gallows and hangman to the screen is the upper left hand corner. The number of parts that are drawn for the hangman should be as follows 1-head, 2 body, 3-leg, 4-other leg, 5-arm, 6-other arm. The gallows should be black. The hangman should be the color stored in the class. The hangman and gallows should fit in a 300 by 300 square. To increase the line thickness to 3 use the following line of code:

((Graphics2D)g).setStroke(new BasicStroke(3));

Level 3

Create a LetterBank Class with the following attributes


BankLetter [] alphabet – the set of letters that the user can guess


Name: LetterBank

Input: String alphabet

Output: nothing

Action:a constructor that takes in a String that is storing the entire alphabet, creates an array the same size, and creates Letters at each location that correspond to the characters passed in the String.

Name: reset

Input: nothing

Output: nothing

Action:goes through and resets each Letter in alphabet

Name: isAvailable

Input: char letter

Output: boolean

Action:returns whether or not the letter is in the bank and has not been guessed

Name: markAsGuessed

Input: char letter, boolean isInPhrase

Output: boolean

Action:sets the Letter that stores the given letter to guessed, uses isInPhrase to indicate whether it was correctly guessed, and returns true. If the letter is not in the bank the it returns a false

Name: paint

Input: Graphics g, int x, int y

Output: nothing

Action:draws all the letters to the screen with x, y indicating the upper left hand corner. All the letters should be painted one after the other until the 6thone in the row has been reached at which time start over at the original x and shifted down one line. The letters and lines should have a spacing of 25.

Level 4

Create a SecretLetter Class with the following attributes


char letter – the letter

boolean guessed – whether or not the letter has been guessed


Name: SecretLetter

Input: char letter

Output: nothing

Action:a constructor that takes in the letter to store and sets guessed to false

Name: reveal

Input: nothing

Output: nothing

Action:sets guessed to true

Name: getLetter

Input: nothing

Output: char letter

Action:returns the letter

Name: isGuessed

Input: nothing

Output: boolean

Action:returns whether or not the letter has been guessed

Name: paint

Input: Graphics g, int x, int y

Output: nothing

Action:draws all the letters to the screen with x, y indicating the upper left hand corner. If the letter has not been guessed, then a black underscore should be painted instead. The color of the letters should be blue and the font should be set to size 30.

Create a SecretPhrase Class with the following attributes


SecretLetter [] phrase – an array of SecretLetters that stores the secret phrase


Name: SecretPhrase

Input: String phrase

Output: nothing

Action:a constructor that takes in a String that is storing the secret phrase, creates an array the same size, and creates SecretLetters at each location that correspond to the characters passed in the String. It then goes through and guesses each space.

Name: isInPhrase

Input: char letter

Output: boolean

Action:returns whether or not the letter is in the phrase

Name: reveal

Input: char letter

Output: nothing

Action:goes through and reveals each SecretLetter that contains the given char

Name: paint

Input: Graphics g, int x, int y

Output: nothing

Action:draws all the letters to the screen with x, y indicating the upper left hand corner. All the letters should be painted one after the other until the 25th one in the row has been reached.

Level 5

Add the following method to the SecretPhrase Class

Name: isDone

Input: nothing

Output: boolean

Action:returns whether or not every letter in the secret phrase has been guessed

Program the following methods of the HangManGame Class:

Name: play

Input: char letter

Output: nothing

Action:takes in the given letter and checks if it is available in the alphabet bank. If it available, then it checks if it is in the phrase and reveals it if it is. It should then mark that letter as guessed in the bank and pass in whether it was in the phrase or not. If the letter was available and not in the phrase it should also add a part to the hangman frank. Afterwards it should check the isDone method of the secretPhraseand whether frank is complete to see ifgameOvershould be set to true.

Name: reset

Input: String phrase

Output: nothing

Action:resets the hangman and alphabet bank, sets gameOver to false and calls the setPhrase method.

Name: paint

Input: Graphics g

Output: nothing

Action:modify the paint method to draw something appropriate once the game ends. The user should be able to tell if they won.