NRC, Inniscarra ~ 10 am – 3 pm
Saturday 01st December, 2007
Rolling Head ~ 3 k
Mangerton Rd.,
Co. Kerry.
Daytime Tel: Alan Lyne on 087 6773347
Evening Tel: Tim O’ Shea on 086 3548181
Dear Captain/Secretary,
Muckross Rowing Club is pleased to announce that the 4th annual Muckross Head Of the River will take place at the National Rowing Centre, Inniscarra on Saturday 01st December. The 3k rolling head is open to crews from Junior 14 to Masters and we are now inviting entries from all clubs.
It was with disappointment that inclement conditions forced the cancellation of last year’s event, on not one, but two occasions! Over 250 crews were entered last December and we hope that the interest in last year’s event will be renewed. The outstanding new facilities at the National Rowing Centre are set to greatly enhance our Head Of the River and we again commend the IARU and the wider rowing community who worked so hard to establish a top class base for Irish rowing.
Enclosed please find Event Details, our Safety Statement, Course Details and copies of the Standard IARU Entry Forms.
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the IARU for all their assistance toward the Muckross Head Of the River and to all the clubs who have competed since 2003. We look forward to welcoming you to the Muckross Head Of the River 2007 and wish all competing clubs the very best of luck!
Sean Coffey, Tim O’ Shea,
Chairman, Muckross RC Event Secretary, Muckross HOR
N.B.: As our Club Secretary is abroad for the coming weeks, entries must be sent to our Event Secretary ONLY. DO NOT USE Muckross RC contact details from the Blue Book. Please also note the change in e-mail address from previous years. Errors in sending entries to the wrong address will NOT be resolved following publication of the Draw.
Send your entries to…
Muckross Rowing Club,
c/o Mr. Tim O’ Shea,
Mangerton Rd.,
Co. Kerry.
or E-MAIL:
Postal entries on Standard IARU Entry Forms only (copy enclosed). E-mail entries MUST include all details required by the Standard IARU Entry Forms. A confirmation of entry will be sent by e-mail, where supplied, for complete entries received before the close of entries.
Muckross RC
Event Details
Muckross HORMuckross Head Of the River
Muckross RC
/ 8+, 4+, 4x-, 2-, 2x, 1x / 8+, 4-, 4x-, 2-, 2x, 1xIntermediate / 4+, 2-, 1x / 4+, 2-, 1x
Novice / 8+, 4+, 2x, 1x / 8+, 4+, 2x, 1x
Masters (A-H) / 8+, 4+, 1x / 8+, 4+, 1x
Junior 18 / 8+, 4+, 4x-, 2-, 2x, 1x / 8+, 4-, 4x-, 2-, 2x, 1x
Junior 16 / 8+, 4+, 4x+, 2x, 1x / 8+, 4+, 4x+, 2x, 1x
Junior 15 / 8+, 4x+, 2x, 1x / 8+, 4x+, 2x, 1x
Junior 14 / 8x+, 4x+ / 8x+, 4x+
Entry Fees
Muckross Head Of the River
Muckross RC
All Eights €40
All Fours/Quads €24
All Pairs/Doubles €12
All Single Sculls €6
Muckross Head Of the River
Muckross RC
N.B.: As per IARU rules, entries must be accompanied by the total entry fee.
Important Information
§ The event will be run in full accordance with the rules and guidelines as set down by the Irish Amateur Rowing Union (IARU). Any breaches of IARU/event rules will be reported to the IARU and may result in disqualification.
§ Muckross Head Of the River is a non status event
§ Timing will take place between 10am and 3pm only. Crews crossing the line after 3:00pm are not guaranteed that their time will be recorded.
§ The Draw will be available online at To facilitate timely publication of the complete Draw, late entries are strictly UNACCEPTABLE.
§ Categories: Crews entered in grades not listed above will be entered for timing only, unless demand requires the addition of a new category. Crews entered on forms as ‘Open’ will be entered in the Draw as Senior. We will NOT offer explicit categories for Junior 14 2x or Junior 14 1x.
§ Please note our Deposit System. Before we can issue your club with Bow Number Cards, a deposit of €20 must be received from your club. This may be paid on the day at the Registration Desk. The deposit will be returned when the full set of Number Cards issued to your club is returned by the end of the day. Each missing Number Card will incur a €5 charge to be deducted from your deposit.
§ Club colours must be worn throughout the timed piece. Failure to comply may result in disqualification.
§ The new Novice rule comes into effect on the 1st January 2008 and does NOT apply to the Muckross HOR 2007.
Muckross Head Of the River
Muckross RC
Safety Statement
Muckross HORMuckross Head Of the River
Muckross RC
1 The course is run over 3000m and all rowers are expected to be physically capable of rowing over this distance.
2 All participants are expected to be able to swim at least 100m.
3 All present at the event must fully co-operate with the instructions of official Stewards and Umpires and the said officers reserve the right to immediately disqualify any crew/rower before, during or after a timed piece in the event of non co-operation.
4 All crews* must follow the course as is on the day and any alternation from this course will result in immediate disqualification.
5 Neither Muckross Rowing Club nor the organisers of Muckross HOR 2007 will be in any way responsible for any deliberate, foul act committed by a person or persons which puts themselves or others at risk with regard to safety. However any person found responsible will be immediately disqualified from any timed piece (whether completed or not) and will be reported to their club, the IARU and if necessary the Garda Síochana.
6 All participants must be currently registered members of the IARU and clubs may be required to present valid Registration cards on the day. Cards may be spot-checked at any time during the event.
7 All boats must be adequately equipped as per IARU regulations (heel restraints, bow balls etc.) and boats that are deemed unsafe will not be allowed on the water.
8 Safety officers will be on duty during the event both on the water and onshore. It is imperative that they receive full co-operation and all Safety officers reserve the right to immediately disqualify any crew* at any stage in the event of non co-operation.
9 Any breach of rules, with particular regard to SAFETY, will be reported to the IARU and the club of the member/(s) in question will be liable to the implications of this.
10 Coxes must (a) be equipped with appropriate buoyancy wear or life jacket of the standard approved by the IARU, (b) have attended a Coxes Meeting, (c) be fully attentive to umpire/steward/official instruction, (d) be aware of course layout and markers and (e) fully responsible in his/her actions.
11 The slip and launching area must be kept clean of rubbish and free of gear, equipment and clutter. Crews* are expected to be fully ready and equipped when launching and not to cause any delay as to interfere with other crews*. Strictly, no equipment is to be left idle on the slip for any amount of time.
12 Clubs should ensure their insurance provides adequate cover for the event and travel to/from the event.
13 In the event of an accident, emergency numbers will be available at the Registration Desk.
There are a number of particular safety rules that Muckross Rowing Club wish to highlight for all those on the water…
1 All crews* must be aware of other boats around and/or near them at all times.
2 Crews* must at all times give way to overtaking crews/boats. Coxes and those steering coxless boats should be vigilant in this regard.
3 At all times, all crews must obey the instructions of Umpires, Stewards and Safety Officials.
* = For the purposes of this Safety Statement, the definition of ‘crew’ shall extend to include scullers.
Muckross Head Of the River
Muckross RC
Course Details
Muckross HORMuckross Head Of the River
Muckross RC
Please familiarise yourself with the course as outlined below and ensure all coxes attend the Coxes Meeting at 9:00am.
§ When launching, please follow steward’s instructions and ensure you launch in plenty of time.
§ The course is a 1 km extension of the course used for the Irish Championships Regatta.
§ Crews row to the start in lane 6 i.e. NRC shore side.
§ Do NOT row beyond the bridge.
§ The start is a rolling start, in your own time and when your way is clear.
§ At the start a claxon sounds, indicating that timing has begun.
§ The course is mostly straight over 3000 m, starting from the bridge end* and racing straight down the course to the finish (3000 m mark).
§ Crews race down “regatta course plus 1k” in lanes 2/3 i.e. far side.
§ At the finish, a claxon will sound to signal you have completed the 3 km course and the timed piece is complete.
§ Crews return to the slips in lane 6 i.e. NRC shore side.
§ Coxes should be especially aware of buoys and all course markers and must have punctually attended the Coxes Meeting. A Coxes Meeting will take place at 9:00 am.
* = The direction of the course is subject to change, depending on the wind conditions. If the direction is to be changed, all clubs will be informed as soon as possible.
Muckross Head Of the River
(A separate form is required for each crew)
Regatta / Head:Muckross HOR 2007
Club/(s): / Crew No:
Event (Category): / Head No. (if applicable):
Surname / First Name / Registration No. / Club
Please enter the Surname, First Name(s), Registration Number and, in the case of Composite Crews, the club of each individual.
Signed: Hon. Sec or Captain Date: ______
Regatta / Head: Muckross HOR 2007Club/(s):
We wish to enter the following crews whose entry forms and fees are attached hereto:
Category of Event / Number of Crews / Entry Fee / CommentsSigned: (Hon.Sec or Captain) / Total Entry Fee:
€ / Date: