Chairperson: Rotating Vice-chair: Haidee Thomas Treasurer: Miranda Mitchell Secretary: Kay Topping
Minutes of Learning Liaison Forum (LLF) AGM Meeting
At Littlehampton
Monday 25th September, 2017
Attendees: Heather Thomas & Nick Kidd(The Lightbox), Kate Jenner (Surrey Heritage),
Virginia Smith (Brooklands), Kay Topping (Haslemere), Joan Denwood & Muriel Wright (Steyning), Haidee Thomas (Surrey Museums Partnership), Andrea Dumbrell (Crawley), Shaz Hussain (RAF), Vicki Rookyard-Wheatley (Elmbridge), Madeleine Doyle & Christina Bramble (Brighton Toy Museum), Natasha Turner (Weald & Downland), Amy Stone (Egham), Elaine Sansom (South East Museum Development Programme), Helen Sinnamon (Hampshire).
Apologies: Caroline Jeffery (Amberley), Olivia French (Brooklands), Bob Bailey (London Bus), Katrina Burton (Fishbourne), Lisa Geelhood (Dorking), Amanda Harwood & Portia Tremlett (Novium), Cynara Davies (Chichester Cathedral), Mary Kinoulty (Mary Rose), Sonia Rasbery (Freelance Consultant) Fay Young (Horsham), Clare Bruner & Ellen Love (Watts), Lynn Gayford (Lewes Castle), Helen Clark (Freelance), Kate Hickmott (Lewes Priory), Samantha Wallace & Lucy Greenfield (Pallant House), Lucy Bear & Petra Nelson (LPK), Sonia Guile (Cowdray), Susan Kent (Hastings Pier), Lucy Jenner (Ditchling), Helen Derbyshire (South East Museum Development Programme).
Minutes of Previous Meetings: There being no matters arising these were agreed & signed off as a true record of the previous AGM.
Chairman’s Report: As Caroline was unable to attend the meeting, she reported to members at the beginning of the day. Please find below.
Treasurer’s Report: Please find below.
Election of Officers: As the constitution states positions can be elected for two years before re-election is required, the following posts remain the same as last year:
Chair: Caroline Jeffery from Amberley Museum
Secretary: Kay Topping from Haslemere Educational Museum
Treasurer: Haidee Thomas Surrey Museums Partnership
As Miranda has taken up a full time teaching position, the post of Vice Chair was up for election. Andrea Dumbrell was nominated and proposed by Kay Topping, seconded by Virginia Smith and unanimously elected. Thank you to Andrea!
As the other positions are likely to stand down next year it was suggested that people might like to volunteer to work alongside the officers to learn the posts and then be in a wonderful position to smoothly carry on the work of LLF after next year’s AGM. Please let Kay know if you would be interested. Not only would this be great for LLF but it would look good on your CV to show you’ve taken on a role of responsibility in the organizational structure of a cross-regional learning network!
Plan Subjects & Dates for next year’s CPD days
The Exec committee will meet in October to discuss dates etc for next year. The proposed dates are 3rd week January and then April, June/July and then the AGM in September. With regards to subjects we already have an offer from Lynn Gayford to be on the working party for a day on Diversity & Access, and Heather Thomas and Kate Jenner happy to work on a mental health day.
Any Other Business It was raised by members that the Conference day had been another very useful opportunity to hear about the National and Regional Picture, people’s projects and having the chance for some good discussions at the breakout sessions. It was noted that it was most helpful to have Michael Cooke (Arts Council England) and Elaine Sansom (South East Development Programme) to bring people up to speed on the bigger picture. We also noted to thank Naomi Ward (Museum 5 a day), Joe Minden (HLF) and Shaz Hussain (RAF & Museum Consultant). There being no other business the meeting closed at 3pm.
Chairperson’s Report 2017
Welcome, my name is Caroline and I have the great pleasure to be the Chair of the LLF group. For those of you joining us for the first time, we are a forum where people from the Sussex & Surrey areas who work or volunteer in heritage organizations can get together for CPD opportunities, so I would like to welcome you to our conference today. Our thanks to Littlehampton for hosting us. This is a day where we all get to hear some great speakers on national and regional issues and our time to shine slots where people can share the great things happening in their own organizations.
As a group we have had a great year with around 20 people coming to each meeting and some truly genuine apologies from people who really wanted to come! Sine last September we have launched Museum 5 a day, where we have been looking at our well being within our museums and staff and being more resilient. This was taken to the GEM conference where it was given a fabulous reception. Naomi, our consultant on the project will be updating us later in the day.
Alongside the brilliant Museum-5-a day we have had some great training days, including Early Years provision focusing on bringing the younger visitors to the forefront with special activities – this was held at Ditchling Museum. Lewes hosted a day where the focus was on our lovely volunteers and how we can effectively work with them, because without them our jobs would be a bit more stressful! Again another productive day.
I hope this gives you food for thought when we plan our next exciting year as a group later on today, using ideas of what you would like to learn about.
I look forward to another exciting and productive year ahead.
Caroline Jeffery, LLF Chair, September 25th 2017
Treasurer’s Report
The Learning Liaison Forum (LLF) has one bank account held with Barclays.
The opening balance at the start of the new financial year in April 2017 was £4,500. This combined a brought forward balance of £1,500 LLF General budget with a £3,000 grant from the South East Museum
Development Programme to develop the Museum 5 a day initiative.
Expenditure on the LLF General budget up to the AGM on 25th Sept 2017 has been £1,566
£766 has been used for room hire, speakers and catering for the 3 CPD days which the LLF provides for its members. £800 was a first instalment to the Museum 5 a day consultant
Opening Balance 1/4/17£4,550.00
LLF expenditure £766.00
Museum 5 a day expenditure£800.00
Total Expenditure£1566.00
Balance of LLF General account £784.00
Balance of Museum 5 a day grant£2,200.00