Cuyahoga Valley Career Center
Culinary Arts Program
Instructor: Barbara Hummer
440 746 8291
Fax: 440 746 8114
Course Description: The CVCC Culinary Arts Program provides students with a solid theoretical and practical foundation in all aspects of food preparation, management and service. The class is open to eleventh and twelfth graders interested in pursuing a career in the food service industry. The program requires no previous experience. The students are prepared for the ServSafe Sanitation Certification test and complete the ProStart Curriculum which will earn credit at a number of culinary schools and universities.
Credits: Year One: 1 Biochemistry,
2.5 elective
Year Two: 3.5 elective
Instructional Philosophy: The curriculum provides classroom and laboratory instructions. Students run the Valley Inn Restaurant, which is a licensed restaurant open to the public. This hands on experience provide students with an authentic experience to develop real world skills. Students have the option to participate in FCCLA. They participate in a number of community service projects related to the curriculum. Senior students who qualify may participate in early placement to further develop their skills. The food service industry is very diverse; a student can find success if willing to put forth the effort. The instructor will make every effort to be available and accessible to the student. However it is suggested that parents and/or students make an appointment during office hours to assure that proper time is scheduled.
Major Course Goals
- Develop competencies to prepare students for entry level or higher employment or for post secondary education in the following areas:
- Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
- Business Management and Economics
- Sanitation and safety
- Purchasing, Cost Control, , Menu Development, and Technology
- Dining room Operation and Sales
- Hospitality Marketing
- Food Preparation 1
- Food Preparation 2
- Baking, Pastries and Desserts
- Develop academic skills in math, communications, science, computer skills and literacy to enable students to advance in the industry.
- Develop employability skills and entrepreneurship aptitude that will encourage the students to advance in the industry.
- Encourage the development of self esteem through participation in leadership and citizenship activities.
Course Policies and Guidelines for Success
Students are expected to in class everyday. Students are expected to call if they are going to miss a class (440 746 8291). If a call is not made the work cannot be made up. Students will have 5 days to complete required make up work. Students are expected to show respect to everyone, this includes fellow students. Honesty and ethical behavior is a must. Proper uniform is required for sanitation and safety. This includes excellent personal hygiene at all times. Due to our customer service component failure to meet these expectations must result in removal from the class activity and possibly the program.
Major Course Projects and Instructional Activities
Culinary I
Passage of ServSafe Course
Knife Cuts Practical Test
Quarterly Portfolios/notebooks
Out of class Project
Math Component
Literacy Component
IC3 computer certification
Weekly Assignments/ Tests/Quizzes/Weekly logs
Laboratory Participation
Participation in Final Exam Lab: May 8, 2014 evening event
ProStart Year I Exam
Passage of 4 parts of State Web exam
Culinary II
Knife Cuts Practical Exam
Restaurant Plan
Weekly Assignments/ Job Station assignments/Tests/Quizzes
Literacy Project
Participation in Combined Board dinner in October /November 2013
Laboratory Participation
Work Experience at least 200 hours
ProStart Year II Exam
Passage 5 Parts of State Web exam
Assessment Plan
Students will be evaluated frequently, with emphasis on performance and improvement. Measurement of learning shall occur at least once during each laboratory session. Our approach to evaluation considers mastery as the constant and time as the variable. Attendance is extremely important. Attitude is extremely important in the food service industry; consequently it is reflected in evaluations.
This instructor strongly believes that students in this class are here by choice and therefore wish to learn and gain knowledge. There is a significant amount of work required, both inside and outside of class. . YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SUCCESS.
Your chances of success can be greatly improved by observing the following classroom standards of conduct: 1) Be on time for class; 2) Participate; 3) Respect when others have the floor (this includes when the instructor is talking); 4) Ask questions; 5) Listen carefully and take notes; 6) Stick to the topic; 7) Respect the opinions of others.
Grades will be determined as follows (approximate percentages):
Daily Grades (points for attendance, preparation, uniform, participation) 50%
Tests, Quizzes, Assignments………………… 20%
Projects/Notebook/Math/Literacy…………… 30%
Extra Credit:
Extra credit will be determined on an individual basis.
Make Up Work:
Make up work, assignments or lab articles MUST be completed within one week (5 school days) of the absence or will result in a grade of 0. Students MUST call off to be able to make up work!
There will be NO make-up exams given unless there are extenuating circumstances. It is the total responsibility of the student to notify the instructor of such situations and make the necessary arrangements. The instructor will not contact the student.
To maximize your learning in this class you need to come to class prepared.
Preparation for class includes:
- Reviewing the last lecture notes/study guides
- Reading the textbook and viewing video assignment listed on syllabus.
- Come to class with prepared questions on information from the last assignment that you
do not understand.
- Lab mise en place sheets and recipe conversions completed prior to Lab.
- Lab Summaries /Journal entries/Study Guide Activities: Turned in as assigned
- INCLUDE: Name, class day, and lab
6. Portfolio: Recipes, Drawings, Illustrations, handouts
Homework is due at the time that the instructor indicates or the time it is written on the outline. Homework that is late, without talking to the instructor will not be accepted. If you have talked to the instructor about your assignment 10% will be deducted for each day it is late.
Calculators that are not attached to cell phones or any other kind of transmittal or data storage devices are the only type of calculators allowed during tests or quizzes in this class. (I.E. NO PHONES IN LAB)
Each student is required to maintain a Portfolio. The portfolio should include all recipes and handouts. Illustrations of products created. Lab sheets. ALL handouts.
Assignments will be graded for content, ability to meet requirements of assignment, spelling, punctuation and grammar. Presentation does count in this class, just as it would in the workplace. Papers that do not meet all requirements will not pass. Please utilize all resources available to you to ensure that quality work is being turned in for this class. Resources include STAR, spelling and grammar check, and all instructors. (DO NOT WAIT UNTIL DUE DATES TO ASK FOR HELP!)
Aside from specific content related requirements, the following also apply:
1) length requirements are to be adhered to
2) spelling, grammar and punctuation are to have been checked and corrected if needed
3) papers MUST be typewritten/computer generated – handwritten papers will not be accepted
4) font size is to be 12 point
5) margins are to be no larger than 0.7 inches (this includes top, bottom and both sides)
6) papers are have proper heading including: Name, Class, Date
Safety and Professional Behavior
Students will be expected to follow all safety and sanitation rules, this is for tour safety and the safety of others. Your success will be your responsibility. You need to be prepared to learn everyday and show a good work ethic. This is not only the expectation of the culinary program but employers as well. As a program that operates a licensed restaurant we must meet and exceed the standards of the County Health Department. We have locker rooms and restrooms. These rooms are to be treated with respect. HORSE PLAY IN THE LOCKER ROOMS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Repair of damage resulting from misconduct will be the financial responsibility of the student. Do not share your combination and do not take what is not yours!
It is expected that you will conduct yourself in an adult and professional manner in this course. If you are here to simply pass the time and socialize or you are not prepared to work hard and participate in class assignments, you will be assigned a cleaning task to keep you busy. Inappropriate classroom behavior will not be tolerated as it is disruptive to the operation of other groups in the kitchen and to your fellow classmates. You will be assigned tasks to keep you busy and removed from the operation of the kitchen.
Materials Required for Class
Uniforms must be worn in lab at all times. Uniforms must be CLEAN and in appropriate condition (Pants worn at your waist, hair contained in hat, etc.). Because we must access our classroom through the kitchen, appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. This means NO open toed shoes at anytime. PLEASE NO NAIL POLISH OR ARTFICIAL NAILS. THIS IS FOR SANITATION AND SAFETY! ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES (INCLUDING CELL PHONES) MUST BE LEFT IN LOCKED LOCKERS.
Uniform shoes must be anti slip and chemical resistant. (No athletic shoes)
You are required to have text books, pen and Sharpie permanent marker and thermometer everyday. You will need a 2 inch three ring binder with dividers. You will be responsible for keeping hand outs/recipes for reference. Sheet protectors are recommended.
Culinary Reading list: Additional resources will be used. Including: Uncut and Service Included
Extra Help
I am available from 6:30AM to 7:45AM and after 2:30 PM most days. Students needing additional help need to make arrangements if help is needed. Please feel free to call or email concerns.
Cell phones, pagers, and electronic devices of any kind must be turned off and put away prior to class. This includes any earphones, speakers, or other peripherals associated with said electronic devices. Failure to do so will result in dismissal for that class session. Consider this your only warning on this matter.
Drinks, food, candy, chewing gum, etc. are not permitted in any culinary classes.
When contacting your instructor please observe the following:
Voicemail – If you want the instructor to return your call, you must state that request. You must also speak clearly and leave a working telephone number where you can be reached or a reply message can be left. Voicemails will be returned within 48 hours during my posted office hours with the intermittent exception of messages sent on weekends and anytime the school is closed. 440 746- 8291
E-mail - Double check that you spell your instructor’s name correctly. Emails with incorrect spelling in the address are not delivered to the intended recipient (they are lost to cyber-space). E-mails sent to me must include your full name, the class you are in, and a clearly-stated subject line. I will not reply to messages that do not include this information. Emails will be replied to within 48 hours, with the intermittent exception of messages sent on weekends. .
Student Acknowledgement of CVCC CULINARY ARTS I & II Syllabus
~This page is to be signed and returned to instructor ~
Instructor:Barb Hummer
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the syllabus for this class.
I have read the syllabus in full and understand its contents.
I am aware that it is my responsibility to bring any questions regarding the syllabus or contents of class to my instructor’s attention.
I understand that the projects, assignments, and evening event (May 17) for this class will NOT be accepted and are required after their due dates unless the instructor is notified immediately of a circumstance that occurs beyond the student’s control, and this circumstance is approved by the instructor.
I agree to abide by the standards for classroom conduct as detailed in this syllabus, and all CVCC policies.
Student Name Printed
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Student Acknowledgement of CVCC CULINARY ARTS Syllabus
~ Retain this copy for your reference ~
Instructor: Barb Hummer
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the syllabus for this class.
I have read the syllabus in full and understand its contents.
I am aware that it is my responsibility to bring any questions regarding the syllabus or contents of class to my instructor’s attention.
I understand that the projects, assignments, and evening events for this class will NOT be accepted and are required after their due dates unless the instructor is notified immediately of a circumstance that occurs beyond the student’s control, and this circumstance is approved by the instructor.
I agree to abide by the standards for classroom conduct as detailed in this syllabus, and all CVCC policies.
Student Name Printed
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Please note this syllabus is a general course guide and may be revised or altered during the course of the school year due to changes in federal, state and/or local curricular changes and or specific learning needs of individual classes.