Syllabus for Patient Care Fundamentals 2017-2018
Director:Mrs. Kristen Johnson, RN, BSN, M.A.T.
Telephone:912-754-5610 ext 3034
Class Page:
Intro to HealthcarePatient Care Fundamentals
Essentials of Healthcare / 07:30-08:45
Patient Care Fundamentals / 12:15-13:20
Patient Care Fundamentals / 13:27-14:29
Course Description: This course is designed to provide students interested in the careers that involve patient care with entry level skills most commonly associated with the career Nursing Assistant. The students are required to meet both national and intrastate professional guidelines as designated by applicable regulatory agencies such as the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with a specific focus on the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Upon successful completion of this course and its prerequisites, this course meets the Certified Nurse Assistant curriculum content as specified by the Georgia Medical Care Foundation. Students meeting all academic, attendance, and age requirements may sit for the Georgia Registry’s Examination. Successful completion of the Georgia Registry Examination allows students to seek employment in the state of Georgia as a Certified Nurse Assistant.
Textbook: “Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care: Long Term Care” 3rd Ed. Students will be assigned a textbook and will be held financially responsible for loss or any damage to their assigned textbook.
Team members will need the following additional supplies for use in this course at ECCA:
- Composition Notebook
- Spiral bound notecard/index cards (students will need to purchase additional sets as they use them)
HOSA membership is highly recommended and encouraged for all healthcare science students.
Basic Life Support for Healthcare Provider
- Students will be CPR certified through American Heart Association.
- These certifications will be required to progress in this pathway.
- Class is free however; students are required to pay for their electronic certification card.
Certifications and Credentials
After successful completion of this course, students meeting all eligibility requirementswill have the opportunity to sit for the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and the Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) exams. These exam registrations and costs are not covered by ECCA. Students wishing to sit for the exams will be required to pay for the exams, approximately, $112 for CNA and $155 for CPCT. These costs are estimates from previous years; cost may change due to changes within the testing agencies.
It is the student’s responsibility to adhere to the testing agency’s guidelines and requirements for obtaining and renewing their certifications.
Assessment Plan
The evaluation system, which is used to measure qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of team members’ performance, is as follows:
Evaluations / Grading ScaleClasswork = 20% / 90-100 = A
Tests/Quizzes = 20% / 80-89 = B
Labs/Projects = 40% / 70-79 = C
Work Ethic=20% / Below 70 = F
Work Ethic Grade
Each student’s work ethic grade will be based on the values listed below.
Missing Assignments
Team members who are absent must take responsibility for any missed assignments, skill, or test, the first day back at school following the absence. Effingham College and Career Academy Directors will allow three days for submitting assignments due to “EXCUSED” absences. Assignments submitted after the three days will receive a 30% penalty plus an additional 10% per day penalty. Team members who are absent due to approved activity days (10 Day) must arrange the make-up work with Directors prior to the missed day.
Missing assignments will be noted accordingly in Infinite Campus. This will be my only attempt to seek out missing work. The responsibility is on the student to make up any work within 3 days.
Make-up, Tutoring, and/or Extra Help Policy
Students are to schedule a time with the Mrs. Johnson to discuss make-up work, tutoring, and extra help.
Late Arrival / Early Departure
Please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for guidelines regarding Late Arrival/Early Departure procedures. Habitual violators of late arrival/early departure may not be allowed to make-up missing assignments.
Academic Integrity Expectations
Please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook regarding cheating and plagiarism. It is expected that team members will collaborate and utilize quality resources for ideas and insight. Be sure to use your own words and accurately cite any material from which you are using the ideas. All bibliographic references must follow APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. A full description is available at or Academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism will be reported to administration and appropriate penalties imposed. Appropriate penalties include, but are not limited to, receiving a zero on the assignment in question and potential removal from the healthcare science pathway.
Destruction of School Property
Destruction of school property will result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary action will include replacement of property at team member and/or parent/guardians expense. Lab equipment is very expensive and should be respected and handled in a proper and professional manner at all times. If a team member neglectfully damages lab equipment, they will be held financially responsible for the replacement of the equipment.
Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Professionalism includes, but is not limited to, wearing the approved school uniform at all times; arriving to school on time; arriving to class on time; abiding by the rules and policies of the Effingham County Board of Education and Effingham College & Career Academy; not using vulgar and offensive language, and displaying a positive attitude at all times.
Clinical attendance
Clinical attendance is a requirement of this course. Students will need to complete a minimum of 24 clinical hours to sit for certification. Team members missing assigned clinical will receive a zero for the day; students will need a doctor’s excuse to be excused from a clinical absence. In the event of an emergency, it is the student’s responsibility to let the clinical site and their clinical instructor know that they are ill and will not be present. Missed clinicals due to excused absences will be rescheduled if scheduling allows. Team members not attending the minimum of 24 hours will not be allowed to sit for their certification exam. There are a total of 3 scheduled clinical days, 8.5 hours each, which will give the team member enough required time.
Clinical Evaluations and Time Sheets
Clinical Site Preceptors will fill out skills evaluations for the student’s performance at each clinical site. Students are responsible for getting the evaluations to their preceptor and returning it to Mrs. Johnson. Evaluations and time sheets are due weekly in the designated basket in Mrs. Johnson’s classroom. A Clinical Site Preceptor is the person directly supervising and responsible for the student during their clinical rotation. These evaluations reflect the student’s timely arrival, appearance, behavior, and level of responsibility. It is important to remember that at all times, behavior reflects on the Effingham College and Career Academy. Infractions will be taken seriously.
In addition to all policies addressed in the Effingham County Board of Education Student Handbook and the Healthcare Science Handbook,below are the general classroom rules and expectations for this course; violations will result in a 5 point reduction in work ethic grade.
Rules and Procedures
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Put cell phones (all devices) up.
- Arrive on time with required supplies.
- Stay awake, engaged, and on task for your own work in this class at all times.
- Finish all food and drinks prior to entering our classroom (except water in clear bottles).
- Maintain a clean work space & leave classroom in the condition, or better condition, it was found.
- Enter the lab only when instructed to do so.
- Handle all equipment appropriately and safely.
Classroom Procedures
Entering the classroom
- Be in the room and seated before the bell rings
- Begin working on your assigned daily activity
- Quietly work until I have given the signal that class has begun
Leaving the classroom
- With 1 minute remaining in class return all supplies (books, lab materials, computers, chairs, etc) back to their original location
- Remain seated until I release you from class (not when the bell rings)
- First Offense: Verbal reprimand
- Second Offense: Verbal reprimand and point reduction in work ethic grade
- Third Offense: Parent/guardian contact & point reduction in work ethic grade
- Fourth Offense: Referral to office
Mrs. Johnson reserves the right to send students to Mr. Kieffer, as deemed necessary, at any time. Repeated offenses will result in loss of privileges within the lab, classroom, and clinicals.
Effingham College and Career Academy
Patient Care Fundamentals
Mrs. Kristen Johnson, RN, BSN, M.A.T
I have read and understand the policies and procedures outlined in the syllabus for Patient Care Fundamentals. I agree to abide by all policies and procedures outlined in this syllabus.
Parent Name: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Phone#:______
Address: ______
Student Name: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Email: ______
This syllabus should be kept for your records. This signature page is to be returned by
Tuesday August 8th, 2017
Professionalism is a key character trait for any Health Care worker. Students not displaying professional or safe behavior in the classroom, lab, or clinical can be removed from lab and clinicals (resulting in lower course grade).
The contents and policies in this syllabus are subject to change at any time for any reason in order to facilitate the learning process. The policies in this syllabus are not intended to circumvent any policy of the Effingham County Board of Education.Current copy of syllabus can be found at: