After Agenda
Spalding County Board of Tax Assessors
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Regular Session – 10:00 a.m.
Meeting Room 105, Courthouse Annex
Members present: Chairman, Bill Murray
Member, Bill Norris
Member, Brad Wideman
I. Call to order:
1. Minutes of the Regular Session December 18, 2013
-Chairman, Bill Murray motioned to approve the minutes as read and
a second was made by Brad Wideman.
II. New Business:
1. Refund Requests
a.) Brinson, Howard & Lena 201C-01-006
-Chairman, Bill Murray motioned to grant the refund request
pending an inspection and a second was made by Bill Norris.
2. Exemption Applications
a.) Voice to the Nations Worship Center 080-05-019
-Bill Norris motioned to approve the exemption pending the
verification of the ownership on the warranty and security
deeds and a second was made by Brad Wideman.
3. Superior Court Certifications
a.) Kelley, James & Yvette 259-02-008B
-Brad Wideman motioned to approve the filing to Superior Court
and a second was made by Bill Norris.
4. Requests to meet with the Board
a.) Celltower Solutions
-Approved meeting and also requested County Manager, William
Wilson be invited to attend.
III. Old Business:
1. Concerns
a.) Carl Pruitt 042-02-014
-Open discussion of the email forward to County Manager,
William Wilson.
IV. Chief Appraiser’s Report
-Regency Apartments request to file a late 2013 appeal was denied
-PreBill Mobile Home digest was sent to Sylvia on January 10,
2014 with all NADA values.
-Personal Property forms were sent to the printer/mailer on
January 9, 2014.
-Presented memo from DOR stating how the IRP AAVT tax will
be distributed differently in 2014.
-2014 CUVA corrections
-No BOE requirements to keep minutes
V. Assessors Comments
VI. Executive Session
VII. Adjournment
-Chairman, Bill Murray motioned to adjourn and a second was
made by Bill Norris. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.