Workshop Genetics Syllabus, Fall 2008

Section One: Dr. Tammy Tobin-Janzen (M,W,F)
Office: 238 Fisher Hall
Phone: 4067
Office Hours: M,W 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., T, Th 3 - 4 pm.
SN: Tammytobinjanzen
Facebook: tobinjan / Section Two: Dr. Tom Peeler (T,Th)
Office: 246 Fisher Hall
Phone: 4381
Office Hours: TBA

Student Learning Objectives: As a result of taking this course, students will:

1) Be able to describe and apply important concepts and theories in genetics.

2) Show evidence of expanded information literacy in biology.

3) Acquire and demonstrate basic skills with genetics laboratory equipment and techniques.

4) Work more effectively in groups.

5) Improve their ability to ask and answer scientific questions.

Grading Policy: The final class grade will be based on three in-class exams (45%), graded in-class assignments (15%), Readiness Assurance Process (RAP) quizzes (10%), and investigative laboratory reports (30%). Grades will be based on the table below. There is no curve.

Percent Grade / Letter Grade
94 / A
90 / A-
87 / B+
84 / B
80 / B-
77 / C+
74 / C
70 / C-
67 / D+
64 / D
60 / D-
<60 / F

Textbook: Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 9th Edition. Anthony J.F. Griffiths, Susan R. Wessler, Richard C. Lewontin, Sean B. Carroll. ISBN 0-7167-6887-9.

Rules: Class attendance is mandatory, and you will receive a zero for any graded class work that you miss because of an absence. If you know that you will miss a scheduled activity, please talk to your professor in advance. Note that we do not promise that you will be able to make up all assignments, but your chances are vastly improved if you talk to us early, and we will try to work with you to the extent that we can.

There will be no food, drink, gum or other consumables allowed in the laboratory. This is a Federal law, and also good laboratory practice. (In general, mistakenly eating your experiments is less productive than keeping them in your test tubes.) We will have a table outside the classroom that can be used to hold food/drink items for use during class time.

Accommodations: If you have a documented learning disability, bring the paperwork from the counseling center to your professor's office. We will be happy to make any arrangements necessary to make this course work for you.

Schedule of Events: In the table below, you will see the events that are scheduled for workshop genetics this semester. The timing of some events may change to accommodate the realities of life in science (somehow everything always takes longer than we think it will!), but test dates will normally not change.

Hours: Refers to the class hours for that week: For Section 2 (Dr. Tom), hours 1-3 are on Tuesday, and hours 4-6 are on Thursday. For Section 1 (Dr. TJ), hours 1-2 are on Monday, 3-4 are on Wednesday, and 5-6 are on Friday.

Topic/Assignments: This section shows the topic of the hour, the reading assignments that you are expected to read prior to that hour, and also contains links to any handouts or completed pre-class assignments that you will be expected to bring with you. RAPs will generally be based on the background readings and assignments, so make sure you are prepared for each class.

Due In Class: Details any assignments that will be due in class that day.

Week/ Dates / Hour / Topic/Pre-Class Assignments / Due In Class
Week 1: 8/25-8/29 / 1 / An Introduction to Workshop Genetics and Team-Based Learning
Read: Syllabus
2 / Teamwork 101: Forming Teams and the Readiness Assurance Process
Read and Bring:Introduction to Team-Based Learning / Due:
Practice RAP
3 / Basic Genetics Concepts: Single-Gene Inheritance
Mini-Lecture: Single Gene Inheritance Patterns
Read:Chapter 2, Pages 31-42
4 / Advanced Applications in Single-Gene Inheritance
Team Application Problems / Due:
5 / The Case of the Confused Counselor
Background and Pre-Class Assignment
Read: The Case of the Confused Counselor : Background and Pre-Class Assignment.
Bring:1. Completed Confused Counselor Pre-Class Assignment
2. Textbook
6 / The Case of the Confused Counselor
Step One:Generating a Family Genetic Tree
Read: The Case of the Confused Counselor: Investigative Laboratory Step 1. / Due:
Family Genetic History Questionnaire

Genetics Schedule of Events

Week 2: 9/1-9/5 / 1 / Basic Genetics Concepts:
The Chromosomal Basis of Single-Gene Inheritance Patterns
Read:Text Chapter 2, pages 42-57
Bring:Text / Due:
2 / Advanced Applications in Single-Gene Inheritance Patterns
Mini-Lecture: Discovering Genes By Observing Segregation Ratios; Variations in Dominance Relationships
Read:Text Chapter 2 pages 57-65; Chapter 6 pages 221-235
Team Application Problems 1 / Due:
3 / Acquiring Basic Biology Skills: Microscopy and Digital Imaging
Concept Activity 1: Mitosis and the Microscopic Analysis of Human Chromosome Spreads
Read:Text Chapter 2, pages 47 and 52
Bring: 1. Textbook
2. Human Chromosome Spreads Procedure
3. Sensible Shoes / Due:
Sign up to meet with your instructor in order to photograph your chromosome spreads
4 / Acquiring Basic Biology Skills: Macintosh Literacy
Bring:Mac Literacy Check Sheet / Due:
Mac Literacy Check Sheet
5 / The Case of the Confused Counselor
Human Pedigree Analysis
Mini-Lecture: Human Pedigree Analysis Using Molecular Markers
Read: Chapter 2, pages 66-76;Chapter 4, pages 146-153
Read and Bring: Generating Molecular Pedigrees Background Handout
Bring: Textbook
Team Application Problems 2 / Due:
6 / The Case of the Confused Counselor
Step Two: Generating a Molecular Pedigree, Part 1
Molecular Pedigrees Part 1: Experimental Design
Read and Bring:Molecular Pedigrees Laboratory Procedure Handout / Due:
Experimental Design Sheet
Week 3: 9/8-9/12 / 1 / Acquiring Basic Biology Skills:Proper Use of Micropipettes
Read:Oxford Benchmate Operating Instructions
Bring: Micropipet Competency Skills Check Sheet / Due:
Micropipet Competency Skills Check
2 / The Case of the Confused Counselor
Step Two: Generating a Molecular Pedigree, Part 2
Molecular Pedigrees Part 2: Running and Analyzing the Gels
Read and Bring: Molecular Pedigrees Laboratory Procedure Handout
Bring: Sensible Shoes
3-4 / Acquiring Basic Biology Skills:
Fluorescence Microscopy
Bring: 1. Fluorescence Microscopy Lab Handouts
2. Sensible Shoes
5 / Biological Information Literacy:
How to find and use high quality scientific references
Read:Critically Analyzing Information Sources
Bring:1.Information Literacy 101: Finding Quality Background References
2.Rubric for Assessing Biological Information Literacy / Due:
Information Literacy Check Sheet.
6 / Acquiring Basic Biology Skills:
Constructing a Web Page Using Dreamweaver
Read:Biology Major's Portfolio / Due:
First Page of Portfolio
Week 4:
9/15 - 9/19 / 1 / Basic Genetics Concepts:
Independent Assortment of Genes
Read: Text Chapter 3, pages 89-97
Bring:Text / Due:
2 / Advanced Applications in Independent Assortment:
Chi-Square Analysis
Mini-Lecture: Independent Assortment and Chi-Square Analysis
Read: Text Chapter 3, pages 97 - 104
Team Application Problems 3 / Due:
Mitosis Report Linked to Portfolio
3 / Advanced Applications in Independent Assortment:
Read: Text Chapter 3, pages 97- 109
Team Application Problems 4 / Due:
4 / How to Prepare Professional Poster Presentations
Read and Bring:The Case of the Confused Counselor Poster Presentation Guidelines
Read:WebGURU "Preparing a Poster Presentation"
5 – 6 / Unit 1 Review Session
Bring:Practice Problems, Confusions and Concerns / Due:
Nothing new
Week 5: 9/22-9/26 / 1-2-3 / TEST #1
4-5-6 / Poster work time/Group Appointments
Week 6: 9/29-10/3 / 1-2 / The Case of the Confused Counselor
Poster Presentations
Bring:1. Your posters!
2.Peer Review of Posters Sheet
3.Assessment of Contributions of Group Members / Due:
Poster and Team Evaluations
3-4 / Basic Genetics Concepts:
Mapping Eukaryotic Chromosomes by Recombination
Read:Text Chapter 4, pages 129 - 139
Bring:Text / Due:
4-5 / Advanced Applications in Recombination:
Gene Mapping and Chi Square Analysis
Mini-Lecture: Gene Mapping and Chi Square Analysis
Read:Text Chapter 4, pages 140-157
Begin Team Application Problems 5
5 - 6 / Advanced Applications in Recombination:
Gene Mapping and Chi Square Analysis
Complete Team Application Problems 5 / Due:
Confused Counselor posters linked to portfolio by today.
Week 7: 10/6-10/10 / 1 / Basic Genetics Concepts:
DNA Structure and Mutations
Read:Text Chapter 7, pages 269-275; Chapter 15, pages 513-518.
Bring:Text / Due:
2 / The Case of The Cafeteria Calamity
Step 1: Experimental Design
Read: 1. The Case of the Cafeteria Calamity Background
2.ERes Articles
Bring: 1. Completed Case of the Cafeteria Calamity Pre- Class Assignment
2. The Case of the Cafeteria Calamity Procedure.
3. Experimental Design Sheet / Due:
Experimental Design Sheet
3-4 / Advanced Applications in Mutational Analysis:
Spontaneous and Induced Mutations
Minilecture: Nucleic Acid Structure - Spontaneous and Induced Mutations
Read:Text Chapter 15, pages 518-530
Team Application Problems 6 / Due:
5-6 / The Case of the Cafeteria Calamity Step 2: Setting up Yeast Cultures
Bring:1. Completed Pre-Class Assignment
2. The Case of the Cafeteria Calamity Procedure
3. Sensible Shoes
Week 8: 10/13-10/17 / 1 - 2 / Fall Break!
3-4 / Advanced Applications in Mutational Analysis:
Inferring Gene Interactions
Minilecture: Inferring Gene Interactions
Read:Text Chapter 6, pages 235 - 247
Team Application Problems 7 / Due:
5 - 6 / The Case of the Cafeteria Calamity Step 3: Analyzing and Interpreting Your Yeast Experiments
Unit 2 Review Session
Week 9: 10/20-10/24 / 1-2-3 / UNIT 2 TEST
4-5-6 / Poster work time/Group Appointments
Week 10: 10/27-10-31 / 1-2 / The Case of the Cafeteria Calamity Poster Presentations
Bring:1. Your posters!
2. Peer Review of Posters Sheet
3. Assessment of Contributions of Group Members / Due:
Peer Review of Posters
Assessment of Group Members
3-4 / The Case of the Reclusive Relative:
Background and Pre-Class Assignment
Read and Bring:The Case of the Reclusive Relative: Pre-Class Assignment
Read:Chapter 3, pages 112-118
Watch Video:"The Journey of Man" / Due:
The Case of the Reclusive Relative Pre-Class Assignment
5-6 / Basic Genetics Concepts:
DNA Replication
Read:Text pages 275 - 284
Team Application Problems 8 / Due:
Cafeteria Calamity Posters Linked to Portfolio by Today
Week 11: 11/3-11/7 / 1 / The Case of the Reclusive Relative:
Step 1-2: Theory and Isolating DNA From Cheek Cells
Read: Step 1: Background and Theory
Read and Bring:Step 2: DNA Isolation from Cheek Cell Procedure
Bring:Sensible Shoes
2 / Advanced Applications in DNA Replication:
The Polymerase Chain Reaction and DNA Sequencing
Minilecture: DNA Replication in Vitro -The Polymerase Chain Reaction and DNA Sequencing
Read:Text pages 731-732
Begin Team Application Problems 9
3 / The Case of the Reclusive Relative Step 2:
Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction to Amplify the Mitochondrial Control Region from Cheek Cell DNA
Read:The Case of the Reclusive Relative: Step 3 - Amplifying the Mitochondrial Control Region from Cheek Cell DNA
Bring:Amplifying the Mitochondrial Control Region Procedure
4 / Advanced Applications in DNA Replication:
DNA Sequencing
Minilecture: DNA Replication in Vitro - DNA Sequencing
Read:Text pages 732-735
Complete Team Application Problems 9 / Due:
5 - 6 / The Case of the Reclusive Relative Steps 5-6:
Quantifying PCR Products and Sequencing the Mitochondrial Control Region
Read and Bring: Steps 5-6: Quantifying the Pure PCR Products and Sequencing PCR Products
Week 12: 11/10-11/14 / 1 - 3 / The Case of the Reclusive Relative, Step 7:
Analyzing sequence data
Read and Bring:Step 7: Analysis of Human Mitochondrial DNA Sequences.
4 - 6 / Poster work time/Group Appointments
Week 13 11/17-11/21 / 1 - 2 / The Case of the Reclusive Relative Poster Presentations
Bring:Your posters!
Peer Review of Posters Sheet
Assessment of Contributions of Group Members / Due:
Peer Review of Posters
Assessment of Group Members
3 - 6 / Thanksgiving Break!
Week 14: 11/24-11/28 / 1 / Basic Genetics Concepts:
Population Genetics
Read:Text Chapter 17, pages 603 - 615,
Bring:Text / Due
2 / Advanced Applications in Population Genetics:
The Effect of Sexual Reproduction on Variation
Minilecture: The Effect of Sexual Reproduction on Variation
Team Application Problems 10 / Due:
TAP 10
3 - 4 / Advanced Applications in Population Genetics:
Sources of Variation: Mutation and Migration
Read:Chapter 17, pages 620-623
Minilecture: Mutation and Migration
Begin Team Application Problems 11
5 - 6 / Advanced Applications in Population Genetics:
Sources of Variation: Selection and Random Events
Read:Chapter 17, pages 623-633
Minilecture: Selection and Random Events
Finish Team Application Problems 11 / Due:
TAP 11
Reclusive Relative Posters Linked to Portfolio by Today
Week 15: 12/1-12/5 / 1 / Basic Genetics Concepts:
Evolutionary Genetics
Read:Chapter 19, pages 679-689
Bring:Text / Due:
2 - 3 / Advanced Applications in Evolotionary Genetics:
Phylogenetic Analysis and MacClade
Read and Bring:Text
Phylogenetic Analysis and MacClade / Due:
MacClade Activity
4 - 6 / Review Session
Bring:Text / Due:
Nothing New
FINAL EXAM / Exam #3 During scheduled final exam times. Your professor will announce the exam time(s) in class. / Due:
Exam #3
Completed Portfolios