"Healing is learning to correct the human body field so that it works according to the original blueprint."

- The Living Matrix


I have heard it said many times that "everything works, no matter how you use the Sirius Infinity Pointer" and that is absolutely true. I have also heard that the following hints have shown to be the MOST effective way to use the pointer.

Energizing others:

If possible, have the person sit in a chair with shoes off and feet flat on the floor, hands on thighs palm down, eyes closed. Mostly be sure they are comfortable… they can be in bed, etc., if necessary. Be sure that their hands and feet are not crossed, or clasped, so that the energy can flow easily throughout the body. If you are energizing an area that has pain, ask the person for a number from 1 to 10 for the current level of pain. 1 being a minimum and 10 being “Call 911”.

Give them a glass of water that has been energized to make sure they are hydrated.

FYI: 10% get instant dramatic results. 80% get results by energizing once or twice (or more) times a day after several days. 10% gets results that can take several weeks to start happening. So just keep the intention and keep using your Sirius Infinity Pointer! : )

The person should have their eyes closed. They should concentrate on what you're saying to bring their whole mind and body into the experience. However, if you are energizing the eyes because of an eye issue, then it is suggested to open the eyes and look at the pointer as you are doing your clockwise "circling". Have the person breathe deeply and exhale through their mouth, picturing in their mind that the pain is being released from their body with each exhale. If there are other people in the room, it is best if they are quiet and also focused on what the intention of the energizing is. Keep in mind that some wonderful health improvements have been experienced while at wedding receptions, in a store, in a restaurant, etc., WITHOUT having done any of this protocol…..

You do not need to touch the person's body with the pointer (but it is OK if you want to), nor do they need to take off any of their clothing. However, it has been found that removing the shoes is more effective because they are then more grounded.

Start by energizing the body's Energy Centers (Chakra's). This helps to wake up the body before you begin addressing specific issues. Start by lightly tapping on the top of the head 3 times to begin the process of “waking up” the body’s energy centers. Then you can do 3-9 clockwise circles over top of head, center of forehead, throat, heart, just above the bellybutton, ½ way between bellybutton and base of body, and last the base of body.) It has also been suggested to do a 15 second energizing of the palm by doing clockwise circles and then touch each each finger tip (and each toe if possible). Then use the pointer as if it were a match to strike the tip of the finger or toe 3 times.

If you rotate the pointer in a clockwise direction you will create a vortex of energy and this can increase the effectiveness of your energizing the body. Do this by using your whole arm to make the circles. This is better than just using your wrist to make the circles. Slow circling, done with intension is best. The size of the circle I use is anywhere between 1/2"-3" in diameter, depending on the size of the issue. If the issue covers a large area, rather than doing a huge circle just move your circling over to the next section of the larger area.

You can do this "circling" as many times as you wish... I usually do it for 1-2 minutes to start... but it is suggested NOT to do it for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time so you don't put your body into a "healing crisis" (where the person being energized might have fever, chills, nausea, or body eliminations you might not want to have happen). The length of time varies by each person. I usually go by what feels right to the person for that particular issue. You can always do a second energizing after you see how the person feels, what changes have happened, etc. Ask for them to assess the pain again and give a number on the 1 to 10 scale.

Sometimes it may seem as if the pain has moved to another location. It doesn't really "move"... once the body has let go of the pain in one area, then another area will "appear" that was being "masked" or "covered" by the original pain. The person may not have even been aware of the lesser pain until the larger pain has been let go by the body.




Try just placing the tip of the pointer and holding it if you can reach the spot on your back. Or, use the pointer from the front, directly across from the painful back area. Remember, the beam travels 20 feet. Your intention is part of the directing of the energy. You can also use a mirror and energize the reflection.


Hold more than 1 pointer in your hand (keep the pointers from touching each other) while energizing or even better is if you can have more than one person energizing the individual at the same time.


A Reflexologist on one of the calls recommended energizing the reflexology points on the feet and hands. There are points in the hands and feet that directly affect areas of the body, so we can reach an unreachable area by energizing its reflex point. (you can do a Google Search for a chart). This reflexologist told of an energizing instruction she got that recommended lightly pressing and rotating three times on all fingers and toes to unblock all energy blockages (as directed in the directions above). She also saw a demonstration of using the pointer on, say a knuckle, and “scraping” bad energy off of the area. She recommends energizing your charkras every day, as a personal health care “habit.”


Whenever you can, use the pointer to energize the palm of your left hand. The Sirius Infinity Pointer emits Human Blueprint Frequency energy all the time, why not take advantage of that and expose yourself to the energy as often as you can? You can also wear the pointer on you if you like as it also emits some energy from the side of the pointer.


You can play with some moderately priced wine by having a glass that you energize (for about 1 minute) and a glass that has not been energized. Can you taste the difference? About 75% of people will be able to taste the difference. Try the same thing with a lemon. Cut a lemon in slices. Energize half of the slices for 1 minute. Taste an energized lemon slice first and then a non-energized lemon slice. For any food that you are doing a taste test on, be sure to keep the portion that is not being energized at least 3 feet away from where you are doing the energizing. But whether or not you taste the difference, energizing your food and drink is an excellent idea to have your food energetically vibrating higher because that is a health benefit to you.


Use the Pointer and rotate it over the areas you where you spend a lot of time: desk, chair, seat in the car, couch, bed. The energy will remain for several hours to several days depending on the other environmental stresses in your personal space. Your feet have an enormous number of energy receptors so energize your shoes, under your desk and even the floor of the shower. Water is an excellent conductor of energy. If you take baths, energize your bath water.


Don’t forget your pets. My cat requests to be energized and will pull the Pointer to her if I am not using it on her when she comes to my lap. Since she is an outdoor cat that gets into scuffles with other cats, when she requests to be energized I can usually find some scabs on her from her scuffles. I feel that with the energizing we are not having to take her to the vet to have abscesses drained and get some antibiotics like we were before I got my Sirius Infinity Pointer. : ) Our dog is very sensitive to the energy and doesn’t seem to enjoy it like the cat does, but I still feel the dog is in better health due to the energizing.

My garden. I can see the difference with some plants more than others. My raspberries love the energy. I water them with a soaker hose, so I just put the pointer right into the hose! For other plants I will just hold the Pointer against the hose as I water. The tomatoes and spinach have a fantastic response to the energy!

Wellness begins at an energetic level. If our body has the right balance of energy, it will work at its best to maintain optimal health.


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