RTI Application Form
Applicant I.D. No. ______
Date :
BSNL Corporate office.
New Delhi - 110001
Sub:-Request for information under RTI Act
Dear Sir,
I Son of resident of, wish to seek information, under the RTI Act, 2005 from BSNL Corporate office, New Delhi. I, hereby, declare that I am a Citizen of India and information sought in this application will be used in the best of the Public Interest. I further assure you that, I shall not allow/ cause to use / Pass / share / display / or circulate the information received in any case and under any circumstances, with any person or in any manner which would be detrimental to the Unity / Sovereignty or against the Interest of India.
1.The information needed is in the form of Clarification.
2.The Information sought pertains to your BSNL Corporate office, New Delhi
3.The Required Information is for the period – 2007 to 2010
4.The information sought is related to myself.
- The particular / details of Information / Documents asked for is given below:-
Information regarding new fixation of pay scale for TTA’s recruited after 2007 in BSNL , kindly
provide details of Information as given below:-
i)Why different pay scale in the same cadre like TTA’s recruited after 2007 in BSNL & TTA’s recruited before 2007 as per new wage revision? Kindly provide clarification regarding, if any constitutional rule in BSNL (since BSNL foundation 2001) that same pay scale / fitment benefits shall not to be given to newly recruited employ after 2007 in same cadre during common / same wage revision.
ii)Kindly provide information/ruling regarding selection criteria of TTA’s recruited after 2007 in BSNL & Also provide the pay band criteria/ruling from department in respect of new wage revision instead of 7100-200-10100 (old scale) for TTA’s recruited in 2007, 2008 & 2009.(kindly provide same information during advertisement / selection time as per revise pay scale)
iii)Kindly provide clarification from department that why 30% fitment benefit has not to be given to TTA’s recruited after 2007 in BSNL.
iv)The advertisement for recruitment of TTA’s in 2007, 2008 & 2009 was published after 1/1/2007 in all circles...... but in no one advertisement it was mentioned that fitment benefits or higher pay scale shall be given to TTA’s recruited before 2007 than TTA’s recruited after 2007 in BSNL but no fitment benefits or Lower pay scale shall be given to TTA’s recruited after 2007 than TTA’s recruited before 2007 in BSNL. Please provide clarification that whether it was pre decided before recruitment of TTA's that fitment-benefit would be provided only to 1/1/2007 prior employee......
v)Kindly provide clarification regarding if any employ’s gross salary has been reduced after newwage revision in comparison to old pay scale, what he/she do?
vi)Kindly provide clarification regarding selection of TTA’s after 2007 in BSNL, Is it TTA cadre based or different pay band based?
vii)As per DPE guideline, is their any guideline to decide, different pay band in common wage revision for same cadre? If any, kindly provide the relevant information as per DPE guideline.
viii) As per DPE guideline, is their any guideline to BSNL management that fitment should be provided only to 1/1/2007 prior recruited employee. If any, kindly provide the relevant information as per DPE guideline.
6. I have deposited the required RTI Fee amount of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) towards application fee through Indian Postal Order favouring ‘AO BSNL CO, New Delhi’ Payable at NEW DELHI. Further, I also undertake to pay any additional fees/charges (if applicable) as prescribed under the RTI Act.
Kindly provide the information as soon as possible & within time frame as stipulated under RTI Act, 2005.