Risk Focus Reports considered by Audit CommitteeAPPENDIX 4
Audit Committee / Risk ref / Risk Description / Report Author/s / Risk Owner22 Nov 2012 / HFRS0007 / During unplanned incidents, such as terrorist activity, civil disturbance or large scale wide area flooding, or periods of industrial action, there is a risk that HFRS have insufficient resources to cope which may result in a reliance on regional or national resources or significantly reduced fire cover / TBC / Doug Robinson, Asst Chief Fire Officer Service Delivery, HFRS
22 Nov 2012 / HFRS0011 / There is a risk that changing the way HFRS responds to emergency calls will result in an adverse effect on it's ability to respond effectively to emergency situations as they occur. / TBC / John Mills, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, HFRS
13 Sept 2012 / CSCE0010 / There is a risk that the council will fail to meet the 25% carbon reduction target by 2012/13, resulting in escalating taxation and damage to the reputation of the County Council (HCC) as a leader of the County and its ability to meet its policy objectives. / Angela Bucksey, Asst Director, Property & Technology, Resources and Performance / Angela Bucksey
20 June 2012 / Audit 0001 / As a result of the current economic conditions there is an increased risk that the Council experiences significant fraud. Loss of financial and other resources (e.g. easily portable assets); damage to Council’s reputation as a body which can be trusted to manage public funds in a responsible way / Helen Maneuf, Head of Assurance Services, Resources and Performance / Helen Maneuf
30 Mar 2012 / CSF0070 / In the event of inadequate capital being made available from a number of funding streams, the costs of delivering the primary and secondary expansion programme may not be met. / Simon Newland, Asst Director, Education Provision and Access, Education & Early Intervention / Simon Newland
24 Nov 2011 / CPRES0001 / As a result of a failure of the Local Resilience Forum to provide adequate inter-agency plans which correctly identify the capabilities required to deal with a major emergency in Hertfordshire there is a risk that Hertfordshire's multi-agency response will not be fully effective. Failure of inter-agency plans may result in damage to reputation, possible legal action or examination at public inquiry and additional suffering caused to those affected by the emergency. / Peter Hazeldine, Asst Chief Fire Officer,
and Owen Tomlinson, Community Protection Manager, Community Protection / Peter Hazeldine
24 Nov 2011 / CPRES0002 / As a result of a failure to prepare adequate corporate and departmental generic BCP plans there is a risk that, should a major incident take place (to building, technology and people) there will be insufficient back up arrangements in place, resulting in a higher level of disruption than anticipated causing increased disruption to key resources. / Peter Hazeldine, Asst Chief Fire Officer,
and Owen Tomlinson, Community Protection Manager, Community Protection / Peter Hazeldine
29 Sept 2011 / HCSOPD0006 / Commercial or contractual failure of private or independent care providers leads to disruption to care provision and impact on service users and carers. Having to find alternative care provision for vulnerable service users; inability to find alternative care providers if there is not sufficient market capacity. / Mark Janes, Head of Community Support and Gary Heathcote, Head of Accommodation Solutions, Health & Community Services / Jess Lievesley, Asst Director, Community Commissioning, Health & Community Services
29 Sept 2011 / HCSCP0001 / Inadequate quality of care from internal and external HCS care providers leads to the death or severe abuse of a client / Mark Janes, Head of Community Support and Gary Heathcote, Head of Accommodation Solutions, Health & Community Services / Jess Lievesley, Asst Director, Community Commissioning, Health & Community Services
30 Jun 2011 / CSF0055 / Should a child or young person die or become seriously injured as a result of inappropriate care or attention, the Authority will be subject to a very high level of media attention and detailed scrutiny from Ofsted. This may lead to formal intervention by Government and/or legal action by families or carers / Sue Williams, Operations Director, Safeguarding, and Jenny Lee, Head of Business Infrastructure, Children’s Services / Jenny Coles, Director of Children's Safeguarding and Specialist Services
31 Mar 2011 / CFTF00001 / As a result of the financial implications of specific strands of business transformation activity (organisation redesign and the employment package), there is a risk of a loss in staff morale and commitment. / Stuart Campbell, Assistant Director, Performance & Improvement,
Roger Barrett, Transformation Programme Manager, Resources & Performance / Mike Parsons, Director, Performance & Resources
31 Mar 2011 / CFTF0002 / There is a risk that staff crucial to leading change and delivering operationsmay leave if they do not have a good understanding ofthetransformation programme and the futureopportunities for them within Hertfordshire County Council. / Stuart Campbell, Assistant Director, Performance & Improvement,
Roger Barrett, Transformation Programme Manager, Resources & Performance / Mike Parsons, Director, Performance & Resources
31 Mar 2011 / CFTF0003 / As a result of the need to realise greater efficiencies from the procurement of external services, there is a risk of insufficient development in commissioning and contract management skills and competencies / Stuart Campbell, Assistant Director, Performance & Improvement,
Roger Barrett, Transformation Programme Manager, Resources & Performance / Mike Parsons, Director, Performance & Resources
31 Mar 2011 / CFTF0004 / As a potential result of ineffective and inefficient programme communications and engagement activity, there is a risk that the benefits of the business transformation programme are not sufficiently appreciated by stakeholders. / Stuart Campbell, Assistant Director, Performance & Improvement,
Roger Barrett, Transformation Programme Manager, Resources & Performance / Mike Parsons, Director, Performance & Resources
31 Mar 2011 / CFTF0005 / Changes to national policy and legislature have the potential to impact on progress with the Council for the Future programme, particularly relating to decision making and consequent financial savings forecasts. / Stuart Campbell, Assistant Director, Performance & Improvement,
Roger Barrett, Transformation Programme Manager, Resources & Performance / Mike Parsons, Director, Performance & Resources
31 Mar 2011 / CFTF0006 / In achieving greater organisational efficiencies through changes to organisational structure and the employee package there is a potential risk of a negative impact on industrial relations / Stuart Campbell, Assistant Director, Performance & Improvement,
Roger Barrett, Transformation Programme Manager, Resources & Performance / Mike Parsons, Director, Performance & Resources
31 Mar 2011 / CFTF0007 / There is a risk from failure to deliver the efficiency / effectiveness savings identified in the ‘Council for the Future’ programme, including failure to embed the Values and Behaviours / Stuart Campbell, Assistant Director, Performance & Improvement,
Roger Barrett, Transformation Programme Manager, Resources & Performance / Mike Parsons, Director, Performance & Resources
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