Identify food safety and sanitation rules and guidelines to maintain a safe and working environment. Identify and explain the appropriate safe use and care of kitchen equipment. / STANDARD:
Students will review and apply the skills of kitchen management, safety and sanitation.
Bell Ringer Question / MATERIALS:
Bell Ringer Cards
TIME: 5 min.
  1. Have the students answer the following question on their bell ringer cards, “Name the food-borne illness that comes from poorly processed canned goods.” (Botulism)
  2. When done, have the students return their cards to the class basket.

(Cooperative & Competitive) / DESCRIPTION:
Review kitchen safety and sanitation concepts with students using a competitive game. / MATERIALS:
Kitchen Safety and Sanitation PowerPoint
Call bells (4)
Candy for winning team
TIME:45 min.
  1. Split the class into their kitchen units and give each team a call bell.
  2. A question will be read from the PowerPoint presentation. The first team to ring the bell gets to answer the question.
  3. Only one student is to ring the bell at a time. That student is also responsible for stating the final answer. The teams may discuss the question as a group before the final answer is given. Rotate the bell around allowing each student an opportunity to ring the bell and answer a question.
  4. If a team answers the question correctly they are awarded a point. If a team answers incorrectly, the other teams are then allowed a chance to answer.
  5. Every five points earns the team candy. The points are then erased from all of the teams and the scoring begins again.
  6. The students are welcome to take notes on concepts they may have forgotten. Instruct the students that all of the information covered today will be on the unit test and they will be responsible to know this information.

  1. How do you prevent falls?
  2. What are some first aid procedures to use on someone suffering from a fall?
  3. How do you prevent cuts?
  4. What are some first aid procedures to use on cuts?
  5. How do you prevent fires and burns?
  6. What are some first aid procedures to use on burns?
  7. How do you extinguish a grease fire?
  8. What procedures do you use when someone is choking?
  9. How do you prevent poisoning?
  10. What are some first aid procedures to use for poisoning?
  11. How do you prevent electric shock?
  12. What are some first aid procedures to use for electric shock?
  13. Name some of the proper lifting techniques.
  14. Name five food-borne illnesses, their symptoms and how to prevent them.
  15. What is cross-contamination and how do you prevent it?
  16. How do you properly thaw food?
  17. What are some personal cleanliness procedures to follow in the kitchen?
  18. What are some kitchen cleanliness procedures to follow in the kitchen?
  19. What is the temperature danger zone?
  20. What are the internal temperatures for food?
  21. What is “first in and first out”?

Foods and Nutrition II Curriculum Guide – Utah State Office of Education
(Cooperative) / DESCRIPTION:
Hand Washing Activity / MATERIALS:
Cooking Oil
1 Tbsp. measuring spoon
1/4 tsp. measuring spoon
TIME:15 min.
  1. The students are going to participate in an eye opening experience of how germs really do stay on your hands even if they have been washed.
  2. Have the students divide into their kitchen units.
  3. Assign each student in the unit a different hand washing method.
  4. Cold water for 10 seconds.
  5. Cold water for 20 seconds.
  6. Warm water with soap for 10 seconds.
  7. Warm water with soap for 20 seconds.
  8. Have each student rub 1 Tbsp. cooking oil on their hands like lotion. It is helpful if they do this over the garbage can. It gets pretty messy.
  9. Sprinkle 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon on each pair of hands. The students need to rub the cinnamon with the oil all over their hands.
  10. Instruct the students now to wash according to their assigned time and method.
  11. Have the students compare the cleanliness of their hands with one another. Instruct the students to observe who still has oil and cinnamon left on their hands even after washing.
  12. After the students have washed and compared hands, have them wash their hands thoroughly removing any cinnamon and oil still remaining and return to their seats.
  13. Discussion with the class:
  14. Which person in your group still had cinnamon and oil on their hands? Why?
  15. How does the temperature of the water make a difference?
  16. How does the length of time washing make a difference?
  17. How does using soap make a difference?
  18. What does this experiment tell you about the importance of washing hands correctly?
  19. Challenge all of the students to thoroughly wash their hands everyday.

  1. Why is it important to wash your hands thoroughly?
  2. How does the temperature of the water make a difference in the cleanliness of your hands?
  3. How does the length of time washing your hands make a difference in the cleanliness of your hands?
  4. How does using soap make a difference in the cleanliness of your hands?

Hand washing idea found by Debra Paull.
Following the principles of safety and sanitation in the kitchen are the basic building blocks for a successful experience in the kitchen.
Encourage all students to participate in the review game. Participation points may be used to encourage all students to take part in the game.
Play the Kitchen Safety board game. There are 4 sets of the game in the back cupboards. Have the students split into their kitchen units to play the game. Instructions on how to play the game are included in each of the boxes.