FEBRUARY 20, 20087:00 P.M.

Present:Ms. Cate Crown, Chairman

Mr. John Hatch

Ms. Patricia Madrigal

Mr. Carol Rogers

Mr. Art Hill

Ms. Wendy Nardi

Ms. Sandra King

Staff:Mr. Jerome Harcar, Historic Preservation Specialist

Mr. Peter Cohen, AssistantCity Attorney

Guest:Ms. Sasa Olessi Montano

Director, Trenton Housing & Economic Development

  1. Call To Order

Ms. Crown called the meeting to order.

  1. Sunshine Law Compliance

Ms. Crown inquired if the Sunshine Law had been complied with. Mr. Harcar

answered to the affirmative.

  1. Reading of Minutes

Ms. Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes of January 9, 2008.

Mr.Hatch seconded. All were in favor except Ms. Crown who abstained.

  1. Restoration Proposals
  • South Warren

102 South Warren Street

Mr. John Hatch, Architect

Review of design plans for the construction of a new building at this vacant


Mr. Hatch presented plans for the construction of a new building on this vacant

lot. The building as presented would be three stories in height and cover the

entire lot. It would consist of retail on the first floor and office space in the

upper floors.

The Commission had questions on some of the design details including the

materials and window design and the lighting scheme. Mr. Hatch clarified

these details.

Ms. Nardi made a motion to approve the application as presented.

Ms.Madrigal seconded. All were in favor except Mr. Hatch who abstained.

  • Greenwood/Hamilton

241 Hamilton Avenue

Mr. Carlos Rivera

Installation of new signs

Mr. Harcar presented sketches/ photographs of two signs proposed for this

property. One sign is to be mounted on the building.One to be pole mounted at the side of the lot adjacent to the blank wall of a neighboring building.

The Commission felt the design of the signs was appropriate if they were better framed to give them definition. A wood or painted picture frame border was suggested.

The Commission also felt other work should be undertaken at the property

including the following.

  • Painting the building and the sign poles
  • New lighting at the sign and building
  • A sign pole that was designed in an historic style.

Ms. Rogers made a motion to approve the application. Mr. Hill seconded. All were in favor.

Greenwood /Hamilton

271 Hamilton Avenue

Mr. Richard Jones

Installation of a barrier- free ramp and the redesign of the storefront entrance.



There was no public comment.


  • Elections for Commission Officer’s

Nominations will be taken for Commission Officers at next month meeting.

  • Commission Appeals

The appeals of two Commission decisions have been rescheduled for

March 12, 2008 at 5:00pm.

  • Inspections

Mr. Pagano was not able to be at the meeting. Ms. Rogers noted several problem properties she was concerned with. Mr. Harcar will forward her list to him.


  • Preservation Month

May is Preservation Month. The Commission discussed the awards

program and other activities. Next month it will be agenda item for further


  • Commission Meetings

At the request of the City Director of Housing and Development the need for a better meeting room or other items to help the Commission’s mission were discussed. The Commission felt the existing meeting room was preferable to meeting in Council Chambers. They did recognize the need to have the room look better (clean, less clutter) and the desire to have more equipment (projector, tripods) to help them in their mission.


Ms. Rogers made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Nardi seconded. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jerome J. Harcar

Historic Preservation Specialist