Electronic Communications and Social Media Policy[ATS1]

Entered into between:

The Employer

(School’s name)[ATS2]


The Employee

(Employee’s name and ID number)[ATS3]

Electronic material includes emails and any material that can be downloaded via the Internet, or sent across the company’s computer network via the intranet from, or to electronic equipment owned by the company such as computers, disks, phones, network servers and fax machines with electronic storage capability and recordings on closed circuit television.

It is a term of the Employment Contract that Employees comply with the company’s rules and with the company’s policy for the use of its computers, the Internet and email, which are as follows:

  1. Computers, networks and email systems are the property of the company. The company’s computer systems are maintained solely for the conducting of the company’s business. The use of the Internet, Intranet and email for any other purpose may be subject to action under the company’s disciplinary procedure.
  2. All copies of messages created, sent, received or stored on the company’s systems shall remain the property of the company. Messages on company property are not the private property of Employees and as such there should be no expectation of privacy in any circumstances.
  3. The company reserves the right to access and monitor all messages created, sent, received or stored on the company’s systems. A message means one that has been created on the company’s equipment, whether it has been sent, forwarded, printed or not. The contents of email messages may be disclosed internally and to third parties without further permission of the Employee and at the discretion of the company. Employees must remember that even when an email message is deleted it is still possible for the message to be retrieved and read. The use of passwords does not assure confidentiality and the existence of a password does not restrict the company’s right to access.
  4. The use of email and the Internet to create, send receive or store any material which is offensive, disruptive or infringes copyright is an offence. The company’s policies with regard to discrimination or harassment apply fully to the Internet and emails. Employees must remember the same laws apply to email as to any other written documents and therefore any comments that could be regarded as defamatory, inaccurate or misleading must be avoided.
  5. Notwithstanding the company’s right to retrieve and read any email messages, emails should be treated as confidential by other Employees and opened only by the intended recipient. Employees may only disclose information or messages obtained from emails to recipients authorised to have such information.
  6. All emails and downloads can contain viruses, especially emails with the post-fix .scr and .exe. Therefore, all downloads and email messages must be virus-checked before opening.
  7. It is an offence to load unapproved software including computer games on to the company’s computers without express permission from management.
  8. The watching of illicit material or pornography during office hours is an offence and may be punishable by law.
  9. The playing of computer games and Internet gambling on- or offline during office hours is an offence.
  10. Due to the danger that the internet poses to children, no employee may upload any images of the children enrolled in this school onto the internet or any social media platforms without first obtaining the permission of the child’s parents and the school Principal. They type of images that may be uploaded are:
  11. The child’s face may not be recognizable.
  12. The child must be fully addressed in all pictures – no swimming costumes or babies in nappies.
  13. Images of the school grounds and facilities.
  14. Images of the staff.
  15. Images of children doing group activities, provided that none of the faces are recognizable.

The undersigned Employee declares that he/she, in his/her capacity as Employee, has properly taken cognizance of the content of this Electronic Communications and Social Media Policy, concluded by and between him/herself and the Employer, in that the content thereof has been properly interpreted to him/her and that he/she signed this agreement after having satisfied him/herself with the nature and content thereof and declared his/her willingness to adhere to it fully.

Signed at ______[ATS4] (Insert place) on ______[ATS5]  (Insert date), in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.


Signature of Employer [ATS6]Signature of Employee[ATS7]


Signature of Witness 1 Signature of Witness 2[ATS8]


© 2017 – Tools for School (Pty) Limited


  1. Customise the document, entering all the permanent details.
  2. Read the comment in the blue boxes and then click the ‘x’ in the top right corner. The box and mark-up on the text in the document will disappear. Make the change to the document.
  3. Pay attention to spacing and pagination.
  4. Save the file as Social Media Policy Master.docx on your hard drive.
  5. This is the master file you will use every time a new employee joins your staff.
  6. When compiling the staff member’s file, open Social Media Policy Master.docx and immediately save it as Social Media Policy Employee Name.
  7. Enter the employee details.
  8. Save the file again.
  9. When the policy has been completed and signed, make a copy and give it to the employee.
  10. File the original in the employee’s personal file.

[ATS2]Insert name of school

[ATS3]Insert name and ID number of employee

[ATS4]Insert place where the policy was signed

[ATS5]Insert the date the policy was signed

[ATS6]Signature of Employer

[ATS7]Signature of Employee

[ATS8]Signature of two witnesses