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Mobile Application
LHS leads the way in Delivering Change to customers.
The Locata Home mobile app is now live and available from the Apple store in the form of a free download to customers. It is a part of the LHS digital strategy to assist clients in channel shifting customers, as well as providing integrated services to communicate directly with their customers.
This App is a real smart tool it delivers better, smarter, on the move access and information to customers. LHS is committed to delivering systems like these for our clients, who receive cutting edge services, focused on value for money and efficiencies as primary benefits.
Why go Mobile?
Latest figures since January this year in West London show how customers are choosing to access the Locata Home service:
Website (PC) / (59.97%) / 26,000,000Mobiles / (40.00%) / 17,000,000
Games Consoles / (00.03%) / 12,719
Total / 43,512,719
So with over 40% of the users using Mobiles, a Mobile App makes perfect sense. It is better suited for customers to use “on the move”. It also increases opportunities for customers to interact with the system more often.
Why an IPhone App in particular?
In West London the Apple IPhone / IPad access has been steadily rising. Hits on the system accessing through this particular route show it as the largest single mobile device used. Access has risen
to over 7,000,000 since January this year, 2014. This Mobile device
accounts for over 40% of the total Mobile accesses we have had.
IPhone / (41.18%) / 7,000,000Various Androids / (55.97%) / 9,000,000
Blackberry / (2.85%) / 484,302
This in real terms equates to an 8% rise in the last six months in
Mobile access
What about an Android App?
The rest of the access is through the various mobile devices using Android (Google) systems. We are going to work on the Android version next, this decision will be based on the IPhone download usage stats. Depending on the popularity of the App we think that the Android version will be out in about two to three months.