QOL DPIL Meeting:Tuesday, November 22, 20164:30-5:40 PM

Room 325 Abernathy Building, Rich Mountain Community College


People present:

Charlotte Wiles, Dr. Black, Brenda, Stacy Conyers, Mary Ditzel

Bake Sale to raise funds for DPIL has been scheduled for Saturday, February 11, 2107, from 10-4 outside WalMart. We need volunteers to man the tables and we need baked goods to sell. Please price your items. Contact Stacy Conyers if you can help.

Charlotte reported that she spoke with Save the Children today. She stated that Mena First Assembly of God is going to send a check to QOL for DPIL.

Charlotte said she would talk to Jennifer about a recognition ad for the newspaper to be posted before the end of 2016. Charlotte said she would pursue George Davis, the Farm Bureau, the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the 60+ classes at the college for sponsors.She said she would ask Dr. Rocha if he might like to sponsor children of some of his patients. Charlotte said she would supply Stacy with the current incomplete list of donors up to this point. She said she would supply Stacy with stamps and cards with the DPIL logo. Charlotte is considering doing a radio spot offering businesses the opportunity to sponsor a number of children.

Stacy Conyers will compile a spreadsheet of sponsors and amounts donated along with date donated. She will also mail acknowledgment/thank-you notes. (We need to make sure we obtain mailing addresses from our sponsors.)

Stacy Conyers is looking into the possibility of a Dollar General Grant to help fund DPIL in Polk County. Stacy is researching contact information for the various service clubs in Polk County. This information is difficult to find, being outdated on the web. If you have contact information for members of Lion’s club, Lionness club, Elks club, Masons, Eastern Star etc. please pass that information on to Stacy. Stacy will speak with the town of Cove to encourage sponsorship.

Brenda is going to talk with Delta Kappa Gamma about sponsoring a number of children for DPIL. She is going to visit with people at Arvest Bank about investing in DPIL and she is going to check into Walmart’s community grant.

Dr. Black is going to contact RePops, the Mena Regional hospital foundation, and Brodix.

Mary Ditzel is going to contact Martin Marietta, the DeQueen-Mena Educational Co-op, Tyson’s, Scotty’s (Cove), and the towns of Wickes, Grannis, and Hatfield.