Department: Department of Kinesiology, Leisure and Sport Sciences

Course Number: PEXS 3095

Course Title: Teaching Sports Skills

Semester Hours: 3

Instructor: Chris A. Ayres

Office Number: Mini-Dome, E316

Telephone: 439-5259



Office Hours: see website

Text: Physical Education Activity Handbook, Pearson

Catalog Description: The purpose of this course is to teach students performance and instructional skills for selected individual, dual, and team sports.

Additional Course Information:

There will be occasions when some minimal cost will be incurred for the golf driving range and the bowling alley. Loose-fitting workout clothes, t-shirt, exercise shorts, or warm-ups and shoes appropriate for the activity. NO JEANS! Students not properly dressed will be counted absent.

Course Objectives:

1. To promote an understanding of the role of skill development in individual, dual, and team sports.

2. To help the individual learn practical methods for assessment of sport skills.

3. To provide the student with activities appropriate for enhancing skill development.

4. To expose the student to equipment and facilities necessary for effectively instructing individual, dual, and team sports.

Course Topics:

1. Archery skills, history, terminology, rules, etiquette, equipment, and strategies

2. Badminton skills, history, terminology, rules, etiquette, equipment, and strategies

3. Bowling skills, history, terminology, rules, etiquette, equipment, and strategies

4. Disc Golf skills, history, terminology, rules, etiquette, equipment, and strategies

5. Golf skills, history, terminology, rules, etiquette, equipment, and strategies

6. Tennis skills, history, terminology, rules, etiquette, equipment, and strategies

Course Activities:

1. Compilation of a Sports Portfolio

2. Setup and administration of skills tests

3. Practice of sports skills

4. Equipment setup, maintenance, and safety inspection

5. Lesson plan development and implementation

Portfolio Contents: Must contain the following for each sport:

1. Minimum of one half page regarding the history of the sport

2. Minimum of ten relevant terms with definition

3. 4 drills with class organization diagramed and procedures described

4. 1 skill test

5. 5 test questions multiple choice and 5 true false with and answers

6. List of equipment including brands of equipment and prices
Evaluation Policy

Tests = 600 pts.

Portfolio = 300 pts.

Participation = 100 pts.

Total = 1000 pts.

** Five points will be subtracted from your total for each absence or day of not participating. Six absences result in a failing grade. Two tardies equal one absence.

GRADING: Grading will be based on the percentage of the final number of points earned out of the total possible points

93-100% A Superior 73-76% C Average

90-92% A- 70-72% C-

87-89% B+ 67-69% D+

83-86% B Above Average 63-66% D Below Average

80-82% B- 0-62% F Failing

77-79% C+

INSURANCE: If you are not covered by insurance (yours or your parent's) then you should check with the Business Office regarding the student insurance policy. The University IS NOT responsible for any medical bills you might incur.


ATTENDANCE: Class attendance for activity courses at ETSU is required. Students are responsible for attending classes; NO unexcused absences are allowed. If an absence is due to a University sponsored event, emergency, or special circumstance, students will be allowed to make up work with proper verification.

Students who miss more than 20% of potential class meetings will receive a failing grade in the course. These absences include University sponsored events, emergencies, and special circumstances.