Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
New Year’s
Be On
Time! / New Year’s
Remember to RSVP! / New Year’s Resolution
Show Up
Prepared! / New Year’s Resolution
IN 2016 / 1
/ 2
Sharp! / 5
Craft Activity
7-8pm / 6
People 1st
Celebration / 7
6-7pm / 8 / 9
4:30pm / 12
5:30-7pm / 13
6:30pm / 14
7-8pm / 15 / 16
4:30pm / 19
Glitter Magnets & Push pins
6:45pm / 20
6:45-8:00 / 21
6-7pm / 22
& Pizza
Must have RSVP’d / 23
4:30pm / 26
7-8pm / 27
People 1st
Dance Club
NUCC / 28
6:45-8:00 / 29 / 30


Monday Bowling

Bowling is one of the most attended events for ARS. When working with that large of a group of people it important that we all make an effort for things to run smoothly. Being on time and ready to bowl by 4:30 is a very important part of that process. Having the correct change is helpful also, but not mandatory. All checks need to be made out to Concordia Lanes, not to ARS-thank you for your continued support with this.______

Tuesday Activities

January 5th 2016 Calendars Community Center Room 112 7-8pm

2016 is going to be a busy year! Start it off by being well planned and organized by making your own Calendar. There will be a simple format to follow, after that you can personalize it by adding your own touches. Cost: $2.00

January 12th New Friends Group MLC Cafeteria 5:30-7:00

Our friends at Martin Luther College have a nice evening planned for us. We will start out by enjoying their DELICIOUS buffet. The cost is only $3.00 and you will pay the MLC event planner, not at the register. We will follow the meal with an activity and devotional planned by our friends at MLC. Cost: $3.00

January 19th Supper Club Happy Joe’s New Ulm 5pm

We will be enjoying the buffet that will include a beverage, salad bar, pizza and chicken buffet and dessert.You will pay at the register as you walk in and sit with the ARS group. Cost: $9.85

January 26th Adult Coloring Community Center Room 112 7-8pm

We joined the Adult Coloring Craze in December with great success. Participants enjoyed an evening of coloring in a relaxed setting. Colored pencils, markers and crayons were used to create beautiful pieces of art. Participants were then allowed to bring additional coloring sheets home with them to continue the fun at home. We are going to continue the fun this month with new designs to choose from and again you will have the option of taking additional sheets home with you to continue the fun on a snowy day. Cost: $1.00______

Wednesday Activities

January 6th January Bingo Birthday Party Community Center Room 112 7pm

Is your birthday in January? Do you have a friend who has a birthday in January? We will start the event out by singing Happy Birthday to our friends while enjoying delicious Birthday cake. We will follow that by playing Birthday Bingo full of fabulous prizes. This event is NOW FREE so do not hesitate to join us. Cost: FREE

January 13th Snowman Canvas Painting Community Center Room 112 6:45pm

This is a themed event. Everyone who joins will be painting basically the same design only with different results. We will follow basic steps to create a breathtaking painting for you to enjoy at home. This is a group activity and punctuality is a must! Cost: $5.00

January 20th Karaoke Community Center Room 112 6:30-8:30pm

Sing with your ARS friends or listen to them sing. Karaoke is always a fun time. Cost: FREE

January 27th Different Drummer Dance Club New Ulm Country Club 5:30pm

People First Different Drummer Dance Club is a social event held at the New Ulm Country Club.

The night starts out with a meal and is followed by Karaoke and dancing. You do not need to RSVP to ARS for this event to attend. Cost: $10.00

Thursday Activies

January 7th ARS Scouts Community Center Lower Level Room 15 6-7pm

ARS Scouts is rapidly becoming a favorite event. Each week there is a new and interesting theme. A snack will be provided and group activities that are not only fun but educational too. This week’s theme is going to be communication. We can’t wait to find out what Matt and Ashley have in store for us. Remember to RSVP to this event. Cost: FREE

January 14th Walking Track Vogel Arena 7-8pm

With ice and snow being obstacles in the winter, walking outside is not an option for everyone-so we will take advantage of the walking track at Vogel Arena. Street shoes are not allowed on the walking track so come prepared. Chin in with the ARS Staff person to ensure that ARS will pay for your walking track fee. Cost: FREE

January 21st ARS Scouts Community Center Lower Level Room 15 6-7pm

This week’s theme is going to be a science/STEM theme. We can’t wait to find out what Matt and Ashley have in store for us. Remember to RSVP to this event. Cost: FREE

January 28th Game Night Community Center Lower Level Room 15 7-8pm

Do you like to play games with your friends-then this is the event for you! Games will be provide, however if you would like to bring one of your own along to play we would welcome that too. A light snack will be provided. Cost: $1.00


Friday January 22nd 5-7pm

Concordia Lanes, 416 19th ST N, New Ulm, MN

ARS is planning a night of fun and frolic! We will start out by bowling a game followed by delicious pizza made right there at the bowling alley. Please RSVP to this event if you are planning on attending so we can reserve the proper amount of lanes and order the right amount of pizza and beverages. Cost: $7.00

*Check us out on Facebook, we will be posting pictures from our events.

*As always, please remember to check our website for updates to the newsletter, cancellations, and to RSVP for activities.

*The Milk Moola and Donuts to Dough program is still in progress!!!Please save your caps, bag tops, UPC codes or ovals to earn money for ARS.This program has been extended to November 2016 to allow us to reach our goal of 2,500 pts. Your participation is greatly appreciated.


You may download the form off of the ARS Website or pick one up at any of the scheduled activities. We need these returned as soon as possible. Thank you.


ARS Winter Policy

ARS activities will be cancelled if there are weather advisories for the area. Cancellations will be made by 3PM the day of the event. If an event is cancelled, the following are where the cancellations can be found:

1)ARS Website:

2)Calling the ARS Phone

3)Listening to KNUJ

4)Receiving a Text Alert

*If you are interested in being on the text alert list please notify any of the ARS Staff at the activities, or call the ARS office. We have a new phone at the office, so if you were on the text alert list last year you will not longer be on the list this year. Please update that info if you plan on receiving the texts-thank you

ARS Staffing Policy

Adaptive Recreational Services, Inc. is a non-profit organization that seeks the enabling of individuals (participants of ARS) with disabilities in New Ulm and the surrounding communities. The duty of ARS is to plan and coordinate events for such persons. It is expected that all persons attending ARS activities outside of New Ulm have staff planned for such trips (Sporting events ect.)

The sole role of the ARS coordinator and those others employed by ARS is to coordinate and attend events. ARS Personnel should not be expected to be personal staff for those in attendance. If you have a consumer wanting to participate, it is the staff’s responsibility to find a contact person within your agency to take on the responsibility of your participant. For activities taking place in New Ulm, ARS requires a minimum allowed staff ratio of 1 staff to 4 consumers and all must be from the same agency.

The exception to this policy is if a participantlives on their own and/or in a group home and has unlimited community and alone time and documentation can be provided.


In the past only certain events required an RSVP. Moving forward in 2016 we will be requiring an RSVP to ALL events (excluding Monday night bowling). The RSVP process is EASY and there are many convenient ways to accommodate you. You may call the ARS Office 507-217-0383 and leave a voicemail. You may text 507-217-0283 and leave a message. You can send me an email or you can go to our Website and clik on the RSVP to respond. Pick which method works best for you. Failure to RSVP to an event will not prohibit you from attending. It might, however, limit your involvement. Food and supplies are purchaded for each event according to RSVP’s received and our budget. Extra materials and food are purchased for each event, but usually only a small percentage. RSVP’ing will guarantee your spot and supplies for that event.

Notes from the Coordinator:……..

Well it has been one calendar year since I took on the position of Coordinator and boy did that year fly by! It has been a learning process with many rewarding moments and I thank all of you involved who have helped me over the course of the past year. Most of all I want to thank all of my returning participants. It is because of all of you that I have found such pleasure in my job. I will be conducting home visits again in January and February to get a better insight to the types of activities you are looking for and to get your feedback. If your home was one of the homes I missed last year please contact the office to set up an appointment.

As the program grows and more advanced activities are available there is an increasing need for punctuality. The past few months have left room for improvement. In order for us to be able to continue the path we are on we are asking that you plan accordingly. Your cooperation in this area is greatly appreciated by not only myself and my staff but also for the participants that do arrive on time and are continuously interrupted in the middle of their projects. We know that things happen-we get that, but any extra effort put forward to help us with this will really make a difference.

I have included in this newsletter some reminders of a couple of the policies that many of you have been asking about. Please read over carefully and post on your bulletin board for future reference. If you have any questions feel free to call the office phone at 507-217-0383.

Thank you and I am looking forward to another great year with ARS-Penny Weigel

ARS is supported by United Way and the City of New Ulm