Continuing Education ApplicationProperty Loss Research Bureau
Waiver & Estoppel
Part 1Overview and Waiver
(13-25 minutes)
1)Course Overview(0:00 - 0:25)
2)Equitable Concepts (0:39 - 1:21)
3)Impact on Claims (1:21 - 1:58)
4)Applicability (1:58 - 2:27)
a)first party
b)third party
5)Jurisdictional Variations (2:27 - 2:58)
6)Importance of Understanding Waiver & Estoppel (2:58 - 3:31)
7)Court Confusion between Waiver and Estoppel (3:31 - 4:07)
8)Waiver Defined ( 4:07 - 5:09)
9)Examples (5:09 - 6:41)
a)express waiver
b)implied waiver
10)Failure to Reserve Unknown Rights (6:41 - 7:48)
a)majority rule
b)minority rule
11)Proof7:48 - 9:04)
b)circumstantial evidence
12)Waiver Treated as Estoppel (9:04 - 10:45)
13)Recap (10:45 - end 14:41)
14)Quiz - Reinforcing Part 1 Materials
a)5 multiple choice questions
b)4 choices per question
c)A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz
Part 2What Can Be Waived & Estoppel
(15-25 minutes)
1)Denial of Coverage on One Ground & Waiver (0:00 - 1:06 )
a)majority rule
b)minority rule
2)What Can and Can't Be Waived (1:06-4:38)
a)can't waivescope of coverage
i)conditions setting scope
ii)exclusions setting scope
b)can waive conditions of forfeiture (1:38 - 3:41)
i)conditions of forfeiture defined
c)judicial rationale for limiting waiver (4:38-5:12)
d)Vermont exception (5:12-6:46)
i)known rights (5:12-5:36)
ii)unknown rights not waived(5:36 - 6:46)
3)Estoppel (6:46 -9:16)
a)defined (6:46 - 7:11)
b)proving estoppel
i)elements (7:11 - 8:41)
ii)burden of proof (8:41 - 9:03)
iii)detrimental reliance (9:03 - 9:16)
4)Key Differences between Waiver & Estoppel (9:16 - 10:14)
5)Recap (10:14 - end - 13:41)
6)Quiz - Reinforcing Part 2 materials
a)5 multiple choice questions
b)4 choices per question
c)A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz
Part 3Estoppel (continued)
(13-25 minutes)
1)Prejudice (0:00 -4:10)
a)as question of fact (00:00-00:49)
b)example (00:49-4:10)
2)Conflicts of Interest (4:10 - 5:09)
a)when controlling the defense (4:10 - 5:09)
i)insurer knows of coverage defenses
ii)insurer issues ROR letter
iii)proof of prejudice
(2)accepted as fact (5:09 - 7:13)
b)right to independent counsel
3)Coverage by Estoppel (7:13 - 8:56)
a)general rule
b)exception: example
4)Knowledge Requirement (8:56 - 9:41)
5)Constructive Knowledge (9:41 - 10:37)
6)Recap (10:37 - end 13:49)
7)Quiz - Reinforcing Part 3 materials
a)5 multiple choice questions
b)4 choices per question
c)A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz
Part 4No Coverage by Estoppel & Recognizing Waiver & Estoppel
(13-25 minutes)
1)Exceptions to No Coverage by Estoppel (0:00 - 4:52)
a)agent representations (0:00 - 0:58)
b)renewals with form changes(0:58 - 1:51)
c)hiring defense counsel without ROR (1:51 - 2:51)
d)bad Faith (2:51 - 4:52)
2)Recognizing Waiver & Estoppel (4:52 - 12:04)
a)introduction (4:52 - 12:04)
b)know the laws of the state (5:26 - 6:51)
c)get the facts (6:51 - 8:17)
d)know your policy (8:17 - 10:35)
e)review coverage thoroughly (10:35 - 12:04)
3)Recap (12:04 - 14:22)
4)Quiz - Reinforcing Part 4 materials
a)5 multiple choice questions
b)4 choices per question
c)A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz
Part 5TIPS to Avoiding Wavier and Estoppel
(15-25 minutes)
1)Publishing Coverage Positions (0:00 - 2:00)
a)reservation of rightsletter (0:00 - 1:06)
b)non-waiver agreements (0:00 - 1:06)
c)downsides to publishing coverage positions (1:06 - 2:00)
2)Tips for Reservation of Rights Letters (2:00 - 12:31)
a)certified and regular mail (2:12 - 2:50)
b)references to claim information (2:50 - 4:09)
c)copy to insured's counsel (4:09 - 5:29)
d)describe the suit
e)include policy information (5:29 - 5:58)
f)reserve right to reevaluate coverage (5:58 - 6:48)
g)timeliness (6:48 - 8:37)
h)invite additional materials (8:37 - 9:26)
i)general reservation (9:26 - 10:00)
j)defense reservation (10:00 - 11:10)
k)provide helpful information about independent counsel (11:10-11:45)
l)right to personal counsel (11:45 - 12:31)
3)Recap (12:31- end 14:42)
4)Quiz - Reinforcing Part 5 materials
a)5 multiple choice questions
b)4 choices per question
c)A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz
Part 6Non-Waiver Agreements & Hypotheticals
(14-25 minutes)
1)Non-Waiver Agreements (0:00 - 1:03)
b)ROR compared
2)Waiver and Estoppel against Another Insurer (1:03 - 3:33 )
b)proactive approach
c)reserving rights in correspondence
d)reserving rights in settlement
3)Hypotheticals (3:33 - 15:51)
a)Introduction (3:33 - 3:48)
b)Waiver or not Waiver (3:48 - 6:36)
i)time to seek declaratory judgment
ii)5 months
iii)2 years
c)Estoppel or Not Estoppel (6:35 - 9:10)
i)insured asserts pollution exclusion
ii)insured enters agreed judgment
iii)plaintiff tries to reach the policy
iv)estoppel to dispute judgment or raise exclusion?
v)distinction between agreed judgment and trial verdict
d)Independent Counsel Required? (9:10 - 11:15)
i)untimely notice
ii)insured assumes defense under ROR
iii)Insured requests independent counsel
e)Duty to Defend Separable from Duty to Indemnify? (12:26 - 15:58)
i)majority rule
ii)minority rule
4)Recap (15:58- end)
5)Quiz - Reinforcing Part 5 materials
a)5 multiple choice questions
b)4 choices per question
c)A second quiz if less than 80% score on first quiz
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U:\Education - Continuing and Distance Learning\Waiver-estoppel\FLCLE_waiver2009\WaiverEstoppel_Outline2009.doc