Mitchell Scholarship

2017-18 Application for Institutional Endorsement


TheGeorge J. Mitchell Scholarship Program, named to honor former US Senator George Mitchell's pivotal contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process, is designed to introduce and connect generations of future American leaders to the island of Ireland, while recognizing and fostering intellectual achievement, leadership, and a commitment to community and public service.Up to twelve Mitchell Scholars between the ages of 18 and 30 are chosen annually for one academic year of postgraduate study in any discipline offered by institutions of higher learning in Ireland (study in Northern Ireland is not currently an option through the Mitchell Scholarship).The Scholarship Program provides tuition, accommodation, a stipend for living expenses and travel.


“Persuasive, documented evidence of significant achievement in three areas: scholarship, leadership, and commitment to community and public service. All three areas are important. Some applicants have impressive academic credentials but lack a credible record of accomplishment in leadership and service. Membership or participation in a long resume of extracurricular activities is less convincing than demonstrating a significant, tangible impact on a candidate's community or school. Academic excellence, leadership, and service are equally important criteria."


  • U.S. citizen
  • 18 years of age or older, but not yet 30, on September 29 of the year of application (those who turn 30 on September 30th arenoteligible).
  • Bachelor’s degree before beginning study as a Mitchell Scholar.


Submit the following materials to by August 14, 2017 at 12 noon:

  1. Completed Endorsement Application Form
  2. Short essay responses
  3. Currentresume or CV
  4. Current unofficial transcript
  5. TWO letters of recommendation (of the 4 required if endorsed): Recommenders should email their signed letters on university letterhead to by the 8/14 deadline. Letters should be addressed to the “Mitchell Scholarship Endorsement Committee.”No more than 750 words.

Important note for Mitchellapplicants:

Any review of or editorial assistance with the 1000-word personal statement for theMitchellnational competition is prohibited.If you are endorsed for the national round, you will be required to certify the following in your application:

I attest that this essay is my own work and is wholly truthful. Neither it nor any earlier draft has been edited by anyone other than me, nor has anyone else reviewed it to provide me with suggestions to improve it. I understand that any such editing or review would disqualify my application.

This prohibition includesany review or assistance from peers, advisors, faculty, family, fellowships staff, etc.We are not collecting your Mitchell personal statement in this endorsement application. The short essay responses in this application differ from the single, 1000-word personal statementthat you will submit to the national round of competition if you are endorsed by BU.

In a single email, subject “Mitchell Application, [LAST NAME]” send endorsement application materials to. DEADLINE:MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2017. 12 NOON EST


Personal Information
Last Name: / First Name: / Middle Initial:
Permanent Address
Street: / City: / State: / Zip:
Email: / Telephone:
Academic Information
BU ID#: / School/College: / Cum. GPA: / Grad. Date:
Major: / Minor: / Advisor:
Intended Scholarship Applications
☐Mitchell Scholarship / Intended Programs of Study in Ireland (at least 4): e.g. MSc in Biotechnology, University College Dublin
Please attachshort essays in a single document answering the following questions (500 word maximum for each):
  1. Why do you desire to study in Ireland with specific reference to your proposed degree programs? Include a brief description of the degree programs—you may focus on your top one or two—andindicate any faculty, researchers, resources, centers, archives, etc. with whom you would like to work/engage.
  1. What are your professional aspirations? What issues, needs, or problems do you hope to address? Specify how your academic plans in Ireland assist you in achieving your goals beyond your graduate education.
  1. Describe one specific example of your leadership – what issue did you address, how did you get others to follow you, what changed because of your involvement? Please include details on your role and the impact of your involvement.
  1. Beyond academics and leadership, what other qualities make you an outstanding Mitchell candidate?

While we are only collecting TWO recommendations for the August endorsement deadline, we would like to see the names and titles of allof your potential recommenders, should you be endorsed for the national competition. Mitchell requires 4 letters, at least2 of which must come from faculty who know you well.
Resume/Curriculum Vitae
Attach a current Resume/CV of academic, professional, and extracurricular involvement.Includeprevious or current research experience: length and duration of your research, organization and departments where the research took place, who advised your work, and presentations or publications of the results, etc.
Attach a copy of your current unofficial transcript.
I hereby affirm that all the above stated and attached information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Applicant: / Date:

In a single email, subject “Mitchell Application, [LAST NAME]” send endorsement application materials to. DEADLINE:MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2017. 12 NOON EST

Boston University | Office of the Provost | 8th Floor, 1 Silber Way | Boston, MA 02215 |