P.O. Box 66, Moyie, B.C. V0B 2A0

Asset Report

Prepared for the Moyie Shores Estates Annual General Meeting July 30, 2005

Dear Strata Members,

The Asset Committee completed several projects during the 2004 and 2005 term. In particular a new well was drilled and brought on stream and the long awaited crack sealing was finally completed on the subdivision road.

The process by which projects were initiated and completed was also changed during the term. A project is identifid by Strata council, the asset committee or a member at large and brought to the attention of Strata Council. The project’s merit is then determined and, if deemed important enough, budget allocations are made. In most cases, the Strata Manager takes over at that point and negotiates the contract.

The well and the crack sealing were both capital projects with budget funds allocated at last years AGM.

In particular, I want to extend my thanks to Bill Sanderman who, as project leader, managed all the drilling, construction and piping in of the new well.

The crack sealing was identified as a project some years ago but the project proved very hard to complete due to the limited supply of crack sealing crews travelling to our area. The project was completed this year with the patience and perseverance of our Strata Manager. It's anticipated that the crack sealing will add years to the life of the roads.

Looking to the Future

Looking to the future, the docks have been identified as needing replacement and repairs. Budget monies have been allocated for this in the forecast for 2005 / 2006, which is before you today.

Also additional roadwork will need to be evaluated. Alternatives for maintaining the road surface need to be reviewed as the paved roads are aging. There are several treatments that can be applied to the road surface including repaving the surface. Although not needed immediately, in a few years road surface work will need to be done.

The water committee has also expressed concern about the age of water piping within the strata. Maintenance of our contingency fund is imperative so that we will have monetary reserves to address any water piping issues when they come along.

On behalf of the Volunteer Committee Members,


Asset Manager

Dale Gamber

Please remember to volunteer to keep costs lower !

______Asset Report for Moyie Lake Estates AGM July 31, 2004 1/1