Entrepreneur dating script
User view
- New user can register with their basic details.
- User can receive the confirmation mail through registered mail id.
- User can enter the valid username and password to login.
- User has an option of forget password to recover their account.
- User can view the quick search in the home page.
- User can prospect the featured members who had been searched frequently.
- User can view the statistic of the total members and currently online people.
- User can view the how its work details.
- User can view the success stories and latest news detail.
- User can view the partners’ detail.
- User can search for a person by quick search by entering age limit and country.
- User can prospect the refine search option that filter with gender, age limit, body type, country, state and city details.
- User have more search options as quick search, advanced search, profile ID search, location search and name search.
- This page contains the some success story of the users.
- User can view the entire communication contents.
- User can view the entire testimonial details.
CMS page:
- About us.
- Contact.
- Follow us.
- Terms and conditions
- Privacy policy.
Admin view
- Admin can login via valid user name and password.
- Admin can view the shortcuts for
- User,
- Country,
- Community,
- Star,
- Language,
- General setting,
- Renewal management,
- Newsletter,
- Success story,
- Membership,
- CMS,
- Report,
- Change password,
- Site statistics,
- News.
- Admin can view the entire statistic for
- free members,
- paid members,
- bronze members,
- silver members,
- gold members,
- platinum members,
- male profiles,
- female profiles and
- Total members.
User management:
- User list:
- Admin can view the entire user details with name, mail id, password, user name, created date and status with edit option.
- Add user:
- Admin can add a new user to the list by entering the entire data.
- Photo approve:
- Admin can view the entire photo approval details with name, username, email id, photo and status with delete option.
- User members:
- Admin can view the user details under membership plan.
- Admin can prospect details with name, user name, email id, and status.
- Admin can change the membership type.
- Featured members:
- Admin can prospect the entire featured members detail.
- Admin can view the details with name, user name, password, email id, status with delete option and created date.
- Closed account member:
- Admin can view the closed account member details.
- Admin can activate the closed account member detail.
- Admin can view the entire details like name, user name, mail id, password and status with delete option.
- Search member:
- Admin can search for a member by name, mail id, location, date, member type and pho attached detail.
- Admin can view all type of users detail.
Sub administrator:
- Admin can view all sub admin details.
- Admin can add a new sub admin detail.
- Admin can view the details with user name, password, mail id and status detail.
General settings:
- Admin can manage the general setting of the site.
- Admin can edit the website name, keyword, description, profile prefix, logo, SMTP details and so on.
- Admin can change the address details.
- Admin can add a new branch detail to the site.
- Admin can view the branch details with branch name, agent, contact, address, city, status with editable option.
CMS management:
- Admin can manage the contents in the CMS such as about us, privacy policy, communication, terms and conditions, security tips, help, success story.
- Admin can view the faq details with question/answer and status with edit option.
- Admin can add a new faq detail.
Country management:
- Admin can view the entire country details.
- Admin can enter a new country detail with country code, and country name detail.
- Admin can prospect the country details with country code, country name and status with edit option.
Membership management:
- Admin can add a new membership plan detail with membership type, amount, duration and contact view.
- Admin can view the entire membership plan details with member type, amount, duration, contact views and action.
- Admin can view the membership benefits with edit option.
Renewal management:
- Admin can view the renewal list with name, username, email id, member type, expire date, day limit for membership, and status with edit option.
Transaction management:
- Admin can view the entire bank details with logo, bank name, city and account details with status.
- Admin can add a new bank details with bank name, city, web url, logo and account details.
Success story:
- Admin can view the success story details.
- Admin can view by profile id, female name, male name, wedding date, view and status with edit option.
Adsense management:
- Admin can view the ads with location and source details.
- Admin can add a new ad detail by entering entire fields.
News management:
- Admin can add a new news detail by news title and news description details.
- Admin can view the entire news details with news and status with edit option.