Upton Country Park Management Update
Team Meetings
- Team meetings had previously been requested by the friends and these had commenced in July 2007.
- Main purpose of these meetings are to discuss day to day operational issues and to communicate each others activities and events.
- Standard agenda items have been set
- To date 3 team meetings have taken place involving house and country park staff, FUCP, & Peacock tearooms. Due to the nature and hours of Country Park catering it was difficult for them to attend but minutes area circulated.
- Have proved a very helpful communication tool.
- Next one will be held on the 24th October 2007, 10.00 - 11.30.
Green Flag Award
- Wonderful team achievement
- Officers are to meet on 9 November to discuss actions needed for 2008/9 submission.
- Deadline for 2008/9 application is end of January 2008.
Staff Update
- Roger Brewer has started as team leader and is working through his induction programme.
- Colin Grundy has started as the Events and Bookings Officer
- Support officer role is to be recruited in late November/ December starting in the new year. Clare, Roger and Colin will be the interview panel. As an interim there will be a part time temp appointed to assist with admin for 3 hours per day, covering the lunch time period.
- Additional officers have been set up to be able to access the booking system ie now the following have full access rights
- Clare Freeman
- Roger Brewer
- Colin Grundy
- Justine Hawkes
- Chris Cook
In addition the 2 casual assistants, Nick Downs and John Griffiths have viewing rights.
- Office moves have taken place so that now the house team are all based in the upstairs two offices, with the casuals also having a ‘hotdesk’ for their use. The final office layout will be determined when the Support Officer is recruited.
- Clare and Roger to meet on 22 October to discuss Roger’s work programme, which Roger will bring to the next team meeting on 24 October for comments.
- Roger will also be working up a Property Manual to share practices, information and procedures for the House, so that these can be clearly recorded and communicated.
Wedding Fair
- Chris working closely with the Friends in organising the wedding fair for March 2008
Maintenance Issues
- Roger has met with John Kerley, Property Services ref maintenance issues and outstanding work
- Roger to meet with John Bradley on 12 October with aim of setting up a regular maintenance programme
- Roger has created a Fault Form