United Nations JPO Programme
Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
Please indicate if this ToR supersedes a previously submitted ToR for the same position: YES NO X
I. General Information
Title: Policy Analyst Trade Capacity Development for LDCs
JPO in Economic Affairs
Sector of Assignment:
Trade related support measures for LDCs
Duty Station:
New York (initial period of 3 months); Geneva (9 months with possibility of extension for another year)
[Non-Family Duty Station: yes / no X
1 year (with possible extension for another year)
[Extension of appointment is subject toyearly review concerning priorities, availability of funds, and satisfactory performance]
II. Supervision
Direct Supervision by:
Title of Supervisor:
Chief, Committee for Development Policy Secretariat
Content and methodology of supervision:
Establishment of a Work Plan: During the first month of the assignment, the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) will work jointly with his/her direct supervisor to finalize an agreed upon work plan. The final work plan will be discussed and mutually agreed to by the JPO and his/her supervisor.
Evaluation: The United Nations Performance Evaluation System (e-performance) will serve as a primary platform to evaluate of the JPO’s performance.
The JPO will benefit from the following supervision modalities:
• Structured guidance provided by the supervisor;
• Establishment of a work plan, with clear key results;
•Effective supervision through knowledge sharing and performance/development feedback throughout the assignment;
• Easy access to the supervisor;
• Participation in Unit/Team/Office meetings to ensure integration and operational effectiveness;
• Guidance and advice in relation to learning and training opportunities within the field of expertise.
Via weekly meetings, the JPO and supervisor will discuss short and long term tasks and goals, evaluate and adjust when necessary. The JPO will work closely with colleagues from WTO and ITC.
III. Duties, Responsibilities and Output Expectations
The assignment focusses on trade-related development issues for LDCs and mainly consists of activities related the following areas:
1) Assist in building capacities in LDCs for the use of the ePing toolkit ( which was developed tocontribute to better informed stakeholders who can request assistance to address challenges related to product standards and trade.Implement and manage the ePing toolkit related activities and coordinate the tripartite collaboration between DESA, WTO and ITC. Implementation and coordination activities include assisting in the continuing IT development of the ePing, develop training tools and materials for ePing users and ePing trainers, organize training activities in LDCs, promote the ePing system, scope for cooperation options to facilitate promotion and training in LDCs, prepare ePing events and write monthly newsletters. Estimated time allocation: 50%.
2. Assist LDCs in accessing support from development and trading partners to address trade-related supply capacity constraints, in particular related to SPS and TBT. Coordinate activities with other development partners including EIF, UNCTAD, WTO, ITC and World Bank. Estimated time allocation: 40%
3.Assist with the preparation of relevant background papers, project reports and presentationsrelated to the above activities. Estimated time allocation: 5%.
4. Any other task may be assigned by the supervisor in the day‐to‐day running of related project activities. Estimated time allocation: 5%.
IV. Qualifications and Experience
Advanced university degree in international politics, international trade or equivalent combination of a degree and work experience.
Work experience:
A minimum of two years of relevant experience in relevant field. Good understanding of and experience with internet related technologies, including social media is desirable.
Fluency in oral and written English is required.
Other skills:
Good knowledge of information technology is desirable.
UN competencies:
Professionalism: Good understandingof aspects of trade as well as fundamental concepts of related disciplines.
Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
Communication: Promotes a supportive environment to enhance partnerships. Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.
V. Learning Elements
On completion of the assignment, the JPO will have experience in:
- Project management, both from a content and organizational perspective;
- Facilitate interinstitutional cooperation in an international setting.- Indepth knowledge and analysis of trade-related support to LDCs.
The JPO will be able to:
- Create and manage online content;
- Set up training and promotion activities, in international institutions and in LDC context;
- Write reports and process large amounts of data.
The JPO will have extensive knowledge of:
- International trade politics;
- LDC related development challenges;
- Technical barriers to trade.
VI. Background Information
DESA developed the support measures portal for LDCs ( and is undertaking joint capacity building activities incooperation with other agencies to improve the utilization of those measures.Due to their complexity, the trade‐related support measures for LDCs are often difficult to use. DESA seeks to enhance the capacity in LDCs to access and effectively use the trade‐relatedinternational support measures for addressing structural handicaps. In doing so, the capacity buildingactivities contribute to the overarching goal of the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA) for LDCs for theDecade 2011‐2020 to overcome the structural challenges faced by LDCs in order to eradicate poverty,achieve internationally agreed development goals and enable graduation from the least developedcountry category.
Considering the urgent need to address institutional constraints for accessing international support measures (ISMs)
DESA developed the so-called “ePingnotification system” (see prototype at will contribute tobetter informed stakeholders who can request assistance to address challenges related to product standards and trade.The management and capacity building activities related to the use of this system happens in cooperation with LDCs and international development partners, in particular the WTO an ITC.
The ePing system fills a void in particular for countries lacking the institutional infrastructure to access key information from trading partners regarding new product requirements. A Memorandum of Understanding has been put in place to establish a formal tri-partite collaboration on the ePing system between DESA, WTO and ITC, including its hosting and maintenance. To ensure a wider use of the system in LDCs and to further integrate the system at all relevant levels of government, the private sector and other stakeholders, continued capacity development activities need to be delivered.