Skelton cum Newby Parish Council
Ordinary Meeting Thursday 22nd October 7pm in the Village Hall
1 Welcome
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7pm and welcomed everyone.
2 Present
Cllr Peter Greenwood, Cllr John Gibson, Cllr Brian Derry, Cllr Peter Myatt, Cllr Robert Windass, Hilary Skevington Clerk, PC Neil Waite,
Cllr Nick Brown, Cllr Philip Backhouse.
3 Declaration of Interests
4 Signing of Declaration of Acceptance, Code of Conduct and Standing Orders
All Councillors present signed witnessed by the clerk and chairman
5 Approval of Minutes dated 9th July 2015
The Minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman.
6 Matters Arising from Minutes
6.1 Maintenance
Most maintenance issues had been dealt with. Still to do: /Action
- Weed control along the kerbs
- Remove bottery bushes in the field on main street.
- Cut hedge, open up entrance to Millennium pond and replace the gate.
- Chop down ivy on walls on the bend near pond.
- Repair wall at number 16
- Deal with two fallen trees on the path from Crowgarth to Church Wood.
- Lift the crown of the chestnut tree
- Phonebox to be painted
- Bus shelter glass to be replaced with toughened
P Greenwood
One still to do
P Greenwood
6.2 Broadband. Jim Spillings had been in touch with Andy Swindell, BT (North) Contract Director. Andy confirmed that Skelton is a priority for his patch and that he has plans to upgrade the internet service for the whole village. Timing has to be finalised but he should know more in December.
6.3 Speeding
95 Alive had been contacted but told us we were on a waiting list. Clerk to chase them up and ask the school if they have concerns about speeding near their site. / H SkevingtonPC Neil Waite said he would monitor the situation and if necessary bring laser gun. / PC Neil Waite
6.4 Transparency
Website available Annual Return, Code of Conduct, Standing Orders published. To be done by next meeting Assets, Publishing, Risk Assessment time table for review. / H Skevington6.5 Millenium Pond
Working group is set up and waiting for Autumn and the opening in the hedge to be cut.
7 Planning Applications Received
A planning application had been received to extend a garage opposite the school. No objections
8 Councillors and other Reports
Cllr Windass HBC reported that Boundary Commission would reduce the number of councillors from 54 to 40. The boundaries of each area would be adjusted to have a similar number of voters in each ward by 2017. Work on the New Council Offices has started. Money has been allocated to either repair Ripon Swimming Baths or build new. There are problems with the new planning regulations which mean that planners have less control over plans. Developers are appealing when HBC refuse planning and winning. It is hoped that this will change now that HBC have a 5 year land supply.
There has been no decision yet on which group HBC/ North Yorks will join with when and if devolution happens.
Ripon Triathlon may not use Skelton on Ure next year, but if they decide to there will be a proper consultation.
Cllr Windass has been allocated £5000 for small projects in his area. Minimum is spend £300 the PC can apply.
The Bus Service through Skelton will remain unchanged despite a reduction in subsidy. The bus company will have to make up the shortfall from increased passenger numbers.
The election of councillors is to be brought into line with all elections taking place every 4 years instead of being staggered as they are a t the moment.
There is a possibility that garden waste collections could be charged for so that the authority can afford to make it available to all households.
Report from PC Neil Waite. PC Waite reported that the Boroughbridge station is still surviving with five response officers. He is aware of a car being reported near the school. He told us that youths selling products door to door should have a valid certificate. If we have any concerns we should call him. PC Waite told us that he is trained in using speed lasers.
Action: PC Waite agreed to make some rush-hour spot checks on traffic speeds through the village and report back.
Report Cll Derry. Cllr Derry reported that he had drafted a response for the Parish Council to the consultation on issues and objectives for the HDC Local Plan for 2014-2035. HDC is planning for 13,000 new houses over the next 25 years. About half have already been identified leaving 6,400 to be found. There are five options:
Focus housing growth in the main urban areas of Harrogate (48% of the 6,400 houses to be found), Knaresborough (14%) and Ripon (8%), and the market towns of Boroughbridge (3.5%), Masham (2%) and Pateley Bridge (3%), with the rest in villages (21.5%).
As option 1 but with a further focus on villages within 3 miles of these population centres.
2,000 houses in a new town to the east, around Hammerton and Cattal.
1,200 to the south, around Pannal and Weeton.
3,000 houses near the A1 motorway corridor.
Report Cll Derry Cllr Derry reported that he had dealt with the HBC consultation on the Local Plan on behalf of the Parish Council. He also reported that he had attended the consultation meeting.
There are five options for housing development to consider in the consultation:
- Focus housing growth in the main urban areas of Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon, and the market towns of Boroughbridge, Masham and Pateley Bridge
- As option 1 but with a further focus on villages within 3 miles of these population centres.
- 2,000 houses in a new town to the east, around Hammerton and Cattal.
- 1,200 to the south, around Pannal and Weeton.
- 3,000 houses near the A1 motorway corridor.
The PC’s response was to support major new settlements at options 3-5 above, as these were the only way to meet HDC’s wider planning objectives in the plan. The Parish Council’s main concern was the infrastructure consequences of 13, 000 new houses – bringing 30,000 extra residents, 15,000 extra cars and potentially 1 million extra road journeys per year – for transport, health and social care, education and other public services, A full draft of the final plan will be available for consultation next summer. Anyone interested in helping with the Parish Council’s response should contact Cllr Derry.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Derry for the considerable work he had put into the consultation process.
10 Finance
The Annual Return has been published and is available on the website.
A reconciled financial statement was received. ( See agenda )The balance shown is £6050. However the PC still owes for their share of the Village Hall refurbishments and grass cutting.
The cost of the refurbishment was reported to be:
HJC Builder / £15,322S Rennison electrics / £ 747
Calverts / £ 250
Total / £16,319
Skelton Combined Charities have paid £5000 towards the cost. There was a vote of 3 for and 1 against in favour of the Parish Council paying £5000 with the remainder being paid by Newby Hall Estate.
As paying £5000 this year would leave the PC with £1060 in the bank it was agreed that the payment be in two parts with £2500 paid this year and the remainder next financial year.
Action Cllr Greenwood and the clerk were asked to approach the Village Hall Committee and ask if they could afford a donation towards the cost and clarify the roles and responsibilities for the Village Hall costs and income..
Action Cllr Greenwood was asked to provide the lease agreement for the Village Hall.
11 Precept
It was agreed to carry this item over to the next meeting.
12 Centenary Fields
As the village war memorial has only just been refurbished it was decided that sufficed.
13 Parish Events
Cllr Greenwood to ask the Skelton Combined Charities if they can finance a theatre event in the Village Hall.
The clerk was asked to buy a laminator and look into the grant available for a PC laptop.
Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 7th January 7pm. The main business of the meeting will be to set the Precept.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm
Minutes submitted by:Hilary Skevington (Clerk)
Approved by: Peter Greenwood signed …………………………………….…………….Date………………………………..