Progress check: C3 4.6-4.9
Equilibrium & The Haber process / Name: / Classwork / Homework

Q1.A company manufactures ethanol (C2H5OH).

The reaction for the process is:

C2H4(g) + H2O(g)C2H5OH(g)ΔH = −45 kJ per mole

The temperature and pressure can be changed to increase the yield of ethanol at equilibrium.

(a) Explain what is meant by equilibrium.








(b) (i)How would increasing the temperature change the yield of ethanol at equilibrium?

Give a reason for your answer.







(ii)How would increasing the pressure change the yield of ethanol at equilibrium?

Give a reason for your answer.







(c) A catalyst is added to increase the rate of the reaction.

Explain how adding a catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction.






(Total 9 marks)

Q2.This question is about reversible reactions and chemical equilibrium.

(a) Reversible reactions can reach equilibrium in a closed system.

(i)What is meant by a closed system?




(ii)Explain why, when a reversible reaction reaches equilibrium, the reaction appears to have stopped.






(b) In the Haber process, the reaction of nitrogen with hydrogen to produce ammonia is reversible.

N2(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 NH3(g)

(i)Name a natural resource from which hydrogen is produced.



(ii)The Haber process uses a catalyst to speed up the reaction.

Explain how a catalyst speeds up a reaction.






(iii)What happens to the amount of ammonia produced at equilibrium if the pressure is increased?

Give a reason for your answer.






(c) The decomposition of hydrogen iodide into hydrogen and iodine is reversible.

2HI(g) H2(g) + I2(g)

The forward reaction is endothermic.

The energy level diagram shown below is for the forward reaction.

(i)Draw an arrow to show the activation energy on the diagram.


(ii)How does the diagram show that the reaction is endothermic?




(iii)Suggest what effect, if any, increasing the temperature will have on the amount of hydrogen iodide at equilibrium.

Give a reason for your answer.






(Total 12 marks)

Learning outcomes:
o  Explain how altering conditions affects the position of the equilibrium in reversible reactions / Outcomes:
1 = J
2 = K
3 = L
GREEN: I tried to push my understanding / RAG 123 your performance on this topic and say why:
AMBER: I didn't really push myself / Pupil / Comment… / Rating…
RED: I let things distract me from learning
1 I am confident to explain this to others
2 I understand most of this
3 I really struggled with this – HELP! / Teacher / NEXT STEPS… / Rating…

M1.(a) the forward and backward reactions occur

allow reversible


at (exactly) the same rate


in a closed system

allow therefore the concentrations / amounts of the reactants and products remain the same


(b) (i)increasing the temperature would lower the yield of ethanol or the (position of) equilibrium moves to the left

if student has stated that increasing the temperature increases the yield then award 0 marks


since the backwards reaction is endothermic or the forward reaction is exothermic


(ii)increasing the pressure would increase the yield of ethanol or the (position of) equilibrium moves to the right

if student has stated that increasing the pressure decreases the yield then award 0 marks


because the position (of equilibrium) moves in the direction of the lower number of moles (of gas)

2 (moles / molecules / volumes / particles) on lhs / 1 (mole / molecule / volume / particle) on rhs


(c) (a catalyst) provides an alternative pathway


with lower activation energy


(a catalyst) lowers the activation energy (1)

so less energy is needed to react or more particles react (1)



M2.(a) (i)nothing can enter and nothing can leave the reaction

allow sealed reaction vessel


(ii)forward and backward reactions have same rate


so there is no (overall) change in quantities of reactants and products

allow concentrations of reactants and products


(b) (i)natural gas

allow methane / CH4

allow fossil fuels / hydrocarbons

allow water


(ii)provides an alternative reaction pathway


which has a lower activation energy

ignore references to collisions


(iii)the amount (of ammonia) increases

allow yield increases


the equilibrium moves to the side (of the equation) with fewer (gaseous) molecules / moles

allow it favours the forward reaction


(c) (i)vertical arrow from reactants to maximum


(ii)(energy of) products higher than (energy of) reactants

allow converse


(iii)amount of hydrogen iodide decreases


equilibrium moves in the direction of the endothermic reaction

allow it favours the forward reaction



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