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Volume 4 Number 2 November 2004
K-12 EAD Bulletin
A K-12 Educational Administration Graduate BulletinIn this issue:
- Thank You!
- EAD Events
3.Scholarships and Financial Aid Opportunities
4.Student Announcements
5.Graduate Information
1. Thank You!
Thank You!
Thanks! To those of you who help to make the Fall Educational Administration Department (K12) Leadership Symposium a success!
2. EAD Events
Brown Bag Conversation
Thursday, November 18th, 2004
Room 507
Matt Militello
Topic: At the Cliff’s Edge: Utilizing Evidence of Student Achievement for Instructional Improvement in a School District
University Council of Educational Administration
2004 Convention
Kansas City, Missouri
November 11-14, 2004
The Changing Face(s) of Educational Leadership: UCEA at the Crossroads
Congratulations to Students and Faculty presenting at the Conference:
J. D. Smith
Joyce Piert
Betty Murakami-Ramalho
Kathy Wilcox-Frazier
Angie Kirby
Susan Printy
BetsAnn Smith
Students planning to present at the conference can seek financial support through the department. Forms are available on the website, at:
Attention: Doctoral Students
David Clark Research Seminar Nominations
The David L. Clark National Graduate Student Research Seminar in Educational Administration & Policy, sponsored by the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Divisions A and L of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and Corwin Press, brings emerging educational administration and policy scholars and noted researchers together for two days of presentations, generative discussion, and professional growth. Many of the graduates of this seminar are now faculty members at major research institutions in the US and Canada. This year’s seminar will be held prior to AERA in Montreal, tentatively scheduled on April 10-11, 2005.
The David Clark Research seminar is intended for students who are contemplating research careers and have substantially completed their course work and formulated a dissertation problem, but have not defended.Nominations for the David Clark Research Seminar must be emailed to Susan Printy, by 9:00 am on November 15.
Global Festival 2004Sunday, November 21, 2004Noon-5:00pmMichigan State UniversityMSU Student Union BuildingAdmission: Free!!Global Festival 2004 will present MSU international student organizations and area nationality groups, sharing their cultures with exhibits, performances of ethnic dances, music, fashion shows, and demonstrations of native games and crafts. The World Gift Shop offers an international variety of art works, jewelry, glassware, clothing, stamps, and a multitude of gift items. (Proceeds go towards scholarships for MSU international families). You are welcome to contribute saleable international items or make donations to the Scholarship Fund.Contact: Lillian Kumata, 517-351-6046. Many countries will have international children’s games, crafts, and activities geared for children of all ages. The Global Café serving ethnic cuisine, is open from noon to 3:00 p.m., with ala carte offerings on the second floor all afternoon.Information: Alex McCrae, 517/332-8408
K-12 EAD Bulletin
K-12 Educational Administration Graduate Student Bulletin
Deadlines to submit materials to Joyce Piert () for the Calendar year for 2004-2005 are as follows:
November 18 (for December Bulletin)
January 20 (for the February Bulletin)
February 17 (for the March Bulletin)
March 24 (for the April Bulletin)
April 22 (for the May Bulletin)
This is a call to all EAD K-12 Faculty members!!!! We would like to hear from you in the K-12 Newsletters!!! Please send your articles or recent publication abstracts. We desire to know what you are doing! Also send the names of students who you think should be recognized for outstanding research or for making presentations, so that we can announce their accomplishments in the K-12 Newsletter.
Kate Corby is the Educational Librarian. Her office hours in Erickson, Room 513F,
Tuesdays and Thursday, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. No appointment necessary. Just drop in and ask your questions or just to say “HELLO”
The Writing Center is located at 300 Bessey Hall. Hours are Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.
The Writing Center can be located in the Main Library on the Main floor Sunday – Thursday from 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm
New Position to Serve Graduate Students
This Fall Dr. Matthew P. Helm joined the staff of the Graduate School and the Office of Career Services and Placement with the title of Graduate Career Services Consultant. Dr. Helm received a B.A. in Psychology and an M.A. in Higher Education from Michigan State University before going to the University of Arizona where he completed his Ph.D. in Higher Education with a concentration in administration and organization, and student affairs. The title of his dissertation was: “Professional identity, sense-making, and the market effect: Perspectives from new student affairs professionals”. He has first-hand experience in several areas germane to the professional development of graduate students including leadership training and multicultural education.
Dr. Helm’s activities in his new position will focus primarily on the career needs of doctoral students and his efforts will complement the Career Selection and Professional Skill Development Workshop Series organized by the staff of the Graduate School under the leadership of Professors Rique Campa and Judith Stoddart. These initiatives recognize the complex challenges and opportunities that new Ph.D.s encounter as they work towards their career goals and objectives.
Dr. Helm will keep regular office hours and will work with faculty and administrators to coordinate the implementation and evaluation of career services initiatives for doctoral students.
OFFICE HOURS:The Graduate School
Room 120 Linton Hall
Tuesdays and Fridays, 10:30-12:00
Office of Career Services and Placement
Room 6B Student Services Building
Mondays, 2:00-4:00
E-mail address:
To schedule an appointment, set your browser to and click on Career Advising.
Students can schedule their own time.
3. Scholarship and Financial Aid Opportunities
The College of Education Scholarship Application Process will start in January 2005. Look for further announcements! Ann Austin will be scheduling an information meeting for students interested in applying for the Scholarships (TBA).
Note: Feel free to browse the websites listed with each announcement for further information.
In order to assist you in exploring these funding opportunities in the most efficient way, please follow these steps: (1) Seek approval to pursue the grant/fellowship from your advisor or committee chair; (2) Ask your advisor or committee chair to email Lynne Frechen @ indicating that you are ready to pursue the grant/fellowship. (3) If you need assistance with your application (i.e., budget consultation and development, text review, etc., please contact Connie Tingson at .
American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Deadline for the following AAUW Fellowship Programs - December 1, 2004
Contact Information:
(1)International Doctorate Fellowship Program
(2) International Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program
(3) International Master’s/Professional Fellowship
American College Personnel Association (ACPA)
Deadline for the following ACPA Scholars Program -December 2004 (date pending, announcement available in September)
Contact Information:
(4) ACPA Emerging Scholars Program
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Deadline for the following NIMH Grant - December 22, 2004; August 22, 2004; April 22, 2004
Contact Information:
(5) NIMH Mental Health Dissertation Research Grants to Increase Diversity in the Mental Health Research Arena (R36)
Organization of American Historians (OAH)
Deadline for the following OAH Award - December 1, 2004
Contact Information:
(6) OAH Huggins-Quarles Dissertation Award
Psychometric Society
Deadline(s) for the following Psychometric Society Awards - December 2004 (pending)
Contact Information for award #7:
Contact Information for award #8:
(7) Dissertation Award Program
(8) Psychometric Society-ETS Student Travel Awards
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
Deadline(s) for the SSRC Awards - December 1, 2004
Contact Information for award #9:
Contact Information for award #10:
(9) SSRC Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies
(10) SSRC JSPS Fellowship Program
Williams College
Deadline for Bolin Fellowships - December 5, 2004
Contact Information:
(11) Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowships for Minority Graduate Students
4. Student Announcements
5. Graduate Information
Attention: All PhD students
Check out the EAD website for pertinent information that may assist you through the doctoral program. The URL: At this site you can update yourself on the requirements of the program, download various forms and evaluations for your program, and even find out if you are making the expected progress for your program.
Thesis/Dissertation Submission Deadlines Fall and Spring:
- Fall 2004 – December 17th
- Spring 2005 – May 13th
Education Graduate Student Organization (EGSO)
The Education Graduate Student Organization is (EGSO) being resurrected. This organization is for any graduate student in the College of Education in any of the departments and/or programs. The EGSO has a listserv, a website, and will host four events this year. The group is also working to get student representation on many college and department committees. There are several opportunities for you to get involved including:
- Join the listserv (send a message to with text SUB EGSOLIST firstname lastname)
- EGSO Fall Break an opportunity to meet other college of ed graduate students and drink some apple cider and eat autumnal goodies. Tuesday, November 9, 2pm to 4pm, location TBA
- Spring events – EGSO will host two spring events. One will be about career resources and the other will be a pre-conference symposium to help those presenting prepare for spring conferences such as AERA.
For more information contact Marisa Burian-Fitzgerald at or Jen Hodges at
The Graduate School
The following information may be helpful in submitting a thesis or dissertation:
Thesis/Dissertation Submission Packets are now available, in part, on-line:
For complete details on the submission of your thesis or dissertation to the Graduate School, please refer to the 'Final Submission of Thesis/Dissertation' section of the Formatting Guide:
For detailed information on deadline dates and final steps you need to take in order to complete your graduate degree program at MSU:
For information leading up to graduation, review the "Graduate Education" section of Academic Programs:
Consult the Office of the Registrar Academic Calendar 2002-2003 for other important dates:
Questions may be directed to Judy Ward, .
Crosstalk with UCRIHS
Crosstalk with UCRIHS, 12:00 – 1:00 P.M.:
- December 14, 2004 (Ag Hall)
- February 15, 2005 (Erickson Hall)
- April 19, 2005 (Anthony)
Locations for the Crosstalk Sessions in December, February, and April will be posted at , at a later date.
Valuable Graduate School Workshops
Two FREE Workshops to help you survive and thrive in graduate school.
Setting Expectations and Resolving Conflicts Between Graduate Students And Faculty
Learn effective thinking and negotiation strategies to resolve conflicts and also to prevent them from occurring.
Presented by Tony Nunez, Associate Dean, the Graduate School,
Julie Brockman, the Graduate School
Communicating Your Message
Effective communications strategies that work!
Presented by Janet Lillie, Department of Communications
In November, they will be offered together in one day. You must be able to attend the full day.
OR BOTH in One-Day!
Setting Expectations AND Communicating Your Message
Friday, November 12, 2004
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (boxed lunch is provided)
Check-in begins at 9:30 AM
Workshop begins PROMPTLY at 10:00
Conf 62 Kellogg Center
Registration is required. To register contact . Please include your name, department, e-mail address, date(s) you are interested in and the name of the workshop. To allow for more interaction, each workshop is limited to 30 graduate students. Registration is on a first come, first served basis.
Sponsored by The Graduate School
Persons with disabilities should contact the Graduate School at 517.353.3231 at least 10 days prior to the workshops to request special arrangements. Requests received after that time will be met when possible.
The library offers free EndNote training every Friday from 10:30-12:00.
You need to signup to attend.
For more information, visit Michigan State University Libraries - Training Sessions
The Center for the Scholarship of Teaching
The Center for the Scholarship of Teaching is pleased to announce that its resuming its seminar for doctoral students interested in preparing teaching materials for the purposes of applying and
interviewing for academic jobs. Increasingly, universities and colleges expect applicants to present documentation of their qualifications in teaching. Through these monthly seminar meetings we are offering you an opportunity to prepare materials for applications, prepare portfolios to take on job interviews, and support the development of websites that you might use to represent your teaching experience and interests. These seminar meetings are also going to be designed to provide you with a forum to practice "job talks" before you actually go on your interview, develop syllabi for courses that you can imagine teaching, and the like. While we
understand that you will need support for other aspects of job applications and interviews (related to research, for example), we would like to focus the deliberations of this group on issues
concerning teaching. If you are interested in participating in such a seminar, tailored to
your needs and interests as you think about preparing for job interviews -- specifically for how you would present yourself as teacher on those occasions -- please let Benita Barnes () or Suzanne Wilson () know. Also, please suggest some days and times that would be optimal for you to meet.
2004-05 Responsible Conduct for Research Seminars
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Kellogg Center Red Cedar AB
6:00 –8:30 PM
This session will highlight issues related to:
- Scientific Misconduct; Policies & Procedures
for Handling Allegations of Misconduct - Data Collection & Stewardship (notebooks, etc.)
- Falsification, Fabrication, Plagiarism
- Whistle-blowing; Reporting Non-compliance
To subscribe to the EAD Bulletin, Send a message to . You do not need to enter any text on the subject line of the message. In the body of the message enter the following command and replace ”Your Name” with your first and last name, without the quote marks: SUBSCRIBE K12EADGRINFO “Your name”. You will receive a “welcome message” from the listserve and you’re set to receive the bulletin!
To unsubscribe to the K-12 EAD Bulletin, e-mail Joyce Piert at .