/ Nationwide Freight Services
A division of Australian Nationwide Investments Pty Ltd
6 Alban Street Lidcombe NSW 2141
PH: 02 9737 0011 FAX 02 9648 4818
ABN 40 082 261 925

User Manual for freight tracking

User manual Version 1.2


Table of Contents

For tracking freight with Amalgamated

For tracking freight with VicFreight

For tracking freight with Hillstransport

For tracking freight with Tollfast

For tracking freight with Northline

For tracking freight with Towers Transport

For tracking freight with Bass Strait

For tracking freight with Amalgamated

Example of search in Nationwide Freight Tracking

  • From

Image 1.0

  • Click on MORE button to be directed to
  • Or log onto

Image 1.1

  • When you click on more from Nationwide freight trackingwebsite, you will be automatically directed to the website as shownin Image 1.1.
  • Enter the details recorded from Nationwide freight tracking websiteor enter in the consignment tracking numberand click on Submit to view consignment purchase of delivery (POD) as shown in Image 1.2.
  • Example: NFS XXXX-XXXX

Purchase of Delivery (POD)

Image 1.2

For tracking freight with VicFreight

Example of search in Nationwide Freight Tracking

  • From

Image 2.0

  • Click on MORE button to be directed to
  • Or log onto


Image 2.1

  • When you click on more from nationwide freight tracking website, you will be automatically directed to the website as shown in Image 2.1
  • Enter the recorded details given for login from the Nationwide freight tracking website or login the system using the username and password given below:

User name: 00039

Password: nation

  • When you click on login and you will be directed into the main page as shown in Image 2.2.

Main Screen

Image 2.2

  • Click on POD SEARCH in the menu strip above shown as in Image 2.2.
  • In the Consignment No box, enter in the recorded details from Nationwide freight trackingwebsite or enter the consignment notenumber.
  • For example:NFS XXX-XXX
  • Click on search to view consignment details as shown in image 2.3.

Search result

Image 2.3

  • Click on the underline details below the reference column as shown in Image 2.3 to view consignment purchase of delivery (POD) as shown in Image 2.4.

Purchase of Delivery (POD)

Image 2.4

For tracking freight with Hillstransport

Example of search in Nationwide Freight Tracking

  • From

Image 3.0

  • Click on MORE button to be directed to
  • Or log onto

Image 3.1

  • When you click on more from nationwide freight trackingwebsite, you will be automatically directed to the website as shown in Image 3.1
  • Enter the details recorded from the Nationwide freight tracking website or enter the details shown as below:

Enter Client ID: nationwide

Enter User Name: nationwide

Enter Password: hat23key

Enter NFS consignment note number. (For example NFS XXX-XXX)

  • Click on submit to proceed to view consignmentpurchase of delivery (POD) as shown in image 3.2.

Purchase of Delivery (POD)

Image 3.2

For tracking freight with Tollfast

Example of search in Nationwide Freight Tracking

  • From

Image 4.0

  • Click on MORE button to be directed to
  • Or log onto

Image 4.1

  • When you click on more from nationwide freight tracking website, you will be automatically directed to the website as shown in Image 4.1.
  • Click on Parcel Tracking on the left hand side of the website menu
  • Enter the details recorded from Nationwide freight trackingwebsite or the details shown below
  • Select city: Brisbane
  • Enter the 8 digits consignment tracking number

(For example 12345678)

Search result

Image 4.2

  • Click on the underline details below the POD column as shown in Image 4.2 to view consignment Purchase of Delivery (POD)as shown in Image 4.3

Purchase of Delivery (POD)

Image 4.3

For tracking freight with Northline

Example of search in Nationwide Freight Tracking

  • From

Image 5.0

  • Click on MORE button to be directed to
  • Or log onto


Image 5.1

  • When you click on more from nationwide freight trackingwebsite, you will be automatically directed to the website as shown in Image 5.1
  • Enter the details recorded from the Nationwide freight tracking website or enter the details shown as below:

Enter User Name: 9nat12

Enter Password: nation

  • When you click on login and you will be directed into the main page as shown in Image 5.2.

Main Screen

Image 5.2

  • Click on Freight Location Enquiry in the menu strip above shown as in Image 5.2.
  • In the Consignment No box, enter in the recorded details from Nationwide freight trackingwebsite or enter details as shown below.
  • For example, search by consignment tracking number:


Date From: 21/04/2011

Date To: 22/04/2011

  • Click on search to view consignment details as shown in image 5.3.

Search result

Image 5.3

  • Click on the View POD button as shown in Image 5.3 to view consignment purchase of delivery (POD) as shown in Image 5.4.

Image 5.4

  • Click on the View tab as shown in Image 5.4 to view consignment purchase of delivery (POD).

For tracking freight with Towers Transport

Example of search in Nationwide Freight Tracking

  • From

Image 6.0

  • Click on MORE button to be directed to
  • Or log onto


Image 6.1

  • When you click on more from nationwide freight trackingwebsite, you will be automatically directed to the website as shown in Image 6.1
  • Enter the details recorded from the Nationwide freight tracking website or enter the details shown as below:

Customer name: 1507

Enter User Name: nfs

Enter Password: nfs

  • When you click on logon and you will be directed into the main page as shown in Image 6.2.

Main screen

Image 6.2

  • Click on Search under consignment in the menu shown as in Image 6.2.

Image 6.3

  • In the Consignment No box, enter in the recorded details from Nationwide freight trackingwebsite or enter details as shown below.
  • For example, search by consignment note number:

Connote No: NFS XXX-XXX

  • Click on search to view consignment details as shown in image 6.4

Search result

Image 6.4

  • Click on the green arrow, to view details of Purchase of Delivery (POD) as shown in Image 6.5.

Image 6.5

  • Click on Images from the menu tab above, to view Purchase of Delivery (POD).
  • Click on the consignment receipt to view details of Purchase of Delivery (POD) as shown in image 6.6.

Purchase of Delivery (POD)

Image 6.6

For tracking freight withBass Strait

Example of search in Nationwide Freight Tracking

  • From

Image 7.0

  • Click on MORE button to be directed to
  • Or log onto

For tracking freight delivered by Bass Strait, please call customer service 03- 9645 2333 for more details of POD.