5-4.4 Explain the principal events related to the involvement of the United States in World War II, including campaigns in North Africa and the Mediterranean; major battles of the European theater such as the Battle of Britain, the invasion of the Soviet Union, and the Normandy invasion; and events in the Pacific theater such as Pearl Harbor, the strategy of island-hopping, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Instructional Content / Instructional
(45 minutes) / Available Resources
Alliances of World War II / ½ day / SF Text: p. 342
Student Newspaper: eStudies Weekly
Website: Inside World War II Interactive
Website: World War II for Kids
Website: World War II History
Key Figures
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Josef Stalin
Winston Churchill
Charles de Gaulle / 1 day / Video: Adolf Hitler Discover Education
Video: Benito Mussolini Discovery Education
Video: Josef Stalin Discovery Education
Video: Winston Churchill Discovery Education
Document: Charles De Gaule Discovery Education
Identify the significance of Pearl Harbor to the United States / ½ day / SF Text p. 344-347
Student Newspaper: eStudies Weekly
Video: President Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor Speech Discovery Education
Video: Attack on Pearl Harbor 1st wave Discovery Education
Video: Attack on Pearl Harbor 2nd Wave Discovery Education
Identify strategies used by the Allies to end war
-campaigns in North Africa and the Mediterranean
-major battles of the European theater such as the Battle of
-the invasion of the Soviet Union
-the Normandy invasion
-the strategy of island-hopping / 2 ½ days / SF Text: p. 356-361
Student Newspaper: eStudies Weekly
Article: North Africa Campaign
Article: The Invasion of Soviet Union
Video: Island-Hopping Discovery Education
Video: Turning Points WWI Discovery Education
Video: D-Day Operation Overload (Normandy Invasion) Discovery Education
Video: Victory in Europe Discovery Education
Atomic bomb
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki / ½ day / SF Text p.354-355, 361
Student Newspaper: eStudies Weekly
Video: The Manhattan Project Discovery Education
Video: Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima Discovery Education
Video: Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki Discovery Education
Video: Atomic Bomb ends WWII Discovery Education
The students will show that they can explain the principal events related to the involvement of the United States in World War II, including campaigns in North Africa and the Mediterranean; major battles of the European theater such as the Battle of Britain, the invasion of the Soviet Union, and the Normandy invasion; and events in the Pacific theater such as Pearl Harbor, the strategy of island-hopping, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. / 1 day / Performance Task: The students will create a foldable (pages 104-105) to explain the principal events related to the involvement of the United States in World War II.
Dinah Zike's Reading and Study Skills Foldables
World War II Foldable Rubric and Suggested Responses
Test Item Bank: Teacher Toolbox
To view Questions: Use the search criteria to select your grade, Social Studies NEW, standard and indicator.
SF –Scott Foresman Social Studies PSR – Primary Source Readers