MenteriBesar Selangor (Incorporated) (“MBI Selangor”) announces a call for entriestoamateur moviemakers ofallshapesandsizesfortheSmart Selangor Short Film (“#SmartShorties”) Contest (the"Contest").
Contest participants shall submit an original short film of their own creation thatiswithin three(3)minutesduration. A total of one short film with credits can besubmitted per participant.
Atotalof fifteen(15)Entrieswillbechosenoutofthetotalnumberofentries (“Shortlisted Entries”). One (1) or more winner(s) (“Winner(s)”) for the #SmartShortiesawardwillbechosenfromtheseShortlistedEntries.
A total amount of Ringgit Malaysia Fifteen Thousand (RM 15,000.00) (“Award Sum”) will be awarded to the Winner(s). The number of Winner(s) andsumawardedtoeachWinner(s)is as follows:
-1st prize: RM 8,000
-2nd prize: RM 4,000
-3rd prize: RM 2,000
-2 consolation prizes: RM 500 each
TheContestisopentoanyindividual,17 to 27yearsofageatthetimeof entry,whosefilmentryhasneverwonanyprizesinanylocalorinternationalfilm festival or film award and he/she is a citizen or a permanent residentof Malaysia (“Participant(s)”).
EmployeesofMBI Selangor, agents, and the immediate family (defined as parents, children, siblings and spouse) of each such employees, together with those withwhomsuchemployeesaredomiciled,arenoteligibletoparticipateinthe Contest.
ByparticipatingintheContest,Participant(s)warrantthattheyareeligibleto participate under the applicable law governing procurement of prizes and awards.
MBI Selangor reservestherighttodisqualifyanyParticipantifMBI Selangor is of the opinion that Participant did not comply with these Rules,orifParticipant'sparticipation intheContestorreceiptofprizewould violate any applicablelaw.
Participants may be required to submit proof of their eligibility.
EachParticipantintheContestshallfullyandunconditionallyagreetocomply withandabidebytheseRulesandthedecisionsofMBI Selangor and its designated judges, which decisions shall be final and binding in all respects.
3.How toEnter
The Contest starts on 29thMarch2018and ends on 17thApril2018 (the "Contest Period").
Entriesaretobereceivedby#SmartShortiesattheemailbelowonor before 6pm 17thApril2018. Entries which are not submitted during the Contest Period shall bedisqualified.
Onlyone(1)EntryperParticipantispermitted.Entriesmustbe submittedin the followingmanner:
The Rules and Entry Form are available at
Participants can complete and submit the Entry Form via the website during the Contest Period.
Participant'snamemustbeclearlystatedontheirEntry.Theparticipantshall upload his/her/their short film with credits onto his/her/their respective YouTube channel with a video quality of1080p.
Participant’sfilmentryuploadmustbelabelledas“Unlisted”andmustnotbe sharable on any online avenues. A complete Entry will include the full YouTube URL link in the Entry Form. All entry information provided by Participant must be complete, true andcorrect.
MBI Selangoranditsagentsarenotresponsibleorliablefor(i)lost, stolen, late, incomplete, invalid, mutilated, illegible or misdirected entries, whichwillbedisqualified;or(ii)fortechnicalfailuresofanykind,including,but notlimitedto,electronicmalfunctioningofanynetwork,hardwareorsoftware; or(iii)foranyerror,human,technicalorotherwise.
MBI Selangor reservestheright,initssolediscretion,todisqualifyany Participants it finds tampering with the operation or entry process of the Contest,oractinginviolationoftheseRulesorapplicablelaw.
MBI Selangor shallnotbeliablefororpayanycustomsfees,duties, taxes or tariffs incurred by Participant'ssubmission.
Submissions received past the submission deadline of the Contest Period shall not be accepted for review and shall be destroyed.
Participants’ Entries will not be returned.
The following requirements shall apply to all Participants and their Entries:
- An Entry shall comprise of a short film of up to three (3) minutes in length, including credits. There is atwo (2) minutesminimum runningtime.
- ThedialoguemaybeinanyvernacularlanguagesspokeninMalaysiabut must be subtitled inMalayor English.
- Entriesmustbesubmittedwithanon-returnablestillofthefilm.
- AllcomponentsoftheEntrymustbetheoriginalcreationoftheParticipant with express exception that MBI Selangor's products may be incorporated.
- Entries shall not contain any profanity, nudity, pornographic images or explicit sexual themes, graphic violence, defamatoryor libelousstatements or material considered illegal. Entries containing any such aspects and/or that are in violation of any applicable law or otherwise deemed by MBI Selangor,initssolediscretion,tobeinappropriatewillbedisqualified.Entries which infringe on any intellectual property rights or other rights will also be disqualifiedinthesolediscretionofMBI Selangor.
- EachEntrymustbesubmittedonanindividualbasisonly(i.e.,nojointor corporateentries).
- EachEntryisanoriginalworkwhichisundernorestriction,contractualor otherwise, which will prevent MBI Selangor’s use of the film and thatallfilmsarefreeofanyandallliens,encumbrancesandclaimsofthird parties. Participant acknowledges, agrees and warrants that, except as permitted in paragraph 4 (D) above, nothing in the film infringes on any intellectual property rights including but not limited to copyrights or trademarks,orviolatesanyperson'srightsofprivacyorpublicityandthat allnecessaryreleases,licensesandpermissionshavebeensecuredbythe Participants.
- The Entry shall not include confidential information, trade secrets, trademarksorcopyrightedmaterialbelongingtoanypersonorentityother thantheParticipantsaveandexceptwheretheParticipant hasacquireda suitable license, clearance or permission agreement (proof of which is required uponsubmission).
- Participantsareresponsibleforsecuringnecessarypermissions,talentand locationreleasesandlicensesforvisualandaudiomaterialcontainedinthe submissions. Participants shall only use original music created for their Entryormusicthatisinthepublicdomain.Noothermusicmaybeused.
- MBI Selangoranditsagentsshallnotberesponsibleorliable for anyloss,damages,claimscostsorexpensesincurredinorarisingfromthe production or delivery of the filmentries.
- Anyentrythatdoesnotcomplywiththeaboverequirementsoranyother terms herein shall bedisqualified.
5.Selection ofWinner(s)
EachEntrythatisincompliance withtheseRuleswillbereviewedbyapanel of judges to be determined by MBI Selangor.The Entries will be evaluated based uponthe following factors:
•Story TellingAbility.
No inquiries or appeals shall be entertained.
5.Award Sum
A total amount of Ringgit Malaysia Fifteen Thousand (RM 15,000.00) (“Award Sum”) will be awarded to the Winner(s). The number of Winner(s) andsumawardedtoeachWinner(s)is as follows:
-1st prize: RM 8,000
-2nd prize: RM 4,000
-3rd prize: RM 2,000
-2 consolation prizes: RM 500 each
The selected Winner or Winners must complete his/her/their short film(s) on or before 17th April2018.
6.Winning and Notification
The Participants of the Shortlisted Entries and Winner(s) will be announced by 4th May 2018 and to be posted on .The Participants of the Shortlisted Entries and the Winner(s) will also be notified by ordinary mail or by email or on mobile phone, using the address and contact details provided on the Entry Form.
MBI Selangor or its agents will attempt to notify the Winner(s) by ordinarymailorbyemailoronmobilephone,usingtheaddressandcontact detailsprovidedon theEntryForm.IfforanyreasontheselectedWinneror Winners cannot be reached after reasonable attempt has been made, the judgeswillselectotherWinner(s)fromtheShortlistedEntriesandawardthe Award Sum to theseWinner(s).
7.Ownership and License ofEntries
Participants, as the original creators of the Entries, will retain complete ownership of the Entries. Participants warrant that they hold all rights (including intellectual property rights) in and to the animation(s)/image(s)/material(s) in the animation and/or film sequences submitted.
EachParticipantgrantstoMBI Selangor aperpetual,non-exclusive, worldwide,royalty-freelicense("License")touse,reproduce,edit,distribute, publish,broadcast,stream,makederivativeworksofandotherwiseexploitin anymannerandtoauthorizethirdpartiestouse,reproduce,edit,distribute, publish,broadcast,stream,makederivativeworksofandotherwiseexploitin anymannertheEntries,includingwithoutlimitationbroadcastingtheEntries onand/orinconnectionwithanyactivitiescarried outbyMBI Selangor and/oritsaffiliatedcompanies.
Participant warrants that the granting of the License and MBI Selangor’s exercise of such License shall not violate any third-party rights.Further,Participantwaiveshis/hermoralrightsintheEntriesandagreesthat thiswaivershallbebindingonhis/herheirsand/orsuccessorsintitle.
MBI Selangorreservestherightandpower,atitssolediscretion,to edit, translate, dub or alter the Entries for, inters alia, size, aspect ratio or runninglength.
Each Participant's submission of the Entry Form constitutes his/her agreementtothegrantoftheLicenseandtoMBI Selangor'sright toedittheEntriesassetforthherein.
MBI SelangorwillnotreturnanytangiblecopiesoftheEntriestothe Participants and shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage thereof.Participantsacknowledgethereceiptofadequateconsiderationfrom MBI Selangorinexchangefortherightsgrantedherein.
8.General Terms andConditions
Participation in the Contest constitutes Participant's full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these Rules. No purchase is necessary to enter or win, and no obligation of any kind is implied.
Except where prohibited by law, participation in the Contest constitutes the Participant'sconsenttoMBI Selangor'suseoftheParticipant'sname, city, state, likeness, photograph, statements made by the Participant about theContest,MBI Selangor,and/orprizeinformationforpromotional purposesinanymediawithoutfurtherpaymentorconsideration.
By entering the contest, the participant agrees to release hold harmless indemnifyandkeepindemnifiedMBI Selangor,thecontestsponsors and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, as well as the individual judges, from and against any claim or cause of action arising out of participants participation in the contest, including without limitation any claim for infringement of intellectual property rights or receipt, possession,useormisuseofanyprize.MBI Selangorreservesthe righttocancelormodifythiscontestforitsconvenienceoriffraud,technical failuresoranyotherfactorbeyondMBI Selangor'sreasonablecontrol impairstheintegrityofthecontestasdeterminedbyMBI Selangorin itssolediscretion.Anydisputesarisingfromorrelatingtothecontestorthe selectionofwinningsubmissionswillberesolvedbyMBI Selangor,in its solediscretion.
MBI Selangor shall not be responsible or liable for any injury or damagetopersonsortoproperty,whichmaybecaused,directlyorindirectly, in whole or in part, from downloading any material from any MBI Selangor's web sites, regardless of whether the material was prepared by MBI Selangororathirdparty,andregardlessofwhetherthematerial isconnectedtoMBI Selangor'swebsitesbyahypertextlink.Alllocal andnationallawsandregulationsapply.
Participant agrees that:
(1)any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest, or any prizes awarded, other than the administration of the Contest or the determination of winners shall be resolvedindividually,withoutresorttoanyformofclassaction,andexclusively by the Malaysian Courts of KualaLumpur;
(2)anyandallclaims,judgmentsandawardsshallbelimitedtoactualout- ofpocketcostsincurred,includingcostsassociatedwithenteringthisContest butinnoeventattorneys'fees;and
(3)undernocircumstanceswillParticipantbepermittedtoobtainawards for and Participant hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out- ofpocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwiseincreased.
All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity,interpretation andenforceabilityoftheseRules,ortherightsandobligationsofParticipant ontheonehandandMBI Selangoranditsagentsontheotherhand, in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordancewith,thelawsofMalaysia,withoutgivingeffecttoanychoiceof laworconflictoflawrulesofprovisions,whichwouldcausetheapplicationof thelawsofanyjurisdictionotherthanMalaysia.
The Sponsor of this Contest is MBI Selangor, who has a business addressat14th Floor, BangunanDarul Ehsan Jalan Indah, Section 14, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.Rules; Winner(s)’List
AcopyoftheseRuleswillbepostedat.Detailsof theWinner(s),onceavailable,willbepostedatby May 2018.