February 2008

Dear Parent/Guardian

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the 2008-2009 Curriculum Booklet for fifth and sixth year pupils. Choosing the correct and appropriate courses can be difficult and stressful. The Staff at Knox Academy will make every effort to assist parents and pupils at this time. I would urge all pupils to seek as much advice and information as possible - using the School, the Public Library and the Careers Service, before making decisions.

Partnership with parents is an important part of Knox Academy and I look forward to meeting you at parents’ evenings, school functions or on an individual basis. This Curriculum Booklet is one element of our communications with parents and I commend it to you.

With best wishes.

J.B. Craig



Please find in this booklet a summary of the courses available to senior pupils during the session 2008-2009 and samples of the option sheets.

During the coursing days (11th and 13th, 17th and 19th March) pupils will be asked to make provisional choices for their courses next session. At this time they will have an opportunity to discuss their course choices with their Guidance Teacher. The school’s Career Adviser will also be in attendance during these two days. Wherever possible we aim to meet the needs of all our pupils, however, it should be noted that sometimes courses are very popular and others are under-subscribed. This means that there are occasions when courses do not run, or due to over-subscription some pupils do not receive their first choice of subjects.

Course choice cannot be final until the exam results in August, however, pupils are required to attend all classes that they are timetabled for from the 9th June 2007.


All pupils will follow 5 courses consisting of 5 periods per week. They will also attend RME and Personal and Social Development classes, both of which last for one period per week.

Knox Academy expects the following from all S5 pupils:

q  Excellent attendance and punctuality.

q  Attendance at all classes.

q  Adherence to Dress Code.

q  Pupils register with their Group Tutor at 8.44am

As confirmation of their commitment to their further education at Knox Academy, all pupils entering S5 will be expected to sign a contract agreeing to the above. Should a pupil persistently fail to live up to their contract the Head Teacher may ask them to reconsider their future at Knox Academy.

Possible Curricular Pathways in the Senior School:

Results in S4 S5 S6

Standard Grade/

National Qualification

5 or 6 Intermediate 1 Intermediate 2

Access 3

3 or 4 Intermediate 2 Higher

Intermediate 1

1 or 2 Higher Advanced Higher

Intermediate 2

Please note that the above is only a guide to progression and it is important to read individual subject entries for precise details and advice.


There is a threefold purpose to the S6 experience:

q  To study at a higher level than that of S5.

q  To prepare for transition to the young person’s next stage in life.

q  To take a more active role in the corporate life of the school.

All S6 pupils are required to take courses that will give them 15 curriculum points:

Advanced Higher Level 6 points

Higher Level 4 points

Intermediate 2 4 points

Intermediate 1 3 points

Access 3 3 points

Each pupil will take Personal and Social Education for 1 hour per week and are encouraged to take optional courses in either, or both, of PE and RME. PE will take 1 hour per week and RME will take 1 hour per week for 13 weeks.


Advanced Higher courses require a good deal of independent study (and are an excellent preparation for university). Pupils are expected to make good use of their non-contact time and are provided with the Library and a Silent Study Room in which to work.

Unless there are mitigating circumstances it is unlikely that pupils would be allowed to carry on at Knox Academy unless they were planning to sit examinations in 3 subjects.

Pupils are expected to take a fuller role in the life of the school by joining committees, buddying younger pupils, undertaking Prefect duties and setting an example for the rest of the school.

Knox Academy expects the following MINIMUM commitment from S6 pupils:

q  Excellent attendance and punctuality.

q  Adherence to the rules regarding going off-campus.

q  Adherence to Dress Code.

q  Attendance at ALL timetabled classes.

q  Attendance at Registration every morning.

These expectations form the basis of the S6 pupil contract which will be signed by all. There is an additional contract for Prefects.


All National Qualification courses consist of units. At the end of these units there will be an assessment – these are called NABs (National Assessment Bank items), they are sometimes referred to as “end of unit tests”.

The SQA stipulates that a pupil shall be given TWO attempts to pass each NAB.

If a pupil fails a NAB the school will inform parents/guardians through a standard letter.

If a pupil fails their resit they will not be allowed to attempt it again unless “special/extraordinary circumstances” can be proved. Each case is dealt with on an individual basis.

In the event of failing a NAB twice, pupils will not be allowed to sit the final examination, but will be credited with the units passed.

If a pupil fails their Preliminary Exam by a significant margin or, in the professional judgement of their teacher they are struggling, they will be encouraged to think carefully about being presented for the final examination in the summer. Usually pupils will be able to “drop down” a level e.g. from a Higher class to an Intermediate 2 class. Otherwise there might be the opportunity to complete the units and not sit the final exam.

It should be noted that often the NABs are not the equivalent difficulty of exam questions and therefore failing NABs is an indicator of the likely result in the summer.


It is expected that all pupils will receive homework from their teachers at this stage in their school career. The amount and frequency of homework varies from subject to subject.

Homework could consist of any or all of the following:

q  Writing up notes made in class.

q  Exercises/questions/essays based on class work.

q  Reading over class work.

q  Revising for assessments/tests.

q  Completing additional pieces for folios.

q  Research.

q  Taking notes from texts to discuss in class.

q  Practice exam questions.

Pupils will often be given a longer period of time to complete homework than they might previously have been used to. It is up to the pupil to ensure that they are organised and complete work on time. Persistent failure to do so will result in them being interviewed by a senior member of staff (Depute/Head Teacher).


(a) Choice of subject and organisation of study time.

Course choices should be discussed with parents, Tutors, subject teachers, the Careers Adviser and Guidance staff. Teachers can give realistic assessments of potential. Any pupil considering a new course should see the appropriate Head of Department or Principal Teacher.

(b) Careers advice, interviews and applications.

Competition for jobs and higher education places is greater than ever. The school will help pupils with advice and information. However, pupils must be active in finding out as much as they can about possible jobs or educational opportunities. There is a Careers Library in school and opportunities to attend careers talks, university open days and consult the Careers Adviser.

Pupils also have access to the Internet.

(c) Financial Support

Financial support may be available for pupils aged 16 or over who wish to stay on at school. The Educational Maintenance Allowance will apply to pupils currently in S4 and S5 who are eligible and fulfil the criteria. Information leaflets and application forms are available from the School Office.

Please ask Guidance Staff for information about any of these matters. If staff can’t help, they will be able to tell you where to find the relevant details.

If parents or pupils have any questions regarding this booklet or the course choice process, please contact the appropriate House/Year Head: Mrs Ingham (New S5 Lammerlaw), Mr Duddin (New S5 Traprain) Mr Young (New S5 Garleton), Mr Wood (New S6).




At all levels Art & Design courses aim to promote creative thinking, innovation and enterprise. Activities are designed to develop individual potential and encourage self reliance, initiative, problem solving and the ability to express personal opinions and ideas.


All levels have three elements:-

The Expressive Unit deals with the Fine Art aspects of the subject, e.g. Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Collage, Printmaking, Ceramics.

The Design Unit explores all aspects of the Design Process from market research to making and evaluating potential solutions. Optional projects include product, interior, graphics, textiles, fashion, ceramics and architectural modelling.

Art and Design Studies presents opportunities to make individual studies of the work of artists and designers, past and present. Research and critical writing skills are important here. (Intermediate 1 requires no Written Unit for assessment.)

In each element candidates are expected to select a personal project from a given list of options and to explore their chosen theme through a range of prescribed skills and techniques, including the use of computers and 3D processes.


Work is internally assessed through the production of work done in class. A high level of motivation and a willingness to work independently and outwith class time is essential. Pupils will be expected to develop a sketchbook of ideas to support the work done in class. As well as ongoing assessment there are more formal progress reviews that are held with each pupil in October and in January (after the Preliminary Exam).

It should be noted that there is a financial commitment of £15 to this course to contribute towards a folio and specialist materials.


Options available at Advanced Higher build on strengths and interests identified at Higher level. Specialisation in any of the three elements - Expressive, Design, Written Research - is possible. In each case there are opportunities to add breadth and depth to the study in preparation for a range of educational and vocational destinations.


The context and content of the course is negotiated individually. Choices can be made within a wide variety of options within each element. The emphasis is on personal development in an area where self motivation and independent working are essential skills.


Personal research underpins all work. The upkeep of a sketch book containing rough visual evidence of information gathering and development of ideas is a fundamental requirement. It provides evidence of independent thinking and identifies links for future development. It reflects the enjoyment of exploring and experimenting with ideas and media.

It should be noted that there is a financial commitment of £20 to contribute towards a folio and specialist materials.




The course is mainly based on practical activities and provides opportunities for pupils to acquire:

·  Knowledge and understanding of biological concepts and applications of Biology in society and industry.

·  Skills in problem solving.

·  Practical abilities associated with Biology.

·  Positive attitudes and an open mind about health and environmental issues.


The course comprises three, 40 hour Units –

Health and Technology

Biotechnological Industries

Growing Plants

A further 40 hours may be used for more practical work, remediation, consolidation and practice applying knowledge gained during the course.



The course provides a broad-based, integrated study of a range of biological topics, for progression to Higher Biology. Pupils have opportunities to:-

a) acquire knowledge of biological concepts, facts, ideas and techniques.

b) develop skills in problem solving.

c) improve practical abilities.

d) develop positive attitudes to topical biological issues.

e) provide a foundation for Higher Biology.


The course comprises three 40 hour Units, covering the following content areas:-

Living Cells

Environmental Biology and Genetics

Animal Physiology

A further 40 hours may be used for support, consolidation and preparation for assessment.

The course includes elements of knowledge and understanding, problem-solving and practical abilities.



This intensive course provides opportunities for pupils to acquire-

a) knowledge and understanding of biological processes and the applications of biology.

b) skills in problem solving and data interpretation.

c) practical abilities.

d) an informed attitude towards the environment and topical issues such as conservation and genetic engineering.

e) a sound foundation for moving on to further education in Biological Sciences.


The course comprises three 40 hour units which cover the following subject areas:-

Cell Biology

Genetics and Adaptation

Control and Regulation

A further 40 hours may be used for consolidation and preparing for assessment.



The course provides:

a)  a broad-based, integrated study of a wide range of biological topics.

b)  a general basis for further education or employment in areas relating to biology.

c)  an understanding of the way biological principles can be applied to issues facing the individual and society.

d)  skills in problem solving.

e)  investigative and reporting skills associated with project work.

f)  positive attitudes and an awareness of the environment.