Assessment #3 – LessonUnit Project
A. A brief description of the assessment and its use in the program
The lesson unit plan is completed in the semester before the teacher candidates’ field experience during SEU 321 – Methods of Teaching English. During the semester, teacher candidates work in groups of three or four on both a middle school unit of three-four weeks and a high school unit of three-four weeks. This project will be completed both individually and within a group. As a group member, each teacher candidate will be responsible for completing five days of a unit (one week) that will be part of a group unit (each member contributing five days of the unit). The group will decide what the topic of each unit for each level (middle and secondary school) will be. The group may choose any genre for their unit including, but not limited to plays, novels, short stories, poetry, grammar, and vocabulary. The group may choose to construct the unit around literary elements, grammar elements, etc. This project is the culminating final demonstrating teacher candidates’ understanding of lesson planning and preparation (strategies and activities) and assessment creation.
B. A description of how this assessment specifically aligns with the standards:
The Lesson Unit Project strongly aligns with the following NCTE standards:
Lesson Unit Project Categories / NCTE StandardsCompleteness of Unit / 2.3
Rationale of Context / 2.2
Rationale of Materials / 3.6
Lesson Plans and Activities / 4.2
Assessments / 4.10
Assessments (Critical Thinking) / 2.4
Materials / 4.1
C. A brief analysis of data findings:
Findings indicate that students perform well on this assessment as the mean scores for both undergraduates and post-baccalaureates are above a 2.0 (superior). Students perform especially well in the completeness of unit category of the group assessment (standard 2.3) and the lesson plans and activities section of the individual assessment (standard 4.2). Improvement is needed in the rationale of context and materials categories (group assessment – standards 2.2 and 3.6) and the assessment (individual assessment – 4.10 and 2.4), although these areas are within standards overall. Overall, the mean scores of each category for undergraduates and post-baccalaureate students are either at or above a 2.0.
D. An interpretation of how that data provides evidence for meeting standards:
The data demonstrates teacher candidate competence in standards 2.3, 2.2, 3.6, 4.2, 4.10, 2.4, and 4.1. Teacher candidate projects (both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate) demonstrate evidence of standards 2.3 as candidates collaborated with one another to choose best lesson practices (use of lesson plans, assessments and ancillary materials) for their units. Teacher candidates’ rationales (both undergraduate and post-baccalaureate) included descriptions of context and materials on unit themes (standards 2.2 and 3.6) – these themes ranged from units on dystopian themes to others on cultural dialects and discourse. Unfortunately, a few of the teacher candidates’ rationales provided only satisfactory explanation of how their units related to other cultures. The explanations of their reasons for the themes were not as strong and or goals were not as clear. Further explanation of this assessment may help with the clarity of this assignment/standard. One of the strongest areas of teacher candidate growth was within standard 4.2. Teacher candidates’ lesson plans demonstrated the use of writing and reading activities, as well as group and individual work. Objectives were clearly stated in each lesson plan and these objectives clearly matched student learning and curriculum goals. Two other standards 4.10 and 2.4, assessment, showed continued need for teacher candidate improvement; while most students showed superior understanding of assessment usage, a few fell in the satisfactory range because they either did not provide complete assessment information (i.e. objectives) or the methods of assessment weren’t as effectively written as they could have been. Overall, most teacher candidates identified and described their methods of evaluation, stating learning goals and objectives of the assessment extensively. Lastly, standard 4.1 was met with teacher candidate use of a wide array of resources for instruction including textbooks, videos, and computer technologies. A continued need for the use of more audio resources was necessary, as well as a need for more use of non-print resources, as some students relied more heavily on print resources as opposed to non-print resources.
E/F. The assessment tool/scoring guide for the assessment
Lesson Unit Project – Assessment #3
This project will be completed both individually and within a group. As a group member, each student will be responsible for completing five days of a unit (one week) that will be part of a group unit (each member contributing five days of the unit). The group will decide what the topic of each unit for each level (middle and secondary school) will be. The group may choose any genre for their unit including, but not limited to plays, novels, short stories, poetry, grammar, and vocabulary. The group may choose to construct the unit around literary elements, grammar elements, etc.
The lesson plan within each unit will be created for a forty minute period. These lessons will follow the format of the Kutztown Lesson Plan provided to each student at the start of the semester. Lessons should focus on including materials, including both print and non-print media, as well as technology. These lessons, taken as a whole, should form a coherent unit. Each week of lessons should include one assessment in the form of a quiz, test, or project. Lastly, lessons should include all ancillary materials as discussed in the lesson (worksheets, vocabulary lists, etc.). Each group will choose one lesson to present to the class (approximately 10-15 minutes per lesson activity). This lesson will be graded as part of his/her final grade using the Kutztown teaching evaluation rubric (see attached). At the end of the semester, the group will turn in a bound copy of their unit(s) to be graded.
The unit must require the following of candidates to:
- Read, respond, interpret, and analyze print and non-print texts
- Utilize strategies practiced and discussed in class
- Utilize writing as a mode of learning
- Discuss, write, and/or think about how the lesson texts reflect or embody cultural values
- Work in a variety of group settings (1-1, pairs, small groups, cooperative learning groups, and whole groups)
Lesson plans must include:
- A creative variety of activities (two-three activities per day)
- A variety of materials (print, non-print, audio, etc.)
- Open-ended questions and discussion
- Some element of writing and/or reading
The unit must include the following:
- A rationale (of both materials and context)
- All lessons
Lesson Unit Rubric (Group Component)
Key to Performance Standards:
Thoroughly – 90-100% of the time; Extensively – 80-89% of the time; Adequately – 70-79% of the time; Inadequately – less than 70% of the time
Standards / Components of Unit / Exemplary (3) / Superior (2) / Satisfactory (1) / Unsatisfactory (0)NCTE:
25% / Completeness of Unit
Working in groups of three-four, candidates will work collaboratively on creating a lesson unit of three-four weeks, choosing and reflecting on which best lesson practices to include in the unit. / Thoroughly
- presents the collaboration of three-four candidates in a professional manner. All pages are put together in a manageable whole. Aspects of the unit include lesson plans, assessments, and ancillary materials. / Extensively
- presents the collaboration of three-four candidates in a professional manner. All pages are put together in a manageable whole. Aspects of the unit include lesson plans, assessments, and ancillary materials. / Adequately
- presents the collaboration of three-four candidates in a professional manner. All pages are put together in a manageable whole. Aspects of the unit include lesson plans, assessments, and ancillary materials. / Inadequately
- presents the collaboration of three-four candidates in a professional manner. All pages are put together in a manageable whole. Aspects of the unit include lesson plans, assessments, and ancillary materials.
20% / Rationale of Context
Rationale includes descriptions of context (i.e. grade level for the unit, classroom culture/educational setting), clear statement of theme, objectives, goals, and use of assessments / Thoroughly
-explains how lesson uses ELA to help students become familiar with their own and others’ cultures.
-states the theme of the unit, explaining the reasons for the theme and its connections to candidates, their own and others cultures, and the use of assessments, as well as skills/content to be gained from the unit. / Extensively
-explains how lesson uses ELA to help students become familiar with their own and others’ cultures.
-states the theme of the unit, explaining the reasons for the theme and its connections to candidates, their own and others cultures, and the use of assessments, as well as skills/content to be gained from the unit. / Adequately
-explains how lesson uses ELA to help students become familiar with their own and others’ cultures.
-states the theme of the unit, explaining the reasons for the theme and its connections to candidates, their own and others cultures, and the use of assessments, as well as skills/content to be gained from the unit. / Inadequately
-explains how lesson uses ELA to help students become familiar with their own and others’ cultures.
-states the theme of the unit, explaining the reasons for the theme and its connections to candidates, their own and others cultures, and the use of assessments, as well as skills/content to be gained from the unit.
5% / Rationale of Materials
Rationale includes descriptions and reasons for use of materials in unit. / Thoroughly
-describes use of materials demonstrating range and depth, as well as the influence of print and non-print media and technology / Extensively
-describes use of materials demonstrating range and depth, as well as the influence of print and non-print media and technology / Adequately
-describes use of materials demonstrating range and depth, as well as the influence of print and non-print media and technology / Inadequately
-describes use of materials demonstrating range and depth, as well as the influence of print and non-print media and technology
Lesson Unit Rubric (Individual Components)
Key to Performance Standards:
Thoroughly – 90-100% of the time; Extensively – 80-89% of the time; Adequately – 70-79% of the time; Inadequately – less than 70% of the time
Standards / Components of Unit / Exemplary (3) / Proficient (2) / Satisfactory (1) / Unsatisfactory (0)NCTE:
70% / Lesson Plans & Activities
Lesson plans identify state standards and objectives to be taught and descriptions of activities (writing and/or reading, open-ended questions and discussion and different group settings) to be used. / Thoroughly
-states objectives in measurable terms and matches the learning and curriculum goals.
-demonstrates use of teaching strategies that promote whole-class, small-group, and/or individual work. / Extensively
-states objectives in measurable terms and matches the learning and curriculum goals.
-demonstrates use of teaching strategies that promote whole-class, small-group, and/or individual work. / Adequately
-states objectives in measurable terms and matches the learning and curriculum goals.
-demonstrates use of teaching strategies that promote whole-class, small-group, and/or individual work. / Inadequately
-states objectives in measurable terms and matches the learning and curriculum goals.
-demonstrates use of teaching strategies that promote whole-class, small-group, and/or individual work.
10% / Assessments
Assessments describe assignments to be evaluated and the methods used (i.e. rubrics, formative or summative assessment, projects, etc.) to evaluate them / Thoroughly
-identifies and describes method of evaluation (rubric, formative or summative assessment, project, etc.), stating learning goals and objectives on the assessment
-provides detailed directions for administration of test and scoring are explained with value points fully outlined. / Extensively
-identifies and describes method of evaluation (rubric, formative or summative assessment, project, etc.), stating learning goals and objectives on the assessment
-provides detailed directions for administration of test and scoring are explained with value points fully outlined. / Adequately
-identifies and describes method of evaluation (rubric, formative or summative assessment, project, etc.), stating learning goals and objectives on the assessment
-provides detailed directions for administration of test and scoring are explained with value points fully outlined. / Inadequately
-identifies and describes method of evaluation (rubric, formative or summative assessment, project, etc.), stating learning goals and objectives on the assessment
-provides detailed directions for administration of test and scoring are explained
with value points fully outlined.
10% / Assessment (Critical Thinking)
Candidates use of assessments assist students in developing habits of critical thinking and judgment (i.e. through extended response, interpretive exercise, and performance assessment) / Thoroughly
- designs and implements use of instruction and assessment that will assist students in developing
habits of critical
thinking and judgment / Extensively
- designs and implements use of instruction and assessment that will assist students in developing habits of critical thinking and judgment / Adequately
- designs and implements use of instruction and assessment that will assist students in developing habits of critical thinking and judgment / Inadequately
- designs and implementsuse of instruction and assessment that will assist students in developing habits of critical thinking and judgment
10% / Materials
A wide variety of materials are utilized throughout the planning of lessons, activities and assessments. / Thoroughly
-Usesresources for instruction including textbooks, other print materials, videos, films, records, and software appropriate to teaching of English. / Extensively
-Usesresources for instruction including textbooks, other print materials, videos, films, records, and software appropriate to teaching of English. / Adequately
-Usesresources for instruction including textbooks, other print materials, videos, films, records, and software appropriate to teaching of English. / Inadequately
-Usesresources for instruction including textbooks, other print materials, videos, films, records, and software appropriate to teaching of English.
G. Assessment Results for Spring 2012 – Assessment #3
Spring 2012 Results (UG – Undergraduate/PB- Post-Baccalaureate)
*Undergraduate: U = 13 *Post-Baccalaureate: P = 2Total Students -15
NCTE Standard / Category / Exemplary (3) / Superior (2) / Satisfactory (1) / Unsatisfactory (0)U / P / U / P / U / P / U / P
2.3 / Completeness of Unit / 9 / 2 / 4 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
2.2 / Rationale of Context / 6 / 1 / 4 / 0 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 0
3.6 / Rationale of Materials / 6 / 1 / 4 / 0 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 0
4.2 / Lesson Plans & Activities / 9 / 1 / 4 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
4.10 / Assessments / 2 / 0 / 9 / 2 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0
2.4 / Assessment (Critical Thinking) / 2 / 0 / 9 / 2 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0
4.1 / Materials / 5 / 1 / 8 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Mean of each standard/category by level for Spring 2012
NCTE Standard / Category / U / P2.3 / Completeness of Unit (25%) / 2.69 / 3.0
2.2 / Rational/Group Statement (20%) / 2.23 / 2.0
3.6 / Rationale of Materials (5%) / 2.23 / 2.0
4.2 / Lesson Plans & Activities (70%) / 2.69 / 2.5
4.10 / Assessments (10%) / 2.0 / 2.0
2.4 / Assessment (Critical Thinking – 10%) / 2.0 / 2.0
4.1 / Materials (10%) / 2.35 / 2.5
Group Project Mean (Completeness of Unit and Rationale/Group Statement): 2.46
Individual Project Mean (Lesson Plan & Activities, Assessments, and Materials): 2.52
Group Project Mean (Completeness of Unit and Rationale/Group Statement): 2.5
Individual Project Mean (Lesson Plan & Activities, Assessments, and Materials): 2.4
* The amount of candidates being analyzed in this data table is lower in the spring semester because more teacher candidates enroll in Methods during the fall semester for spring graduation.
* Number of post-graduate students is low as the program is being phased out and all newly enrolled candidates will be placed in a graduate program upon enrollment.