2018 The Jessica Seminario-Stieglmayr Foundation (JSSF)
Law School Scholarship Application
Instructions, Deadlines and General Information
Eligibility Criteria
- Grants are awarded to low-income Law students in their second (2nd) or third (3rd) year of Law School. Applicant must demonstrate that she/he is economically disadvantaged.
- Applicant must be in attendance at an accredited in-State and/or City Law School.
- Applicant must have a record of superior academic performance and must submit proof of GPA meeting or exceeding 3.5 (official sealed envelope transcript from all colleges attended) should be included with application.
- Presentation of a personal 1000 word personal statement accurately describing why the applicant should be awarded these funds.
2018 Selection Process Timeline
June 30, 2018:Applications are available on our web site:
Aug 31, 2018: Deadline for application
Oct 17, 2018: Winner is notified via telephone and email.
Nov 17, 2018: Annual Award(s) dinner.
General Information
- Applications must be postmarked by April 20, 2018
- Mail your application and requested information to:
The Jessica Seminario-Stieglmayr Foundation
86 Sherman Avenue
Teaneck, NJ 07666
- Type or print all information in Black ink.
- Print all requested information only on one side of the page
- Keep application in the same order as received.
- Paper clip (DO NOT STAPLE) requested information in back of application.
- All applications and requested information become property of the Foundation.
- All information must be supplied. If any information is incomplete, the application will be rejected.
- Should you be chosen to interview with Foundation’s Selection Committee, you will be asked to participate in a telephone interview with the Selection Committee.
If you have any questions on how to complete this application, please do not hesitate to email Maria Gutierrez at : at The Jessica Seminario-Stieglmayr Foundation.
Applicant Information
1. Date of Application: ____/ ____/ ____2. Email Address: ______
3. Name: ______4. Male______Female______
First Middle Last
5. Home Address: ______
Number and Street (include Apt. number, if any)
City State Zip Code
8. Date of Birth: ___/___/___ 6. Home Phone #: (____) ______7. Cell Phone #: (___) ______
9. U.S. Citizen? Yes ____ No ____ 10. If yes; Social Security #: ___/ __/______
11. If No; Resident Alien I.D#: ______DACA #______
12. Name of the College you graduated from: ______
13. Date of Graduation from undergraduate School: ___ /_____ /______14.15. GPA_____
15. List any other scholarship you have received (will not affect your JSSF scholarship) ______
16. List in order of preference the three graduate programs you have been accepted to or are currently enrolled:
Name of InstitutionStatus
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
17. Will attend School: Full time______Part Time ______Live on campus______Off campus______
18. Please attach the following:
A. Current resume (CV) with a maximum of 2 pages
B. A 1000 word essay addressing the following questions:
- How do you intent to use your advance degree upon graduation
- How will your advanced degree benefit you and the larger community
- (optional) Please describe any unique circumstances you feel the selection committee should be aware of.
C. Letter of recommendation from an employer, a professor or an academic advisor.
D. Financial Aid Award letter from your graduate program.
Please read and understand the following paragraphs and sign below indicating you are in agreement.
19) I give The Jessica Seminario-Stieglmayr Foundation permission to use my name, any photograph, and writings provided to the organization to be used in any of its publication materials, reports, press releases, and activities associated with its Law student scholarship programs. I understand that all financial information is, and shall remain confidential.
20) I certify that the information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I hereby give permission for this information to be released to the donor or potential donors of any scholarship for which I may be eligible.
21) I authorize the Financial Aid office of any school to release information regarding my financial aid package, and any other financial resources I may be receiving to The Jessica Seminario-Stieglmayr Foundation. I authorize The Jessica Seminario-Stieglmayr Foundation (including their Selection Committee) to review my college transcripts.
22) The information supplied is true and correct to the best of my ability; I understand that all information is confidential and subject to verification and that falsification of information will result in termination of any scholarship granted.
I agree to the above,
Print Name
Signature of Applicant Date