October 26, 2016
Board Members in Attendance: Manny Diaz, Preschous Hunlen, Gladys Leon, Dr. Paul Sick, Yonnie Slimmer, Ann Spottswood, Jerrold Sulcove, & Bob Thomas
Policy Council Liaison: Sandra Pardun
Staff in Attendance: Heather Diehl, Jessica Kreigline, Nicole Nicholson, & Elaine Snider
Board Members Not in Attendance: Kris Browne, Dale Bushey, Carolyn Clouser, & Dr. Linda Thomas Worthy
Manny Diaz called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.
Minutes: The minutes from September 2016 were reviewed (see attached). Dr. Paul Sick made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Gladys Leon seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
Financial Report: Elaine Snider gave the Financial Report (see attached packet). Ann Spottswood made a motion to accept the Financial Report from September 2016. Bob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously. Elaine stated that her goal is to have the budgets reworked so they are prepared for the next meeting. Currently the budgets are out of alignment due to Education Coordinators subbing in the classrooms. She announced that there is a new Family Advocate for Early Head Start so the volunteerism for EHS is increasing. Policy Council will be voting at their next meeting on the budget for the Parent Activity Fund. Ann Spottswood made a motion to accept the financial report. Bob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
Sequestration Plan: Elaine Snider explained the sequestration plan which came from the goals of the strategic plan. The criteria are the same as what was applied last school year; it is just officially written out. Bob Thomas made the motion to accept the Sequestration Plan. Gladys Leon seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
Human Resources:
Department of Labor: Proposal Exempt/Nonexempt: Nicole Nicholson presented the plan for the DOL Overtime rule. She explained that all staff will become nonexempt except the Executive Director, Deputy Director, and Curriculum and Environments Manager. Two of those positions are currently over the threshold and one would need to be increased to meet the threshold. The staff persons, who were exempt, will no longer be exempt but their job duties will remain the same. There was some discussion regarding overtime. Elaine Snider stated that there is a stringent overtime policy and that hours should be adjusted out over that week. Bob Thomas made the motion to accept the Department of Labor Proposal exempt/nonexempt. Gladys Leon seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
Wage Grade Revision: The HR/Finance committee made the recommendation that the Family Advocate position be broken up into levels. The Family Advocate I will require a High School Diploma and must obtain the Family Development Credential within 18 months of hire. This position will eventually be phased out.The Family Advocate II will require a Family Development Credential and be strongly encouraged to obtain a bachelor’s degree. The Family Advocate III will require a bachelor’s degree in Social Work or Human Development and Family Studies. The goal is to only have family service staff with a bachelor’s degree. Preschous Hunlen made a motion to accept the recommendation. Dr. Paul Sick seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.
HR Procedures: Nicole Nicholson presented the HR Procedures. Preschous Hunlen made a motion to accept the HR Procedures. Gladys Leon seconded the motion. The motion passes unanimously.Bob Thomas questioned how employees are educated on the HR Policies, Procedures and any changes. Nicole Nicholson explained that staff are trained at in-services and pre-services, or by e-learning. A highlight is often sent out to employees to inform them of procedure/policy changes. FCHS also sends out a monthly newsletter to employees. Manny Diaz requested that the newsletter be sent to the board as well.
Directors Report: Nicole Nicholson provided the Directors report (see attached packet). The Parent Teacher Events had 20% of parent attendance. The Classroom Coach has some good strong candidates; Gladys Leon has been helping in the interviews. The Bilingual Home visitor (HB3) is a recent hire so her percentage of attendance was lower than normal. Cindy Ash has been in contact with Ben Raber and trying to schedule a meeting to look at the space possibly suitable for Early Head Start. Manny Diaz commented how impressed he was with Cindy Ash and Nicole Nicholson’s ability to be out in the classrooms and community.
Eligibility Training: Heather Diehl provided the board members with Eligibility training (see attached packet). Bob Thomas suggested that numbers of homeless families, their attainment of services, and their progression is documented monthly in the monthly report to the board. The Selection Criteria meeting will be held January 19th. Heather Diehl will be sending the packet out to all board members.
HR/Finance committee reportManny Diaz/Dale Bushey
Manny Diaz stated that the HR/Finance Committee had an in-depth discussion regarding the length of time of the hiring process. The committee is looking at ways to streamline the process, but would be open to any help. Nicole Nicholson expressed that the FBI Fingerprinting Check seems to take the longest, usually two weeks but can take up to eight weeks. The HR Department has found that pre-employment physicals also seem to take up a large portion of the time in the hiring process. Gladys Leon shared that Chambersburg Area School District cannot accept clearances from individuals however they can accept them if they come from another district. Nicole Nicholson explained that the new Head Start Standards state that you must obtain the clearances but she is looking for clarification on what that means. She will be in contact with Jerrold Sulcove to review. In regards to pre-employment physicals, the HR/Finance Committee suggests that the organization pay for these physicals, due to being under budget because of turnover. The committee also stated that if FCHS is contracted with a doctor, the time it takes to have physicals completed will decline. Ann Spottswood suggested that FCHS reach out to Summit Occupational Health. She also suggested that the HR/Finance Committee look into drug testing for new hires. Nicole Nicholson shared that the HR Department wants to add pre-employment and random drug testing in the future.
Strategic Planning Committee Report
Nothing to report.
Nominating Committee Report
Nothing to report.
Health Services Advisory Committee Report
Gladys reported that the meeting held on Monday, October 24th went very well. Joann Cochran attended and had ideas about collaborating with Keystone to help complete screenings. Discussion was also held about potential future classroom space.
EHS Leadership Report
No report given.
Bob Thomas made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m. The next Board meeting will be held Friday, December 9th, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. at the Copper Kettle Restaurant.